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New Player Question - Classes

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New Player Question - Classes

Post#1 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 12:35 pm

My son and I have decided to try out the game.....

I'm normally a tank or healer, he is normally a ranged DPS (mage type). We are considering Order.

Could someone comment on the status of healers and tanks in the game. Is there an overabundance of healers/tanks or an overabundance of certain healers/tanks?
What specific role does a tank play in PvP? How do they contribute?
What healer/tank would go well with a mage type class?

Any other pertinent information regarding classes would also be appreciated !

Thank you for your response. I look forward to finally playing a PvP-centric MMO that will get me away from WoW !

Posts: 214

Re: New Player Question - Classes

Post#2 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 12:42 pm

Hey there and welcome!

I would say healers and tanks (especially) are lacking in the game. There is really only two mage types of classes on order, you have the Bright Wizard which is your quintessential glass cannon mage, and then you have the Archmage (who has a viable DPS spec - despite being a healer).

You can look through here to get an idea of their mastery trees -

Tanks in this game are especially important, they can help guard allies (reduce damage by 50% as long as you are within 30 ft), taunt/challenge (more damage reduction), punt targets away or towards you, tons of CC, and overall provide lots of buffs and utilities.

I personally think that the healer would pair best with the mage type class - and any of the healers are more than viable. Runepriests are typically seen as the single target healer, Warrior Priests are the HOTs/group healer, AMs are kind of a mix of both with insane burst healing potential.

If you wanted, you could do something cheesy with a healing archmage and a DPS archmage. You get a skill that drains enemy resources, so if the both of you throw it on the same person, they're essentially stuck autoattacking you.

Posts: 43

Re: New Player Question - Classes

Post#3 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 12:49 pm

Thanks for the quick reply !!

Although I mentioned both healer and tank as an option for me, I'm more of a tank type having utility, CC and protecting people.
Could you suggest what tank would be best for that and how bad would it be with my mage son?

Posts: 214

Re: New Player Question - Classes

Post#4 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 12:59 pm

The only issue with running a tank/mage is that you need to stay within 30 ft of him in order for your guard to actually work. And for the most part as a tank, you want to try and keep enemies away from your dps. But I'm sure you can make it work.

I guess the tank type most depends on how you like to play with your son? Do you expect you'll mostly just be roaming around with the two of you? Are you going to be joining the larger warband groups to take zones? Mostly focusing on scenarios (instanced battledgrounds).

Knights of the blazing sun are your typical buff bots, damage is very mediocre even with a 2h sword, but they have constant buff auras. With a shield, they're even more defensive which I don't know is the greatest thing for your case.

Swordmasters are your high damage tank - I would definitely still build them like a tank with defensive stats, but they have the most damage potential. They have less utility (in my opinion) - but they do still have skills that steal stats and grants them to your party, damage reflects, or even a small heal on hitting enemies. I personally recommend running a Swordmaster with your son and doing the "all in leroy jenkins" where you try and kill as fast as you can.

IBs are all about buffs too, but they specifically buff their selected "oathfriend". They're usually best paired with a melee DPS though.

Posts: 43

Re: New Player Question - Classes

Post#5 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 1:05 pm

I will most likely be doing group stuff.

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Re: New Player Question - Classes

Post#6 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 3:04 pm

Play warrior priest and heal your son as bright wizard, the mage on Order. You can also heal via damage if you want to as warrior priest, but you will need to get into melee range to do that. Your heals are ranged though.

Posts: 75

Re: New Player Question - Classes

Post#7 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 3:15 pm

Healer + Bright Wizard is a really good combo, my suggestion is warrior priest or rune priest as a healer

if you like crowd control, rune priest have a stagger and a aoe punt and is really mobile as a healer. Warrior priest is more tanky but more stationary not much CC

Posts: 43

Re: New Player Question - Classes

Post#8 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 3:17 pm

If my son decided to go a melee class instead (we are currently chatting based on responses from this thread) what would be a good tank/melee combo?

Please keep in mind that I'm all about the CC/buffing/protecting people as a tank.

Thank you everyone !

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Re: New Player Question - Classes

Post#9 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 3:36 pm

Hello and welcome.

In very general broad comments, melee dps requires more of a support setup with a tank to guard him (transfer 50% damage taken from the guarded target to the tank within 30feet) and some sort of sustain from a healer class.

Melee dps and tank for a duo can work, but as you imagine that will be some quick "in and out" fights. where as a dps and healer will lack the damage mitigation but bring the sustain.
Going a ranged dps + healer will give you the options of kiting and picking your fights, unless you ofc get jumped on :)

Picking a few setups and trying them out to level 8 or 10 can be a brief, fun and very informative test to see what style and classes you guys enjoy the most. Most of the classes show their potential from lvl 10 and up, as they get their core class defining abilities, such as Guard for tanks, Charge for meleedps, ress from healers etc.

There are so many duo comboes you can run, some work better than others, but pick the classes you guys like and you can always make friends and start froming trio groups or full parties with likeminded folk.
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Re: New Player Question - Classes

Post#10 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 3:56 pm

Just a little advice, roll destruction instead :D

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