City Siege Test 15/12/2019

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Re: City Siege Test 15/12/2019

Post#11 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 1:07 am

Thanks guys for testing. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by bugs but I will be working on fixing them for the next test.
Max Hayman

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Re: City Siege Test 15/12/2019

Post#12 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 1:08 am

I don't know how the city siege went. I could not get in because there were only 2 or 3 instances I believe. Instead I had to go into one of the city SC's. Really horrible idea folks.

Here are my problems
1. You have to drop WB to get in, so the whole concept of WB to WB is gone. You take the time to form a wb before city, get tanks, get heals, and dps, but it is for nothing because in the SC's, first come first serve, and half your wb gets into a different sc than you.

2. Quieter Debuff; Just get rid of it. Useless for city, and has no place in it. You have provided an awesome game, on a server that is prone to crashing people. (Yes, I know not your fault, not blaming you, Dev team doing best it can with their own money.)
Still does not remove the fact that people crash. Hell, I got kicked to char screen twice in Elf fort this morning, as did others. We lost fort because of it.

So a quitter debuff right now, on this server, for city siege has to be removed. Yes, I know it opens it up to sc jumping, but it is what it is.

SOLUTION IDEA for both problems
Go back to the spawning a new city instance when the previous one is full. Get rid of the whole SC idea, this way all wb's can get in as a war band. The 36v36 model works, and people not in a wb, can fill in the rest of the spots.

OTHER suggestions;
The addition of tents and other things to be burned at Emperor's circle creates multiple points for players to become STUCK. Only solution is to hit /stuck twice and port out.... oh wait... quitter debuff!!! See what I mean?

I got stuck, and ported out and just gave up and went to watch Top Chef on Hulu!
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Re: City Siege Test 15/12/2019

Post#13 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 10:20 am

Champions in stages 2 and 3 seem to be too squishy. NPC champs dying too fast if zerged, and order champs in stage 3 recieve increased damage. For example, I hit a runie champ with Infernal Wave for 2300, and I wasn't even a champion.
Also, people from other instances were saying about being rifted through the warcamp barriers.
Shogun, Zama, Mashka, Antifreeze, Alcotester

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Re: City Siege Test 15/12/2019

Post#14 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 5:04 pm

Thank you for all your work on the project.
Our biggest issue was quitter debuff on people who had dc'd from the game. We ended up with 3 healers less and nobody joined the mirror as well. The problem is if we bring a premade there must be a possibility to bring your people in at once or not go in at all.

Second issue for me as a warband leader was a sc group UI. If we will have 36 people inside and 12 of them aren't from our warband it would make group shorting close to impossible give the fact that not everybody who plays RoR can understand written English.

On the siege it self -
1) We lost first stage to unknown bug. It had ended 14 minutes earlier. Before we captured library or docs.
2) Second stage was okay. Hero's were patrolling the capital. We fought order and killed two enemy heroes. Then we were able to escort our hero to the gates.
3) Third stage bugged out. Our general didn't move and we couldn't come through the barrier. It stuck on 0 seconds of prepare phase.

In general I believe that the scenario interface and inability to rejoin your mirror if you've crashed/dc'd is a huge problem right now.

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Re: City Siege Test 15/12/2019

Post#15 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 6:28 pm

I won t tell about the bugs which were many. I ll just say that was the most boring 1 hr of my life in RoR!!!
~ Hythonia Sorc rr83 ~
~ Nolofinwe SM rr80 ~

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Re: City Siege Test 15/12/2019

Post#16 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 7:21 pm

nolofinwe1991 wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 6:28 pm I won t tell about the bugs which were many. I ll just say that was the most boring 1 hr of my life in RoR!!!
Good and valuable feedback, thank you.
Dying is no option.

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Re: City Siege Test 15/12/2019

Post#17 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 7:29 pm

Altdorf 15th dec.

Alot of confusion about where to actually queue, ended up standing in reikwald at the Altdorf gate where the attackers were supposed to queue, but as defenders and as a result got spawn camped for 15mins after Max nuked us, lol. Might want to remove that spawn point for defenders to the Western camp with all the NPCS (same for IC and The Maw)

- ALOT of UI issues. Reload UI fixed some of it, but that adds the issue of crashing and getting quitter.
- Having the instances only being 24v24 and not 36v36 makes the parties alittle easier to solve when inside. Maybe make it so you are assigned in the groups you are queued as in a warban before loading inside.
- Some players didnt have the grey-button showing next to the minimap to see scenario groups. Had to spend time enabling this setting. Same for VenyUI users not having objective window showing for citysiege.
- Our instance destro won 5flags during stage1 before we entered and were ready, and turned the situation around. But due to Git+catapults+lord of change not damaging gate we never finished stage1 before test ended. (Assumed hotfixed)
- Lord summoned from Lib seemed really really squishy, like a Catapult git was ten times thougher.

Heroic Defender buff seems like really not needed for these instances, giving out free morale rate, ap regain and other good stats for endgame is really not desired from our guilds point of view, we want to fight win or lose with what we bring not based on random buffs please.

IC 15th dec.
It was super late here in EU pass midnight so I didnt stay as we entered an instance with not a single Order tank (happends) so I left my instance as there was not really much testing to see apart from the inside of the respawn point. However watching the Zarbix VOD from his instance alot more data was provided:
- Stage1 flawless and no noteworthy issues (hotfix worked for the NPCs to destroy the gate) still need to see it in altdorf to confirm it.
- Stage2 Sundragon was showing as Friendly for Destro, and two people had the buff to summon it. Also it was attacking players instead of going to the gate. Order NPCs succesfull walked the path to the gate.
- Stage3 Ranged DPS player champion didnt get assigned for Order. Also not sure if 1 of each archtype is working (should it be one of each?)

overall, IC seemd good. Altdorf needs atleast one more round of testing to confirm the hotfix for stage1 works. Maybe add a test where cowpie bags are rewarded to test reward system and contribution?
UI and Crashes are the biggest issues right now. Locking you to the instance you are inside in case of crashes might solve this if possible?

( special appology to Iconic who would have loved to farm me in that instance but I was there for testing not to get spawn, we can do that when this thing is bugfree and goes live <3 )
Bombling 92BW - Bombthebuilder 82Engi - Bombing 82SL - Bling 81Kobs - Orderling 80WP - Jackinabox 67WH
Gombling 85mSH- Chopling 83Chop - Notbombling 82Sorc - Powerhouse 81Zeal - Goldbag 80Mara - Smurfling 75Sham -Blobling 66BO

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Re: City Siege Test 15/12/2019

Post#18 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 8:12 pm

wonshot wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 7:29 pm Altdorf 15th dec.

Alot of confusion about where to actually queue, ended up standing in reikwald at the Altdorf gate where the attackers were supposed to queue, but as defenders and as a result got spawn camped for 15mins after Max nuked us, lol. Might want to remove that spawn point for defenders to the Western camp with all the NPCS (same for IC and The Maw)

- ALOT of UI issues. Reload UI fixed some of it, but that adds the issue of crashing and getting quitter.
- Having the instances only being 24v24 and not 36v36 makes the parties alittle easier to solve when inside. Maybe make it so you are assigned in the groups you are queued as in a warban before loading inside.
- Some players didnt have the grey-button showing next to the minimap to see scenario groups. Had to spend time enabling this setting. Same for VenyUI users not having objective window showing for citysiege.
- Our instance destro won 5flags during stage1 before we entered and were ready, and turned the situation around. But due to Git+catapults+lord of change not damaging gate we never finished stage1 before test ended. (Assumed hotfixed)
- Lord summoned from Lib seemed really really squishy, like a Catapult git was ten times thougher.

Heroic Defender buff seems like really not needed for these instances, giving out free morale rate, ap regain and other good stats for endgame is really not desired from our guilds point of view, we want to fight win or lose with what we bring not based on random buffs please.

IC 15th dec.
It was super late here in EU pass midnight so I didnt stay as we entered an instance with not a single Order tank (happends) so I left my instance as there was not really much testing to see apart from the inside of the respawn point. However watching the Zarbix VOD from his instance alot more data was provided:
- Stage1 flawless and no noteworthy issues (hotfix worked for the NPCs to destroy the gate) still need to see it in altdorf to confirm it.
- Stage2 Sundragon was showing as Friendly for Destro, and two people had the buff to summon it. Also it was attacking players instead of going to the gate. Order NPCs succesfull walked the path to the gate.
- Stage3 Ranged DPS player champion didnt get assigned for Order. Also not sure if 1 of each archtype is working (should it be one of each?)

overall, IC seemd good. Altdorf needs atleast one more round of testing to confirm the hotfix for stage1 works. Maybe add a test where cowpie bags are rewarded to test reward system and contribution?
UI and Crashes are the biggest issues right now. Locking you to the instance you are inside in case of crashes might solve this if possible?

( special appology to Iconic who would have loved to farm me in that instance but I was there for testing not to get spawn, we can do that when this thing is bugfree and goes live <3 )
This is a prime example why wbs should not Q for city. It was a few ICONIC members, and couple random groups and bombling still left the city intance when we defeated him countless times.

WHY WOULD A PUG GROUP STAY IN A INSTANCE AGAINST A WB PREMADE, when people are already leaving vs a fraction of its size.
(again unless there is wb v wb fights only.

Not to bring it up again, i just thought bombling leaving the city seige was ironic/laughable.

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Re: City Siege Test 15/12/2019

Post#19 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 8:53 pm

Unstoppable1776 wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 8:12 pm This is a prime example why wbs should not Q for city. It was a few ICONIC members, and couple random groups and bombling still left the city intance when we defeated him countless times.
"countless times" cute attempt to create lies to make me look bad lol, i thourght you were better than this. I had one killing blow one death when I left the instance to check out zarbix stream on my phone in bed.
laugh all you want, i didnt do the city instances for bragging rights or glory, i did them to get data to provide to help push this content get ready.

Fact is that order didnt have a single tank, i tried to type a few times in the scenario chat but didnt get any respons and wanted to call it and go to bed. Had this been with a fully functional citysiege i would just not get loot, and then the system works since im locke to that instance and cant queue for an other instance. so whats the issue? The system will punish people for being unorganized, isnt that something you can support being in an organized guild/group just in scenarios, as punishing unorganized groups will potentially force people to put in more effort and therefor we get better battles when people try harder.

This is my feedback from last weeks test. Again with the approach to find as many bugs and feedback as possible, where as you just like now just look for quick drama and self boasting, where as I actually tried to help make this content ready and good:
Bombling 92BW - Bombthebuilder 82Engi - Bombing 82SL - Bling 81Kobs - Orderling 80WP - Jackinabox 67WH
Gombling 85mSH- Chopling 83Chop - Notbombling 82Sorc - Powerhouse 81Zeal - Goldbag 80Mara - Smurfling 75Sham -Blobling 66BO

Posts: 80

Re: City Siege Test 15/12/2019

Post#20 » Tue Dec 17, 2019 8:10 am

awww... belladona, belladona... we missed you so much... without you there isnt that many clowns to make fun of
im glad that you are back

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