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[Marauder] Thunderous blows cool downs

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Re: Thunderous blows cool downs

Post#31 » Tue Feb 07, 2017 4:51 am

Currently i believe brutality is somewhat behind savagery in terms of raw damage output and i think that seems wrong. Certainly that's what the marauder play style seems to indicate.

I am hoping that these changes wont push the mara into silly dps territory. But that is going to require testing to refine.

Balancing the mara is going to be a long task there's a lot to do. I;m already working on a monstro nerf as the survivability it provides is to much.

I suppose the ideal outcome is to split the marauder players down the middle in regards to which spec is better the current cookie cutter or newer more brute heavy build.
Khorlar, Thorvold, Sjohgar, Anareth, Toldavf, Hartwin, Gotrin and others -_-


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Re: Thunderous blows cool downs

Post#32 » Wed Feb 08, 2017 10:29 pm

1.) Switch touch of rot with touch of instability, up the damage slightly on only touch of rot.

This adds in very slightly more sustained damage in Brutality and gives a reason to swap to Brute besides the current only Guillotine/Impale midfight. I dont think I've *ever* gotten a kill with either abilities.

2.) Switch Debilitate (a debuff) with Rend (a single target damage ability) and up the damage tick of Rend by a measurable amount, as the current damage, even stacked three times, is practically negligible.

3.) Change Rend ticks increase every tick as it nears completion. Starting with very little damage, increasing to its maximum at the last tick.

Again giving an incentive to swap to Brute and focus on strictly damage a target instead of perma-debuffing mode.


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Re: Thunderous blows cool downs

Post#33 » Thu Feb 09, 2017 12:35 am

I think your suggestion would vastly improve mara's ability to back load damage.

I think that's something we should avoid as it conflicts with the burst dps archetype.
Khorlar, Thorvold, Sjohgar, Anareth, Toldavf, Hartwin, Gotrin and others -_-


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Re: Thunderous blows cool downs

Post#34 » Thu Feb 09, 2017 1:07 am

Im not sure I understand your post, as Marauders are not a burst class, seeing as the highest damage ability crits for 1.2k/10s CD on a properly debuffed target at, at the end of a rotation and only granted that the target is sub %50.

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Re: Thunderous blows cool downs

Post#35 » Thu Feb 09, 2017 1:19 am

I disagree guillotine hits allot harder than 1.2k ive got some 2k screen shots from rvr. While those are the exception rather than the rule 1.6k is allot more common vs the unprotected.
Khorlar, Thorvold, Sjohgar, Anareth, Toldavf, Hartwin, Gotrin and others -_-


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Re: Thunderous blows cool downs

Post#36 » Thu Feb 09, 2017 11:25 am

Hello, can i ask about one thing any clear target which Developers want to reach on Mara?
Piercing Bite repair - its ok, TB cooldown for 10s - ok too, but now i on Toldavf post i read that Monstro give to much survival.
So what is use from Mara, a target to a SW or flunkey with debuff?
Im ofc accept that RoR is not A WAR online, but this eternal fight for idealistic "balance" on obvious stagnation of entertainment, worried me a lot.
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Re: Thunderous blows cool downs

Post#37 » Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:23 pm

I've played marauder enough in RoR to certify that 1.2k damage on Guillotine is what to expect, on average on a

-non tank
-no guard
-no detaunt
-cutting clawed (-1520 armor)
-corrupted (-114 toughness)

when you have both Ferocious Assault AND Mutated Aggressor with Growing Instability up and running. Anything above this is going to be from a severely under-geared, low renown ranked player has rez sickness and has every debuff imaginable upon him, topping out at 1.55k damage... and from my understanding we're not looking at this or any class from a lowbie pug stomping standpoint. I am not asking for a buff for Guillotine, but you're really overstating it's effectiveness.

The issue, again, is that there is little sustained pressure a Marauder is able to apply upon switching out of debuff mode and into "damage" mode, if you don't kill your target with your first Guillotine and 1-2 Impales, due to the relatively low damage numbers thrown out by flail, rend, corruption and the fact that the Marauders biggest burst/finisher truly only hits for 1.2k. That's why Savagery remains the sustained pressure stance because although you aren't able to kill a target solely in Sav, you're a constant threat with all the debuffs, pull, KD, snare etc.

That's why I propose simply swapping Touch of Rot with instability, slightly upping the damage ticks on rot to better chip away at MDPS and placing Debilitate with Rend so as to place the debuff back in the debuff tree, and increasing the damage of Rend slightly in order to focus simply on applying DPS for up to and additional 3 GCDs, both building up to an eventual guillotine and giving the enemy healers time to cleanse the real danger the Marauder brings to the table- the aforementioned TB/CC/DC.

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Re: Thunderous blows cool downs

Post#38 » Sun Feb 12, 2017 7:01 pm

I would still refute your claim i can easy see around the 2k mark on squishies and 15-1600 on medium targets. Ive even seen 1100 on knights.
Khorlar, Thorvold, Sjohgar, Anareth, Toldavf, Hartwin, Gotrin and others -_-


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Re: Thunderous blows cool downs

Post#39 » Tue Feb 14, 2017 4:53 pm

Time to lock.

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