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Engie solo?

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Posts: 5

Engie solo?

Post#1 » Thu Sep 14, 2017 3:29 pm

Hello i'm new here, i'm lvling another character and I want to try the Engineer class as well.
I would like to know:

Is it possible to solo with this class on RoR? How is the situation for engi/solo in scenarios & oRvR?
Is it an hard class to master for solo perspective?
Will any mdps 1shot me? :lol:

I would also consider the idea to join the Bitterstone but I would like to solo half of the time as well.
I've heard here on RoR the engie is more viable than on live. I'm totally noob on this class so any tips will be appreciated!

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Re: Engie solo?

Post#2 » Thu Sep 14, 2017 4:01 pm

Engie solo in pve is really one of the easiest classes to find. In sc or open rvr you are solo not so great, for that there are bettet choices out there. In a wb environment its fun, really, but as pvp is often fast moving you will be falling behind if you look for dps numbers. Stationary or in siege its a lot better. For me its still my personal favorite class...and i tried most of them on both sides. If you want to join bt i would recommend to get to 16, thats not to difficult, and joun us on a tuesday or wednesday in formation. Or whisper me, lesti, drengk, or another online bt to get you in the right direction for joining. Please choose a dwarf name. See you out there.
Lorekeeper Noergl Morgrimsfind & Sgt.Maj.Finvjer Hugnirsson
(Co-leader of 3rd Bitterstone Thunderers)

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Re: Engie solo?

Post#3 » Thu Sep 14, 2017 4:04 pm

Tromm lad, have a look here in the complete Bitterstone Engineer Guide:


Solo Engi is great for killing NPCs, or trailing warbands and shooting stuff.
But it is not good to try some kind of WH or WE ganking destros who run solo throught the lakes. Or I havent heard of it.

If you want to join the Thunderers you can solo as much as you like.
But on Tuesday and Wednesday from 8pm Altdorftime till 10pm you are in the guild warband or offline. ;)

....and Noergl was already faster.

Posts: 5

Re: Engie solo?

Post#4 » Thu Sep 14, 2017 4:23 pm

Noergl wrote:Engie solo in pve is really one of the easiest classes to find. In sc or open rvr you are solo not so great, for that there are bettet choices out there. In a wb environment its fun, really, but as pvp is often fast moving you will be falling behind if you look for dps numbers. Stationary or in siege its a lot better. For me its still my personal favorite class...and i tried most of them on both sides. If you want to join bt i would recommend to get to 16, thats not to difficult, and joun us on a tuesday or wednesday in formation. Or whisper me, lesti, drengk, or another online bt to get you in the right direction for joining. Please choose a dwarf name. See you out there.
That's why I was thinking to roll one, it looks funny to play with! I've got my idea.
Glorian wrote:Tromm lad, have a look here in the complete Bitterstone Engineer Guide:


Solo Engi is great for killing NPCs, or trailing warbands and shooting stuff.
But it is not good to try some kind of WH or WE ganking destros who run solo throught the lakes. Or I havent heard of it.

If you want to join the Thunderers you can solo as much as you like.
But on Tuesday and Wednesday from 8pm Altdorftime till 10pm you are in the guild warband or offline. ;)

....and Noergl was already faster.
Actually Glorian I was reading your 'Armor Thinkerer' post and that build is really what I wanted to try, defensive engie with a nice healing skill! And then I decide to open this topic :mrgreen:
Thanks for the invite in guild, I need to reroll my engi with a proper name :lol:

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Re: Engie solo?

Post#5 » Thu Sep 14, 2017 4:42 pm

RDPS run this show and dominate RoR and thats not going to change anytime soon

No offense but along with SW and SH, engie is one of the easiest classes to do well with, so if you plan on playing solo like in scs and stuff you'll be fine

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Re: Engie solo?

Post#6 » Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:12 pm

TenTonHammer wrote:RDPS run this show and dominate RoR and thats not going to change anytime soon

No offense but along with SW and SH, engie is one of the easiest classes to do well with, so if you plan on playing solo like in scs and stuff you'll be fine
Not in the SCs I play. Good oldschool destro six man with 2 tanks, mara, choppa and two healers and you run through any rdps. :shock:

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Re: Engie solo?

Post#7 » Thu Sep 14, 2017 7:25 pm

Glorian wrote:
Not in the SCs I play. Good oldschool destro six man with 2 tanks, mara, choppa and two healers and you run through any rdps. :shock:
yeah but thats a premade right? and not really releateable to solo engi? as such a thing would not be in a pug sc? and due to the inehrent ranged advantes you will be in the back lines in orvr plinking and rifiting people to bomb them

even then with similar levels of grp support engie could do just as well, i still stand by my previous statements and the fact that RDPS well out perform mdps in the current state of the game

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Re: Engie solo?

Post#8 » Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:53 am

engi for solo roam/pve/pug sc is quite viable by using this spec ... ,3643,3648 using some kiting mech wich well oiled machine and you are fine
WE is your whorst nightmare so try to avoid them couse when they cought you your chances to survive are rly low so keep your discance
Against every mdps use your crackshot and keg with flame turret against squigs/sorc when they cought you offguard and try to drink some pots in order to survive
Also you rr points should be 20 at deft defender and if you are above rr 50 you can use Cleansing wing lvl 2/3 depends on your choise and flexibility
The rotation against squishy should be something like gun turret double dot gunblast focused fire and if it survives shot a hipshot for the lasthit and you will be fine
Tsourkas the sexy engineer

Posts: 5

Re: Engie solo?

Post#9 » Wed Sep 20, 2017 4:58 pm

jimmysp wrote:engi for solo roam/pve/pug sc is quite viable by using this spec ... ,3643,3648 using some kiting mech wich well oiled machine and you are fine
WE is your whorst nightmare so try to avoid them couse when they cought you your chances to survive are rly low so keep your discance
Against every mdps use your crackshot and keg with flame turret against squigs/sorc when they cought you offguard and try to drink some pots in order to survive
Also you rr points should be 20 at deft defender and if you are above rr 50 you can use Cleansing wing lvl 2/3 depends on your choise and flexibility
The rotation against squishy should be something like gun turret double dot gunblast focused fire and if it survives shot a hipshot for the lasthit and you will be fine
Thanks guys for the answers. Got not much time to answer. Here I have some questions:

1) So for keg do you mean Bugman's Best? Sorry im new and i dont understand everything about the short-names of the skills.
2) Why should I use flame tourret against mdps? and gun-tourret against ranged
3) What build/renown should I follow for leveling? I'm just lvl 15 :) but having fun!

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Re: Engie solo?

Post#10 » Wed Sep 20, 2017 5:03 pm

this game is horribly unbalanced in 1v1. engi is a nice pve solo but in rvr u are at best pathetic. a enemy dps can 3shot you no matter what you do. if you wanna be mor tanks get the right path (tinkerer) but do never hope to kill 1v1 a witch elf or marauder or chops who got some brain or gear.

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