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Posts: 546


Post#1 » Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:37 am

Hey Devs

Just wanna ask u about the pathfinding u guys done lately, Iv seen less squigs and Lions move thro walls and attack ppl behind closed doors aso. Less not completly gone. I dont know if this fall under same pathfinding but Engi Turrets and magus Deamons still shoot thro walls, bend there missiles around obstacles and dot you up for more then 10sec after you LoS them. They can also re-target you and shoot u while u are behind LoS just as long as u are in range. Basicly makes it "almost" impossible to avoid there dmg, I said almost cause "range" seems to be the only factor when LoS clearly dosent work for these 2 classes.

I know this has bin like this since 2007 since well I was in Beta and still play to this day, but my question is this something u can adress/fix or is the game just to poorly made this cant ever be sorted ?

Its not game breaking, there are far worse issues ingame but its still violates the LoS-standard that most game follow so just wanted to put it out there, missed this for QnA but since u bin working alot on pathfinding I just wanted to ask you here anyway.

Ravezaar Slayer rr86
Ravezz Ironbreker rr82
Goingsolo Shadow Warrior rr81
Zutha Runepriest rr83
Raave Magus rr84 (finally gave in to Tzeentch whispers)
Chosen rr80
Dps Zealot rr70+
Marauder rr78


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