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[KOBS] Sunfury

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[KOBS] Sunfury

Post#1 » Sun Sep 30, 2018 5:26 pm


1-it play with the CD of kobs additional interrupt which assuming 2 diff cases it would end in a bad way due either being way too good (too short cd for a interrupt) or too bad as now since it reduces it too low (in this case of 1 sec) so that there is no really a difference on it. Generally speaking with caster alway suffering from melee train even if it was reduced ok-ish for a tactic i see this extremly wrong, for not talk about on caster alredy disoriented or double heal debuffed considering you can also use taunt for interrupt).

2-the other effect increase shield of the sun dmg but that skill dont have any valuable use other than be used and forgotten just to add 1 tick of dmg on 1 person in the zerg (or when soloing) or screen vigilance from shatter. The skill was fixed to have an internal CD some month ago so this tactic in the end work around a thing not of any use .


rework sunfury
the tactic will now do "Deataunts are dispelled automatically when applied to you", similar to BG one (lorewise the glory awaits and dont bother about you XD) , which i think it can became a good asset for the class while not being too good due the mastery disposition


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