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For Forts Sake Not Again

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For Forts Sake Not Again

Post#1 » Sun Jul 14, 2019 1:03 pm

It is abundantly clear that when 2 forts open up strong chance it will crash. Not blaming anyone for it but game doesnt seem to like having 2 running at the same time. Code may be able to be fixed but i have done my fair share of forts and the 2 fort scenario I always expect to go badly.

People suggestions appreciated i feel one fort open should be enough. Stop another from becoming available till first one is finished. If this is viable that you can prevent another while one in running i think it could be a solution.

As ive said before this is alpha its work in progress. We have to put up with these things to get the polished article. We all remember the Super Lords they were a nightmare but now its working as it should. Patience im sure you are working hard to find solutions and giving youre own free time to do so. Which i appreciate the amount of hours ive spent in this game is frankly ridiculous because i think Warhammer is the best pvp mmo ever made.

Thank you for making a wonderful product be reborn and plz dont whine and moan when something doesnt work first time. Im optomistic that it will come good.

Posts: 178

Re: For Forts Sake Not Again

Post#2 » Sun Jul 14, 2019 1:08 pm

Dude... that was not happening before yesterday's patch....
We run 2 forts at the same time over and over again. The last patch "fixing" the "exploit" broke the game.

Use a strategic aproach to defend both forts, dont try to make the devs defend the forts for you with patches....
Gitbane 81RR Choppa, proud guild master of Wispers of Mutiny
Gitbaner 77RR Chosen, tankier version of Gitbane
Gitbaneous 80RR sorc, heavy and tanky bomber mode.
Ethilia 84RR SW (too much nerf, RIP :()
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Re: For Forts Sake Not Again

Post#3 » Sun Jul 14, 2019 1:12 pm

jasonX wrote: Sun Jul 14, 2019 1:08 pm Dude... that was not happening before yesterday's patch....
We run 2 forts at the same time over and over again. The last patch "fixing" the "exploit" broke the game.

Use a strategic aproach to defend both, dont try to make the devs defend the forts for you with patches....
Why do you insist on not recognizing there was an issue with a population problem relative to the ratio of players allowed in a fort instance? You know what the issue was; why do you act like it was not happening? Is it because you started the strategy and you have been called out for it being a crappy way to "EXPLOIT" something that was broken?

Sure the "FIX" has not been pulled out of a hat and implemented with the twinkle of a nose.... Stop being such a tool!
Last edited by Dackle on Sun Jul 14, 2019 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: For Forts Sake Not Again

Post#4 » Sun Jul 14, 2019 1:17 pm

How typical that the crashes would happen during our weekly Bastion Stair run, too =D

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Re: For Forts Sake Not Again

Post#5 » Sun Jul 14, 2019 1:21 pm

This forts crashes really damaging to server reputation and population progress.. Need to do something with stability of the server or need some hard optimization dont know, what is real happening is people sick of it, some of people i know just leaving project becouse of time and spending a lot of mentaly resources to get into that forts
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Re: For Forts Sake Not Again

Post#6 » Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:01 pm

Dackle wrote: Sun Jul 14, 2019 1:12 pm
Why do you insist on not recognizing there was an issue with a population problem relative to the ratio that is allowed in a fort instance? You know what the issue was; why do you act like it was not happening? Is it because you started the strategy and you have been called out for it being a crappy way to "EXPLOIT" something that was broken?

Sure the "FIX" has not been pulled out of a hat and implemented with the twinkle of a nose.... Stop being such a tool!
Well what I believe is that either being the winning or loosing side at forts you should get rewards regarding your contribution. The incentives for people not going afk in a fort are not strong enough.
Kills, heals, flag caps, lord tanking incoming damage and final winning side should be the parameters for the rewards.

As WoM+friends we dont fight primarily for the rewards we fight to have fun and achieve the final objective, lock 2 pairings. We as a guild and are currently training on for the upcoming City etc and we are aligning the destro faction towards the tactics and strategies required. I did not come up with this strategy a week ago. This strategy was first implemented by our alliance on the Live server 10 years ago (Ok i came up with it back then but still its not new :)). If you played back then you should definitely know it.
Moreover, we did not implement this strategy cuz we knew that order could not hop between forts due to a bug. We implemented it as part of a greater strategic goal. Now for you to expect that we will hold back and not push forts because the game is bugged is in the least naive. Better try to fix the portal bug allowing defenders to jump between forts and not break the game.... That would be the best aproach.
Gitbane 81RR Choppa, proud guild master of Wispers of Mutiny
Gitbaner 77RR Chosen, tankier version of Gitbane
Gitbaneous 80RR sorc, heavy and tanky bomber mode.
Ethilia 84RR SW (too much nerf, RIP :()
Gitbaneus 81rr BW
Gitbone 77rr Slayer

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Re: For Forts Sake Not Again

Post#7 » Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:02 pm

The crashes are real, can we just disable Forts or something until it's fixed? Ugh :(

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Re: For Forts Sake Not Again

Post#8 » Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:10 pm

No-one wants to spend any more time in forts getting kicked out with no reward.

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Re: For Forts Sake Not Again

Post#9 » Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:21 pm

problems are lords

1-when in a fight at keep lord /fortress lord tab/untab lord show a difference in client stability;

2-wtf part would also be server should always send data to client then why it change so much when lord is tab / meanwhile get lag free while lord is untab...

3-both time crash ppl where hitting lord pretty much the server was stress by sending info regarding 2x lords.

4-only keep/fort lords have these problems , aka it's something on the "handler" or their code anyway?

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Re: For Forts Sake Not Again

Post#10 » Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:25 pm

the issues with stability right now is not fort themselves but the fact that we force a garbage collection on zone locks to not have the server crash when it fills on memory. However we have some issues with the GC process which we are experimenting with to solve.

EDIT: as a reference the client disconnect today at fort conclusion (that did not crash server) was down to GC taking more then 4x the time it should take to finish.

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