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[KotBS] Builds

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Re: [KotBS] Builds

Post#31 » Mon Feb 03, 2020 3:23 am

Zxul wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:52 pm
Ototo wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:46 am
Zxul wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2020 3:13 am Numbers
No armor, weapons, or mastery points spend, 100 elemental damage. Your build 130 elemental damage. All out Assault base 99, your build 135.

Also I made a mistake the other day. I was meant to say Vigilance, but instead I said Perseverance. My fault.
To clarify, is it 130 dmg with Sunfury, and with enough points in tree for Heaven's Fury?

As for All out Assault, calculate how much str would it take to get same dmg boost, especially with kotb scaling. And add that it can't be parried/blocked, is aoe, and doesn't costs GCDs.
The exact same build that you theoricrafted. All off Assault! escalates nothing with strength, and as for On your Guard! I'm nearly sure that neither does. I'm 99'99% sure that auras only escalate with points in their respective mastery tress. Anyways, base strength at 40 of KotBS is 197. I have another 199 from gear. If I take out my gear they deal the same damage. No idea if anything changes from renown strength, and can't test it now, but I expect same results, unless that they escalate one point above an additional 253 that I managed to get using old gear with strength talis.

Hope this answer your questions.

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Re: [KotBS] Builds

Post#32 » Mon Feb 03, 2020 7:19 am

Ototo wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2020 3:23 am
Zxul wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:52 pm
Ototo wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:46 am

No armor, weapons, or mastery points spend, 100 elemental damage. Your build 130 elemental damage. All out Assault base 99, your build 135.

Also I made a mistake the other day. I was meant to say Vigilance, but instead I said Perseverance. My fault.
To clarify, is it 130 dmg with Sunfury, and with enough points in tree for Heaven's Fury?

As for All out Assault, calculate how much str would it take to get same dmg boost, especially with kotb scaling. And add that it can't be parried/blocked, is aoe, and doesn't costs GCDs.
The exact same build that you theoricrafted. All off Assault! escalates nothing with strength, and as for On your Guard! I'm nearly sure that neither does. I'm 99'99% sure that auras only escalate with points in their respective mastery tress. Anyways, base strength at 40 of KotBS is 197. I have another 199 from gear. If I take out my gear they deal the same damage. No idea if anything changes from renown strength, and can't test it now, but I expect same results, unless that they escalate one point above an additional 253 that I managed to get using old gear with strength talis.

Hope this answer your questions.
Auras only scale with points, which is why I asked about Shield of the Sun with Sunfury, and with enough points in tree for Heaven's Fury.

As for All out Assault, what I ment was that with kotb's low scaling it will take lot and lot of str to get the same dmg boost as kotb can get by running dmg aura.
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Re: [KotBS] Builds

Post#33 » Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:06 pm

Ototo wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2020 5:26 am Block is nice and so, but it only works in the frontal arc, so investments in Futile Strikes are more relevant and will make you more durable than simply stacking block. Let's not forget also that FS works even when you are CCed, and I'm looking at you, zealot players.

There are some other things that I would add, but instead gonna point out:
* Stacking points in the Glory tree to increase what? It's a nonsense and Focused Mending will always boost the same % no matter how many points you spend. Don't even try to tell me that is cause of the increased power of the aura, cause it's meaningless compared with any of the other choices missing there.
* No Escape instead of Raze is a HUGE mistake that will place your entire warband in danger during morale bombs.
* Picking the 2 tactics that you slotted and forcing Rugged later you are restricted to one tactic slot, and you still need to slot at least 2 tactics to be of use. If you seriously think that having only 1/2 of the time your top defenses will be less useful than 5% healing crit, you are delusional or crossed the line of level 40/40 way too much time ago to even remember. Dirty Tricks is not that good, and places the burden of a suboptimal healing or DPS spec in the tactics of the tank, that has to give away part of its survivability for it. I know this ****: Healer and tank are by far my 2 most played archetypes. If you think everyone else build is trash, you can slot it.
* Let's not forget that you also added Gilded Shield, so zero tactic slots.
* In nearly every possible situation, your healers are better if you run Bellow Commands and give then extra AP so they can heal more comfortably.
* In the same line, Banish Darkness is a ton more useful for DPS, allowing you to punt away the guard bot and do full damage to your target, or punting away healers out of the healing range.
* In the moments that those 2 are not the best pick, Sun Blessing is a lot more powerful and will allow you to stay alive CCing and supporting with your guard for more time.
* Now's Our Chance is trash except in Forts. In every other situation, if you are in range of a caster class for it to take effect, the caster is not casting anything but moving and using instant casts. It's a very rare occurrence that a caster ignores an aura tank. It's suicidal, and I know what I speak of. In Forts it's a completely different story, and more often than not a game changing debuff.
This post is insulting because you place words in my mouth AND assume I don't do my research/wouldnt play my own builds in the field and actual rvr. passages marked in RED
I playtested the build speccing down to 40/40 renown with my old ruingear, winds impervious, green cloak, green 4th jewel,
and [Shieldbearer's Heater of Solemnity][Sentry's Sword of Solemnity] and the survivability was good enough to not be spiked, a couple initiative and wounds talis are required though to have a nice spread of stats since ruin is more armor/toughness focused. OFC a high gear high renown knight has alot more tank.

Now to the actual science on why and how you are wrong:

These are the builds you spec and thus recommend to other players:
Ototo wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2020 2:36 am
I'm respeccing mostly like this:
* Forts really need shield and high disrupt. No point in saying otherwise.
* Keep Defense, or turtle in general.
* Swiss Knife for my play style. Flexible for WB, scenario/small scale, PvE. As long as I adjust the auras correctly to the situation, it allows for 2h and SnB.
* Ultra-turtle, which may have its uses still, but I really miss Banish Darkness here so I barely spec this.
In every mentioned spec you slot "Sun's Blessing"

In a direct answer to my build suggestion you also claim the following:
* Stacking points in the Glory tree to increase what? It's a nonsense and Focused Mending will always boost the same % no matter how many points you spend. Don't even try to tell me that is cause of the increased power of the aura, cause it's meaningless compared with any of the other choices missing there.
Now please examine the following examples:
Armor potion/wp armor buff does NOT stack with perserverance. leaving you with 7,5% physical migitation before any armor pen calculation.
Your typical choppa has a armor pen ranging from 40-70%, marauder gets a no investment tactic that allows him to have 50% pen on all of his mutation attacks.
So that leaves you with 3-4% migitation from physical attacks at best, realistically at 2-3% and it's still an active ability without 100% uptime. Also this affects only YOUR survivability.

On the other hand you have magic resitances. Every mastery point you go up in the glory tree gives you roughly 0,5-0,6 % magic migitation.
So instead of going only 7 or 9 points in the glory tree it is actually efficient to spend any leftover points into that tree, because this migitation is a GROUP buff.
The added survivability would already break even if it was only a selfbuff, but it's a GROUP buff.

There is a massive difference between stacking a stat against a percentual striketrough (armorpen) and stacking a stat against a flat reduction (residebuff).
Resi soft cap is at 40% with 680ish resistance, add 150-180 permanent debuff from an enemy chosen and you need roughly 830 resistance to be at the softcap.
And I doubt I really doubt that any healer or dps reaches or even comes close to that kind of value with a scuffed resistance aura because their knight only went to grab focused mending or heavens fury.

Which of those 2 build decisions is the actual nonsense now?

(I know vigilance is a cool ability but it is not really needed since pumping up the survivability of your dps should be your main focus in wb play)

Next Chapter, Dirty tricks
Dirty Tricks is not that good, and places the burden of a suboptimal healing or DPS spec in the tactics of the tank, that has to give away part of its survivability for it. I know this ****: Healer and tank are by far my 2 most played archetypes.
Now this is where the clowncar starts, If you take a typical 2-2-2 team you pass out 4x5% effective crit across your grp, not counting the 2nd tank ofc.
That is a value of whoppin 60! renown points spread across the grp.
In addition healers like runepriest and archmage have tactics like "restorative burst" "wild healing" "Blessing of Grungni" which all proc from critical direct heals.
This makes clutch healing under focused mind m2 more relieable (aoe healspam is ap heavy, better procs on ap regen/refund tactic) and more effective (more relieable blessing of grungni procs).

A tactic with the effective value of 2 tactics (critmodifying tactics are blanced around 10% value, see mara,sw,chosen,dok,wp,am,sham)
in a stat dps/healers want to get their hits/heals overcharged,.... "IT'S NOT THAT GOOD"

ps.: that being said Suns blessing is a decent tactic for reflect/halfafk farming trashmobs for butcher/scavenger if you combine it with On your guard and all out assault

e: formatting, typo

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Re: [KotBS] Builds

Post#34 » Thu Feb 13, 2020 7:50 pm

Marawo wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:06 pm
Ototo wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2020 5:26 am Block is nice and so, but it only works in the frontal arc, so investments in Futile Strikes are more relevant and will make you more durable than simply stacking block. Let's not forget also that FS works even when you are CCed, and I'm looking at you, zealot players.

There are some other things that I would add, but instead gonna point out:
* Stacking points in the Glory tree to increase what? It's a nonsense and Focused Mending will always boost the same % no matter how many points you spend. Don't even try to tell me that is cause of the increased power of the aura, cause it's meaningless compared with any of the other choices missing there.
* No Escape instead of Raze is a HUGE mistake that will place your entire warband in danger during morale bombs.
* Picking the 2 tactics that you slotted and forcing Rugged later you are restricted to one tactic slot, and you still need to slot at least 2 tactics to be of use. If you seriously think that having only 1/2 of the time your top defenses will be less useful than 5% healing crit, you are delusional or crossed the line of level 40/40 way too much time ago to even remember. Dirty Tricks is not that good, and places the burden of a suboptimal healing or DPS spec in the tactics of the tank, that has to give away part of its survivability for it. I know this ****: Healer and tank are by far my 2 most played archetypes. If you think everyone else build is trash, you can slot it.
* Let's not forget that you also added Gilded Shield, so zero tactic slots.
* In nearly every possible situation, your healers are better if you run Bellow Commands and give then extra AP so they can heal more comfortably.
* In the same line, Banish Darkness is a ton more useful for DPS, allowing you to punt away the guard bot and do full damage to your target, or punting away healers out of the healing range.
* In the moments that those 2 are not the best pick, Sun Blessing is a lot more powerful and will allow you to stay alive CCing and supporting with your guard for more time.
* Now's Our Chance is trash except in Forts. In every other situation, if you are in range of a caster class for it to take effect, the caster is not casting anything but moving and using instant casts. It's a very rare occurrence that a caster ignores an aura tank. It's suicidal, and I know what I speak of. In Forts it's a completely different story, and more often than not a game changing debuff.
This post is insulting because you place words in my mouth AND assume I don't do my research/wouldnt play my own builds in the field and actual rvr. passages marked in RED
I playtested the build speccing down to 40/40 renown with my old ruingear, winds impervious, green cloak, green 4th jewel,
and [Shieldbearer's Heater of Solemnity][Sentry's Sword of Solemnity] and the survivability was good enough to not be spiked, a couple initiative and wounds talis are required though to have a nice spread of stats since ruin is more armor/toughness focused. OFC a high gear high renown knight has alot more tank.

Now to the actual science on why and how you are wrong:

These are the builds you spec and thus recommend to other players:
Ototo wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2020 2:36 am
I'm respeccing mostly like this:
* Forts really need shield and high disrupt. No point in saying otherwise.
* Keep Defense, or turtle in general.
* Swiss Knife for my play style. Flexible for WB, scenario/small scale, PvE. As long as I adjust the auras correctly to the situation, it allows for 2h and SnB.
* Ultra-turtle, which may have its uses still, but I really miss Banish Darkness here so I barely spec this.
In every mentioned spec you slot "Sun's Blessing"

In a direct answer to my build suggestion you also claim the following:
* Stacking points in the Glory tree to increase what? It's a nonsense and Focused Mending will always boost the same % no matter how many points you spend. Don't even try to tell me that is cause of the increased power of the aura, cause it's meaningless compared with any of the other choices missing there.
Now please examine the following examples:
Armor potion/wp armor buff does NOT stack with perserverance. leaving you with 7,5% physical migitation before any armor pen calculation.
Your typical choppa has a armor pen ranging from 40-70%, marauder gets a no investment tactic that allows him to have 50% pen on all of his mutation attacks.
So that leaves you with 3-4% migitation from physical attacks at best, realistically at 2-3% and it's still an active ability without 100% uptime. Also this affects only YOUR survivability.

On the other hand you have magic resitances. Every mastery point you go up in the glory tree gives you roughly 0,5-0,6 % magic migitation.
So instead of going only 7 or 9 points in the glory tree it is actually efficient to spend any leftover points into that tree, because this migitation is a GROUP buff.
The added survivability would already break even if it was only a selfbuff, but it's a GROUP buff.

There is a massive difference between stacking a stat against a percentual striketrough (armorpen) and stacking a stat against a flat reduction (residebuff).
Resi soft cap is at 40% with 680ish resistance, add 150-180 permanent debuff from an enemy chosen and you need roughly 830 resistance to be at the softcap.
And I doubt I really doubt that any healer or dps reaches or even comes close to that kind of value with a scuffed resistance aura because their knight only went to grab focused mending or heavens fury.

Which of those 2 build decisions is the actual nonsense now?

(I know vigilance is a cool ability but it is not really needed since pumping up the survivability of your dps should be your main focus in wb play)

Next Chapter, Dirty tricks
Dirty Tricks is not that good, and places the burden of a suboptimal healing or DPS spec in the tactics of the tank, that has to give away part of its survivability for it. I know this ****: Healer and tank are by far my 2 most played archetypes.
Now this is where the clowncar starts, If you take a typical 2-2-2 team you pass out 4x5% effective crit across your grp, not counting the 2nd tank ofc.
That is a value of whoppin 60! renown points spread across the grp.
In addition healers like runepriest and archmage have tactics like "restorative burst" "wild healing" "Blessing of Grungni" which all proc from critical direct heals.
This makes clutch healing under focused mind m2 more relieable (aoe healspam is ap heavy, better procs on ap regen/refund tactic) and more effective (more relieable blessing of grungni procs).

A tactic with the effective value of 2 tactics (critmodifying tactics are blanced around 10% value, see mara,sw,chosen,dok,wp,am,sham)
in a stat dps/healers want to get their hits/heals overcharged,.... "IT'S NOT THAT GOOD"

ps.: that being said Suns blessing is a decent tactic for reflect/halfafk farming trashmobs for butcher/scavenger if you combine it with On your guard and all out assault

e: formatting, typo
You don't address most important arguments there. Still no idea why the random points in a tree when most classes will have resists capped with a Garther your Resolve! that reach Focused Mending, still no idea why you consider that side tactics are the way to go, still no idea how you plan to build a true tank out it when the group utility has overcome the survivability, and last but not least, a real lack of direct experience with the class in the field, cause your main trouble with destro are physical attacks, their warbands barely, if ever, are magic bombs, instead building them around mSHs, Choppas and DPS BOrks. You may find the warband your build is designed to counter once in a full moon, while the rest of the time you will be facing heavy mele based groups that will make a lot more use of toughness to counter. Stand Strong! is arguably the only aura you never drop due to how heavy in mele destro is now, and the main reason why you prefer to scale the mid tree if you have spare points so you can buff your team survivability. Idk, maybe you tried to copy a Chosen aura or your experience is old, but in the field right now, that's in no way a tanky build, and will greatly hinder your KotBS players survivability in exchange for not much group utility, which in turn will mean that your guards will last less, and your lines also. You really need a different approach to current state of the classes balance. Magi and Sorcs are way rarer than any mele class, including SH in this group cause is a mele.

Let's agree in that we strongly disagree and move on. Was a nice reading about someone else experience though. Mine has been quite different.

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Re: [KotBS] Builds

Post#35 » Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:16 pm

Just want to say, despite the snark, this has been a good read to help me understand the class better.

Posts: 3

Re: [KotBS] Builds

Post#36 » Fri May 28, 2021 11:16 am

Thanks to others who have added their builds and discussed it.

I'm actually looking at running something completely different and tbh it does require testing, but it is essentially a reflect build.

The idea is to outlast your opponent by being tougher, however also reflecting the damage they deal back in some form. KOTBS has some good abilities to do this and can compliment your outgoing DPS.

So to do this I'm using where I am currently at which is RR60+. Using mix of Vanq/Invader to get the most stat wise and using the 2h weapon Fate of Tolya.

SS - Increases toughness
OYG - On melee hit reflects X amount of damage back every 2s (applies to your whole group).
SF - On defence gives you a small HoT, If ally defends and attack they get a small HoT

Focused mending - +15% incoming heals to your group
Emperor's ward - On being hit 25% chance to create a shield absorbing 375damage (can apply every 3seconds) - I find this more useful than Sigmars Favour (25% chance on direct heal to get 135hp)
Rugged - Extra 160 Toughness
Biting Blade - On delivering a critical hit, applies a DoT and reduces Parry chance by 5% - Needs testing to see if reflected damage can crit...

RR's are stacked into Parry, Dodge, Disrupt % and reduction in critical hits, any extra pumped into passive healing.

In essence the more I am hit, the more damage gets reflected back. Fate of Tolya has a 10% chance to steal 150hp from the enemy that hit you, no cooldown. Coupled with crowd control abilities such as heaven's fury, smashing counter and repel darkness I think it could be quite fun.
From what I have worked out so far....
Shield of the sun - Reflects around 140 damage on hit
OYG - reflects around 200 damage
Fate of Tolya - steals 150 life.

If biting blade tactic applies, that is extra Dot's going out and you're getting small HoT from SF.

Alternative equipment build is full invader and SnB as this gives a reflect ability with full invader on block. - Knight of the Blazing Sun

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Re: [KotBS] Builds

Post#37 » Fri May 28, 2021 1:29 pm

ohmtastic wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 11:16 am Thanks to others who have added their builds and discussed it.

I'm actually looking at running something completely different and tbh it does require testing, but it is essentially a reflect build.

The idea is to outlast your opponent by being tougher, however also reflecting the damage they deal back in some form. KOTBS has some good abilities to do this and can compliment your outgoing DPS.

So to do this I'm using where I am currently at which is RR60+. Using mix of Vanq/Invader to get the most stat wise and using the 2h weapon Fate of Tolya.

SS - Increases toughness
OYG - On melee hit reflects X amount of damage back every 2s (applies to your whole group).
SF - On defence gives you a small HoT, If ally defends and attack they get a small HoT

Focused mending - +15% incoming heals to your group
Emperor's ward - On being hit 25% chance to create a shield absorbing 375damage (can apply every 3seconds) - I find this more useful than Sigmars Favour (25% chance on direct heal to get 135hp)
Rugged - Extra 160 Toughness
Biting Blade - On delivering a critical hit, applies a DoT and reduces Parry chance by 5% - Needs testing to see if reflected damage can crit...

RR's are stacked into Parry, Dodge, Disrupt % and reduction in critical hits, any extra pumped into passive healing.

In essence the more I am hit, the more damage gets reflected back. Fate of Tolya has a 10% chance to steal 150hp from the enemy that hit you, no cooldown. Coupled with crowd control abilities such as heaven's fury, smashing counter and repel darkness I think it could be quite fun.
From what I have worked out so far....
Shield of the sun - Reflects around 140 damage on hit
OYG - reflects around 200 damage
Fate of Tolya - steals 150 life.

If biting blade tactic applies, that is extra Dot's going out and you're getting small HoT from SF.

Alternative equipment build is full invader and SnB as this gives a reflect ability with full invader on block. - Knight of the Blazing Sun
Reflect builds are a lot of fun but are only effective when playing solo or small scale because in most other game modes, you are not the primary target.

If you're looking to play in groups and using a 2h, it's better to go in conquest tree for the ctbc increaser tactic with Arcing Swing.

If you're looking to play solo or small scale, Runefang is a good option for it increases your survival and increases damage.

Suns blessing is a great tactic to keep up SoS for higher reflect damage.

In RvR it might feel like you're doing a lot of damage to the enemy, but most of it is fluff and does not actually contribute a lot to building pressure.

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Re: [KotBS] Builds

Post#38 » Fri May 28, 2021 5:36 pm

S&B build
tactics-Focused Mending and Dirty Tricks Are A MUST every shield knight should have these
personaly i use rugged and banish darkness can switch with aoe slow one but you lose the only reason a knight can punt and for it to be impactful

in left tree get AP aura A must
in mid tree get dirty tricks and smashing counter
in right tree get focused mending can get anti heal aura but not needed most of the time and AoE root but you are new and dont know the good time to use it so dont get it yet

for renown choices get all block,3 futile strikes till sov,parry to 3 and dodge disrupt to 3,wounds you get from talismans so no need and tough is a option

auras you should be running are resist,ap and stay focused BUT switch them around so you have 5-6 auras on your party Always IF you are with another Knight
And check if his auras are stronger and change accordingly
thats all the Musts of a knight the rest is personal choice/optional

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Re: [KotBS] Builds

Post#39 » Fri May 28, 2021 6:05 pm

Rugged is an inefficient use of a tactic slot. Slice Through is stronger than you realize. Banish Darkness is flex.

Now's Our Chance! is excellent, especially if you're in the ST group. Heaven's Fury is great to help kite or disrupt the backline.

D/D is another inefficiency on Tanks. We are not the focus of mages and rDPS. Renown for SnB is 2 in Futile Strikes, 4 in Block, 4 in Parry*, at least 4 in Hardy Concussions, a value point in Impetus, and the rest in Fortitude.

*I am in full def SOV, which means I forego Parry and go full Hardy Concussions. The parry buff from Coordination, plus the proc on the SOV set is enough parry for me. As always, play to your personal preference.

Talismans are wounds until you know you'll be soft capped by WP buff or liniments, I put the rest in STR just for kicks.

To Glory!, Stay Focused! are mandatory. Now's Our Chance! I already mentioned, Gather Your Resolve! is only when you have no AM *and* there are many mages.

Perseverance is a strong ability, always use it on CD.

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Re: [KotBS] Builds

Post#40 » Fri May 28, 2021 9:07 pm

Imo Drednes has it best summed up.

Mytreds, i also have 80+ full sov (actually all sets), and there are some points i have to disagree with you but i agree on other points.
mytreds wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 6:05 pm
Rugged is an inefficient use of a tactic slot. Slice Through is stronger than you realize. Banish Darkness is flex.

Now's Our Chance! is excellent, especially if you're in the ST group. Heaven's Fury is great to help kite or disrupt the backline.

D/D is another inefficiency on Tanks. We are not the focus of mages and rDPS. Renown for SnB is 2 in Futile Strikes, 4 in Block, 4 in Parry*, at least 4 in Hardy Concussions, a value point in Impetus, and the rest in Fortitude.

*I am in full def SOV, which means I forego Parry and go full Hardy Concussions. The parry buff from Coordination, plus the proc on the SOV set is enough parry for me. As always, play to your personal preference.

Talismans are wounds until you know you'll be soft capped by WP buff or liniments, I put the rest in STR just for kicks.

To Glory!, Stay Focused! are mandatory. Now's Our Chance! I already mentioned, Gather Your Resolve! is only when you have no AM *and* there are many mages.

Perseverance is a strong ability, always use it on CD.
Now is our chance is super situational, used it few times when i was 2h in ST party and was running in enemy healers with my guarded dd. If dd is wh, aura loses its value a lot.

If we had 2 kn in our party, auras would be Stay Focused, GYR, To Glory + Stand Strong, PTA, To Glory. SS and PTA greatly helps against melee blob, while helping your DD and debuffing enemy targets. OYG lost a lot of its value after nerf, and even before it was a fluff damage. AoA is currently usable in pve to get additional aggro, otherwise its bad.

D/D used to be needed before guard revert, now its only 2h - i agree with you. On the other hand i would pick Trivial Blows over Hardy Con any day, and i f i have anything left id pick Quick Escape.

Regarding GyR - i completely disagree with you.
It cannot be shattered unlike AM/RP buff (cant imagine someone actually rebuffing it mid-fight), it debuffs enemy resists, lots of destro classes have various resist debuff, and almost all them have non physical damage while not being mage.
Also i have seen a lot of times Magus doing 10-14kk damage on city, while other dd were around 2-4kk.

Thats just my 2 cents.

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