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Experience proposal

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Posts: 55

Experience proposal

Post#1 » Thu Dec 27, 2018 5:23 pm

I have a proposal regarding Experience. Now, let me start off by saying respectively there is NOTHING wrong with XP in this game if you know how to mix PVE with PVP, i was able to mindlessly grind my SW from 31 to 40 in 9 hours of mixing killing spiders in Thunder Mountain and Scenarios. But, when i dont mind that, i bring a solution to enable both PVE and being able to reap rewards from Teir influences such in Chapters (Doing PQ's). My proposal has two parts.

Part One: **A variant of this is in the works per Hargrim**
Debolster. An optional debolster effect while not RVR flagged so higher teir characters can lower their levels to help guildies , friends complete PQ's and the chapter awards along with it. This game does have quite a close community if you really look close, theres always someone to help. A debolster effect so players of a higher caliber can assist players lower level in the questing or leveling journey really could prove positive for the community. This ties into the second part:

Part Two: **No response on this part as of yet**
Providing bonus experience upon completion of PQ's, OR BONUS XP ON COMPLETION OF THE CHAPTER INFLUENCE. What this basically means is awarding bonus experience upon actually completing the PQ (Contribution required of course) and the xp bonus going up along with difficulty. For instance, an Easy PQ would not reward as much as a Hard PQ of course. I can imagine a 35-50k bonus xp for completeing a hard CH 21 PQ would be sufficient. OR you can not have rewards on the actual PQ completion, but make a big XP contribution for completing an influence chapter. For instance if you complete a full chapter 21 influence, gain a bonus 100k xp (adaptive for lower levels)

I feel that this would not only enhance the PVE aspect in this game and PQ's, but this would also allow players to experience some of the world areas they never see (In example, travelling to PQ'S they never thought to do to reap rewards / xp) and see a different side of the game. Because, being completely honest, looking at some of the zones and PQ areas are quite impressive in this game, something a lot of players never see due to the fact that its just not worth it to do in the game early on.

I really hope you seriously consider this proposal! Thank you for your time. :)

If at all possible, please let me know if this is being considered or not!
Last edited by Goldenbow100 on Thu Dec 27, 2018 9:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Posts: 2465

Re: Experience proposal

Post#2 » Thu Dec 27, 2018 8:48 pm

Goldenbow100 wrote: Thu Dec 27, 2018 5:23 pm Part One:
Debolster. An optional debolster effect while not RVR flagged so higher teir characters can lower their levels to help guildies , friends complete PQ's and the chapter awards along with it. This game does have quite a close community if you really look close, theres always someone to help. A debolster effect so players of a higher caliber can assist players lower level in the questing or leveling journey really could prove positive for the community. This ties into the second part:

A variant of this is in the works.

Posts: 2524

Re: Experience proposal

Post#3 » Fri Dec 28, 2018 3:50 am

Not a balance proposal. Locking.
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