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Posts: 1


Post#1 » Sat May 18, 2019 1:46 am

Okay, after skaving for a bit, I want to jump in!

First of all - this is amazing, and a significant achievement the devs, and community, have done so far.

My name is Guiscard, and I'll be joining the empire's finest in the frontlines shortly.

couple questions - (writing from a phone w/ limited internet for the next week..)

1. how was the IP handled? the code source? Im sure this has all been asked, if you could kindly redirect me to the posts i can check it when in range tomorrow.

2. Also link the patreon/$$$ - the original game got me through tough times as an undergrad and I made great friends, who I still talk to this day. I'd happily support this project.

3. When are you going to introduce Age of Sigmar characters? /s

Super appreciative - looks like a fine community, and stellar devs!

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Re: Greetings!

Post#2 » Sat May 18, 2019 2:32 am

Can’t awnser question 1

Question 2: there is no way to give money to the devs and the devs refuse all donations this is because the devs cannot profit from this project in any way or the chance of this server shutting via cease and desist increases immensely

Question 3: we don’t talk about age of sigma here

In reality the chance is almost nill, the devs are focused on recreating the game as it was with some tweaks, fixes and improvements

Age of sigma is a whole another universe that’s in complete contrast with the AoR universe and the negativity that would be generated from the player base by the inclusion of the AoS content is not worth it

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Posts: 2

Re: Greetings!

Post#3 » Thu May 30, 2019 12:06 pm

welcome, we are glad to see you here!

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