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how to start pvp & question about teaming up

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how to start pvp & question about teaming up

Post#1 » Thu Aug 19, 2021 4:10 am

I have started playing this game because one day my close friend asked me if I know any Warhammer MMORPG's.

Now I wasnt aware that RoR existed, but now I (and by "I" I mean 'we") are here. So, I would like to know:

How can a person from two different races (Dwarf and Human) play together?

And of course - how does one start RvR?

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Re: how to start pvp & question about teaming up

Post#2 » Thu Aug 19, 2021 4:19 am

You use your war report (keybinds in misc) and port to Nordland T1 zone to meet there. Then you can start a group and enter RvR zone together or que for scenarios as a group.

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Re: how to start pvp & question about teaming up

Post#3 » Thu Aug 19, 2021 4:38 am

Hi welcome to RoR!

War Report teleport is the easiest way to meet up with your buddies from the get go.

If you are unable to war report for any reason (it can be unreliable at times), you can either:

1. Play PvE in the chapters till you reach T1 War Camp (long method)

2. Beeline through chapters while avoiding mobs to reach T1 War Camp ( not recommended if you have 0 money)

3. Look for a gyrocopter at your starting point which will teleport you straight to T1 War Camp ( shortest but I'm not sure if it still exists)

At the T1 War Camp you will need to go to the flight master which will enable you to fly to any zone for a price. You will need around 50 copper I think to be able to fly to T1 zones.

Once in the RvR zone try to join an open party or make your own.

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