[Zealot] Chaotic Agitation restored to Live version

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[Zealot] Chaotic Agitation restored to Live version

Post#1 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 10:38 pm

-Cross posted from Zealot forum-

First let me say how much I appreciate the folks who brought this game back to life. They have done a wonderful job and I very much approve of most of the changes.

After all these years since Live I have most been craving to play my DPS Zealot again because it was the most challenging toon I encountered and also the most viscerally fun to play. As soon as I downloaded ROR I got right to work obsessively leveling another DPS Zealot. When I finally got to the level I needed to for the abilities to make it work, I quickly became disappointed that the mainstay of the build is effectively broken, making any attempt at a DPS zealot quite pointless.

Chaotic Agitation is suffering from 3 main problems compared to the Live version. While I have a minor complaint about the change in disruption, it is livable and I understand why it was done so that isn't one of the 3. They are:

1. Chaotic Agitation no longer follows targets out of range. It has a range of 80ft which means you have to be well within range of true RDPS to use it, it is hard to get angle in sieges and 80ft is almost uncomfortably close to melee when using it. Plus it had to be channeled so you stand there like a dope and can be interrupted. Most times in ROR when I use Agitation the target moves 5ft and is out of range and the channeling stops with me only having gotten 1 or 2 ticks in out of the 4. This is especially problematic in big seesawing warband battles. Run up and wait for the cooldown to try again.

2. Chaotic Agitation is now halted on loss of line of sight. At Live if you got the initial cast off it followed the target around like a mean little lightning cloud. In ROR when I use it, it constantly gets broken by the target moving partially behind a rock and even yes, the flags in scenarios break it (this is exceptionally frustrating). Following the target out of LOS made up for the fact it wasn't frontloaded damage, it was basically a channeled aoe dot. It also made it the one useful ability we had for sieges (aside from weak heals) provided you could get an angle on someone.

3. Chaotic Agitation at Live would still do the aoe damage to other nearby targets even if the main target blocked/disrupted the tick. Now in ROR when my main target blocks/disrupts the tick, no one else gets hit. This, coupled with increased disrupt in ROR, is crippling the damage output of this ability.

Combine all 3 of these issues and Chaotic Agitation is just about useless and so with it is the DPS Zealot. You practically never get the 4 full ticks on a target due to LOS and range interrupts and the couple of ticks you do get, one will be disrupted doing no damage to anyone. I beg of you, for the love of Tzeentch and us small cadre of DPS Zealots, restore Chaotic Agitation to its Live functionality.

Posts: 2524

Re: [Zealot] Chaotic Agitation restored to Live version

Post#2 » Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:08 pm

I understand your concerns, but these are pretty consistent combat mechanics across all channeled abilities. I can't see them being changed, so it's likely better to create a proposal to make Chaotic Agitation better in some other form, rather than as an exception to combat rules. Declining unless overruled.
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