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Complete Ranked Guide

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Complete Ranked Guide

Post#1 » Mon Nov 15, 2021 11:44 am

Hi all!

This guide is for anyone interested in trying out ranked, and should have everything you need to get started, the class guides have been provided by top solo ranked players.

General Information
+ Seasons have varying lenghts but usually last a couple months. With preseasons being much shorter.

+ As you play games, you will obtain a matchmaking rating (MMR). This rating is unique to both queue types (solo/group) and is used to track your performance.

+ MMR will additionally be used to pair players together of similar matchmaking rating in the Solo queue type.

+ The longer time elapses without a queue pop, the greater MMR difference is allowed between players, this increases until a game is started.

+ At the start of a season, your matchmaking rating is completely reset to 0.

+ Mixed Realm Solo Ranked games are now popping and it's a unique and fun experimental experience!

[Where to Queue and Ranked Leaderboard]
+ A new interface for Ranked Scenarios has been added. Open it with the medal icon near your minimap.


+ or with the command:

Code: Select all

+ if you want to make a macro use this:

Code: Select all


+ If you open the "Ranked" tab, you can join the "Solo" or "Group" queue. Alternatively you can use the normal scenario queuer.


+ You can join the current "Solo" queue with this command:

Code: Select all

.ranked queuesolo
+ To join the "Premade Ranked":

Code: Select all

.ranked queuegroup
+ If you want to challenge a certain group, take a look here -> [Ranked Scenario Seasons]
[Ranked Scenario Rewards]
+Triumphant Insignias, you will receive one of them for winning a match in the following situations:
  • Win a Ranked Group match
  • Have an MMR of 1000 or more and win a Ranked Solo match
And are used to buy unique ranked items, if you get 50, you can save 8000 War Crests on Rings.
+ Winning a match will result in a gain of 8 War Crests and 1 Triumphant Insignia at maximum.
+ Ranked has a significantly higher Renown/XP gain than normal scenarios. XP can be used to level your guilds even at 40.
+ Ranked Vendors and Quartermasters have been added to the War Quarter in Altdorf for Order, and to The Undercroft in The Inevitable City.
+ Quartermasters rewards weekly bonus.
+ New tome unlocks have been added for playing and for winning certain number of Ranked matches. There's also tome unlocks added for getting a top placement in a season in total or for your class.

The weekly ranked event ends at noon on Mondays, just like the warfront.
  • You can still buy Season 1 gear in Season 2.
New added Rewards:
+ The Triumphant and Victorious armor set now have a new jewelry piece added. This is a slot 3 Jewelry piece that is able to harness stalwart talismans, just like the Sentinel jewelry. This means these sets will now have eight pieces in total, however they will only have set bonuses up to seven pieces. That being said, you can pick which pieces you want to use.
Each of these two rings will cost 2000 War Crests and 50 Triumphant Insignias.
+ Some of the trophies and cloaks are unique and will be only available after the season if you place 1st to 3rd of your class in either Ranked Solo or Ranked Group.
+ They also sell 90 day mounts for 500 Triumphant Emblems & 20 Triumphant Insignias. Which mount you can buy depends on your race and class:
  • Greenskin: Wyvern
  • Dwarf: Rhinox
  • Empire: Imperial Heroes Warhorse
  • Chaos: Juggernaut of Khorne or Nurgle Warhorse
  • Magus: Midnight Arabian disc
  • Dark Elf: Dark Steed
  • High Elf: Unicorn or Strawberry Roan Charger
(All mounts: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2790)

End of Season 2 Rewards:
All of these rewards will be available for both the winners of Ranked Solo and Ranked Group. Which means that both playstyles have been taken care of.

At the end of the season you will receive Triumphant Emblems based on your total ranking on the scoreboard, but also additional ones if you are among the top four players within your class.

The top players will receive additional Triumphant Emblems based on their leaderboard placement at the end of the season:

#1: 1000 Triumphant Emblems
#2: 950 Triumphant Emblems
#3: 900 Triumphant Emblems
#4: 850 Triumphant Emblems
#5: 800 Triumphant Emblems
#6: 750 Triumphant Emblems
#7: 700 Triumphant Emblems
#8: 650 Triumphant Emblems
#9: 600 Triumphant Emblems
#10: 550 Triumphant Emblems
#11: 500 Triumphant Emblems
#12: 495 Triumphant Emblems
#13: 490 Triumphant Emblems
# ...
#100: 55 Triumphant Emblems

The top players of each class will also receive additional Triumphant Emblems:

#1: 1000 Triumphant Emblems
#2: 750 Triumphant Emblems
#3: 500 Triumphant Emblems
#4: 250 Triumphant Emblems

There is also a new vendor in Altdorf and the Inevitable City that will sell unique mounts, unique trophies and unique new titles! As for the top players, who ranked between 1st and 10th position within each class, more rewards will be available for them. Some of these rewards are unique to those who placed 1st within their class.
[Season Dates]
+ Release: 07/12/2019
+ First Preseason start: 20/01/2020 (MMR reset)
+ First Season: 29/04/2020 (MMR reset) -12/08/2020 (not announcing the Season 1 end on time))
+ Second Preseason: 16/12/2020 - 27/06/2021
+ New MMR rating system introduced: 18/06/2021 (MMR reset)
+ Second Season: 28/12/2021 (MMR reset) - 13/09/2021
General Ranked Advice
You can find a lot of useful information here: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet.

Ranked is all about coordinating to land kills, this is generally achieved through removing/punting tanks, disabling healers and bursting down one of the damage dealers (DD). Some team comps will do it through seer AoE damage (e.g. Magus+Choppa, slayer+slayer, etc.)

To do this each player has to fulfill their primary role:

Needs to mitigate damage, debuff, snare and try to punt/disable both opposing tanks at the same time, right before DD starts their burst and then fire of their own burst with MA. Defensively your main tool is guard, parry and block is used for all types of damage (melee/parry, magic/disrupt, projectiles/dodge) meaning as 2H tank stacking parry mitigates a lot of damage, making Reflexes IV (18% parry renown) mandatory.
A good indication of if you have too little parry is if you require direct single target healing when you are not being focused.

Needs to heal, cleanse, anticipate incoming burst and for your own team's burst assist MA with debuffs and try to disable/silence opposing healers. You need to have a balance of being tanky enough yourself while having enough AP sustain and heal power to keep team alive.

Damage Dealers
Needs to coordinate bursts and tests all enemies for squishies. Balance between being able to kill and not dying too fast, you will be the primary focus and will need to survive burst without guard for some time.

Ensure you are on RoR Ranked discord, while DPS and tanks should be vocal, always join to listen in even if you don't talk.

Optimize Game Performance
Make sure your game runs smoothly (frame loss can be game loss), if you have to sacrifice visuals (including seeing spell effects) do so.
and does not crash (dc for healers and tanks especially will almost certainly lose you the game even if you are ahead)
If you have performance issues you can start here Reduce Lag, Crashes, Disconnects - Complete list of things you can do.

Required Addons
  • Enemy: gives markers (handy for many things, such as marking tanks
  • Tether: gives a clear indicator between you and your guard, every second counts
  • SwiftAssist: there will be two macros associated with this addon, one called SetAssist use this once on the Main Assist and another called Assist put this on one easy to access hotkey as you will need to switch targets fast
  • Scenario Alerter: Currently missing a game will count as a loss - if you are trying to get to +1K MMR this addon is a must have. It does not start automatically, so either add it to your
Saved Mastery and renown specs
You can save up to 5 specs and switch between them by talking to the quest giver in the SC, while you can't switch gear, you can change tactics+morales and renown+mastery spec, this will allow you to have specific builds for/against certain classes.
Note that first time you load a spec it just switches Mastery, second time switches tactics and ability layout, third click switches Renown spec.

Please ensure all your gear is equipped with +22-24 talismen, if in doubt go with wounds. Lot of guilds will give for free, especially for Vanq and above gear.

Special Talisman
These are considered BIS for many classes and builds, not only is the ring strong by itself, but the stalward stone talisman has many options that will provide 4-6% of special stats. Even if you are not using multiple sent pieces, the talisman is so strong you should always have it for ranked.
Completing 3 runs of Gunbad and 4 runs of BBBE/CT will get you 2 rings, put a +24 of choice in one and use special talis in the other for ranked.

Event Slot Item
You can buy a fairly powerful one from the Ranked vendors, otherwise try to get the lesser version from the weekly SC event.
2023 also saw incredibly strong 90 Day Event Slot Items (% heal, pilfer, absorb).

You'll need a minimum of 7 different potions. Of good quality (blue), if you don't have gold consider picking up a profession and doing PvE, cultivation+apothecary is a slower almost passive gold generator, if you are only interested in pvp.
  • PvE Heal potions: you need Potent Draught Of Recovery (instant 2700 HP), it's also good to have a set of Potent Lasting Elixir of Restoration (4.3k HP over 18 sec).
  • PvP Heal Potions: Conq/dominator or above heal potion
  • PvE Absorb Potion: Fleeting Potion of Aversion (2.2k absorb) is fine, but if you have enough gold get the lasting/blue version
  • PvE AP Potion: Potent Draught of Invigoration
  • PvP AP Potion: Conq/dominator or above AP potion
  • Beastlord Pocket: You should get this item, you can keep track of your teams AP or your own and pop it as convenient.
  • Armor potion: Lasting Stauchion Unguent, if available you may also want the Potent version against physical comps.
  • Liniments/stat potion: bring multiple linis to adjust for buffs from all classes. If you do intend on using single stat potion make sure it's the 100 version, though these still tend to be less value than linis.
    Linis tend to have stats less covered by other buffs and some have secondary stats that no other buffs give, so can give up to 40 renown points worth of stats over a 100 STR potion that gets covered completely by a buff from an ability.
  • (Optional) Lasting Tacky Bomb: throw for 20% snare for 7 seconds.
Each listed potion above has it's own cooldown, so you can and should take advantage of that.

And you may think that's a lot and yup, it is, welcome to endgame. A single SC could easily cost you over 10g.
You can of course can get away with using green potions, some games will be stomps one way or another, but ranked tend to be close and healing 6.5-8.5k from potions instead of 1500 will definitely be the difference between winning and losing/tieing some matches. Same goes for AP pots, 3-4 extra casts could be a tipping point and very noticeable when Flee!+AP Potting.

Assuming you already have green versions of above potions, and you can't afford to upgrade/maintain all at the same time, this is the order I think you should get better ones: instant blue heal potion (2.7k), multiple sets of liniments, blue AP potion, blue slow hp recovery, green lasting absorb, blue armor pot, blue absorb.

Being in a large active guild will have better chances of someone giving you discounts.

Sov+2 - 13-0-13 - Healer
Gear: 4-3p vanq, 3-4p invader/sent 6-7p sov, 3-2p sent/triumphant. 4p invader, 5p triumphant. Staff: The Sight, Fortess Longstaff, Purple SC Staff.
There are two R70 branches of this build, one dropping Silence and Magical Infusion, and one dropping Funnel Essence and picking up Apotheosis or Storm of Cronos.
Morales: Isha's Ward is decent, if you think you'll get focused run it Focus Mind, otherwise run Divine Favor with Blinding Lights

R70 - 0-13-9 - DD AM
Use Dispel Magic against DOK/Zealots instead of Discerning Offense if you are not getting disrupted.
To burst cover with Rain Lord, Law of Age and Storm of Chronos, then TF > LoC > RG > STW > steal life M1 if you have > DI or FoA > ST > FoA. By stacking 5 Tranq before SoC and going back to 5 after using TF, you can increase burst by 20% to around 10k over 3 sec, though rarely happens as you'll be stuck at 5 Force.

Shadow Warrior - Incomplete
Sword Master

R70 - 13-0-9 - 2H SM
Gear: Bloodlord 5-6p, 3-2p warlord/sov off/sent/vict. 2p off sov, 2p warlord, 2p sent, 3p bloodlord. 5p vict, 4-2p sov off, 0-2p sent. 3p bloodlord (shoulder, belt, gloves), 3p sov off, 3p sent/vict
Renown: against sorc/magus 4 Reflexes, 4 Deft Defender, 3 FS. Against melee 4 Reflexes, 5 Might, 2 FS

I think bloodlord is particularly strong, no bad bonuses or stats.. But of course it is a mid tier set so overall less stats.
This build is focused on assisting MA doing as much burst as possible. You can swap Phoenix Wing and Calming Winds for extra points in Khaine tree. PW is primarily nice for proc'ing Nature's Blade. Calming Winds only needed against spell casters. If you are in a double Armor debuff team, Deep Incision can be better or as good as Enscrolling Agony, as opponents will often have at least 20-30% spirit resistance after WoH, if you are against comps without Chosen (e.g. Only removable resist buffs) EA and Potent Enchantment will be better.
Burst involves starting setting up dots (BS, EB and/or QI) while having WoH up and using taunt follow by ED.

R70+2 - 13-0-13 - 2H SM
Gear: 6-7p sov off/warlord, 3-2p sent/vict.
While using many sov pieces and giving up on BA is a significant dps/burst loss, having WW while 2H is very strong, especially strong boost for healers and to spam PoH. So will win/tie you matches you about as many matches as you lost/tied due to not having the extra burst.
WW also opens up spamming Intimidating Blow which can be good against morale dependent classes.

R70+2 - 0-11-13 - Shield Master
SnB is a decent option as you can pick up the ST punt and WW, however you'll lose more than 50% dmg and that's if you go offensive squishy tank, even more if you go turtle. If you don't have +2 sov, drop RT as you need CA and PD for the increased block chance for punt.

White Lion
R70 - 13-9-0 - WA+CtW
Gear: 6 sov 3 sent (gloves, boots, ring), or 5 sov 2 sent (ring, gloves) 2 vanq (boots, belt)
Liniment: Savage Vigor (toughness + melee crit)

Open with Cleve Limb (if there's no snare and enemies are cleansing), Armour Debuff, Echoing Roar, Shattering Blow, Blindside (i.e. stack 3 bleeds).
Hit pack assault, then whirling axe - after 2s of whirling axe guard should be punted, interrupt channel with coordinated strike.
Cull the weak if below 50% and/or morale, Slashing Blade to finish kill. Slashing Blade is also filler damage (low AP + high damage with tactic)
Can swap in Revenge for either hack n slash or brute force, esp if they have a shield DoK.

Engineer - WIP
Ironbreaker - Incomplete
R70 - 13-0-11 - Runepriest
Tactics: Ancestor's Blessing if team needs AP pump, otherwise Regenerative Shielding or Restorative Burst.

Renown: full FS or TB, rest in heal crit or other def stats.

BIS Gear: 6p Triumphant + 3p sov + fortress staff, with exquisite Gunbad Diamond + 1 other OR 2p Genesis.
Talis: wounds + init mix

Game plan/Win Condition: drop Master Rune of Adamant and HoTs, heal as required.
Look for opportunities to land Stagger + Silence (go into attack mode and back) on each healer in coordination with burst attempt.

See Zealot for more details.


R70 - 9-0-15 - Standard Dual Wield Slayer

Rampage is a priority Shatter Enchantment target, try to have it covered by other enchantments and facing tanks before popping.
Same goes for Numbing Strike, have it covered as it represents a huge burst window.
Building to M3 and coordinating burst with a morale bomb is a good way to land some kills.

Always be ready to exhaust rage, especially if you are not double guarded! While it sometimes may be worth keeping rage if you are winning the pressure battle and you might land a kill if you keep going, often it's better to be on the side of caution as ranked is sometimes a game of getting a single kill which can quickly go either way.

Basic Renown
Adjust to your gear and different preferences

Bright Wizard
R70 - 13-9-0 - Before BIS BW

R70 - 13-9-0
Gear: setup for BW will be 5 sov,4 ranked I think. Sov helm, shoulders, gloves, cloak, ring, rest offensive ranked. Minmax talis so you have 1050 intel

Renown: full magic crit, 3 FS, rest in Int (if not close to 1050) and wounds if at 1050

Rotation varies depending on targets hp, you wont use the full rotation on every single target, for instance Boiling blood is highly telegraphed against good healers with a proper UI setup
But the fireball, into sear, nova, fireball barrage/withering heat, is not.
Ranked on BW is all about playing off the rotation of the BW in the party, its more on the tanks and their ability to punt your target/guarding tank on the bb and keep the melee train snared more so they are not on the BW itself.

Most of the games will be against a ranged dps, so keeping then detaunted when they push up to pressure is a priority assuming your not dpsing them,your tanks should have the enemy melee blob snared and CCed (hopefully).
Practice kiting and dpsing on the move, while this is a staple to perform well on all ranged dps, its essential in ranked, you will be pressured in most games and you must be able to fire off rotations on the move with a tail of enemies following close by. The reason atleast from my experience playing against a lot of ranged dps is their inability to kite well even when they have good tanks to help them.
Test everybody with a rotation (this actually goes for all dps at least against unknown players) and make their tanks work don't load up the same target for 10 mins! even try the tanks! Some people are ill equipped against your damage either low wounds/toughness/no FS or little to no disrupt, gear check them with a full burst and see how they react.

Knight of the Blazing Sun
R70 - 7-9-7 - Knight
You pretty much have only 1 spec as KotBS.
Gear: stack as much parry as you can, not only does it prevent guard damage, it also makes you less likely to be punted. You can also run a Set which provides an armor debuff, especially if there is no IB on the team, an armor debuff proc from a set can be a big help.
Renown Points: Full Parry, 3 Futile Strikes (can go for 4 if you want), 1 point in Quick Escape, rest free to put where you want.
The only difference is that you can swap out the tactic "Focused Mending" for "Juggernaut" if you have 2 KotBS in party. As far as important skills go, you run these auras: "Stay Focused" "Gather Your Resolve" "To Glory!". These auras are essential. The only situation where you want to swap them out is if you have 2 KotBS in a group, or you have double Shield WP (the tactic "Focused Mending" doesn't work with Grace WP, so you can swap "Stay Focused" aura for Toughness or Strength aura). Arcing Swing is a very important debuff and should be used as soon as it comes off cooldown, since it has a 100% uptime. Generally, as with any tank, you want to play on the outside. Have the enemy back towards you and not expose your back to the enemy tanks. If you see the enemy tank heading towards you, try to face him so you can parry his punt. There isn't much else to KotBS, most of his benefits are passive. The other abilities, like punt, shatter, knockdown, etc. are same for all tanks.

Warrior Priest - Incomplete
Witch Hunter
R70 - 0-9-13 - BaL Spec
Gear: 5vanq (shoulders-chest-gloves-belt-boots) 2senti (jewel-helm) 3 beastlord (cloak-jewel-pocket) 2 genesis (remnant-aspect) 5sov(shoulders-chest-gloves-cloak-jewel) 2senti (jewel-helm) 2conq (boot-belt) 2 genesis (remnant-aspect) 6sov(shoulders-chest-gloves-cloak-jewel-belt) 3senti (jewel-helm-boot) 2 genesis (remnant-aspect)
Weapon: sword: fort-bloodlord-CnT( Penitence snare proc ) pistol --> fort-bloodlord-CnT( Wit armor debuff proc ) Weapon mix --> sword fort+bloodlord pistol sword bloodlord+Wit (if no armor debuff) sword Penitence+bloodlord pistol (against rdps, proc trigger on physical and magical hit) sword Penitence+Wit (against rdps and no armor debuff) (even if opener WH can provide armor debuff, WiT is more reliable

BIS Gear: usually 5sov+2senti+2conq is the best starter gear for solo ranked. 5sov+4triumph look solid on WH for BaL spec
sword/pistol bastion, sword/pistol invader, Penitence + Wit
tactic set : inquisitor's fury can be swapped with prolonged confession allowing more use of finishers. With prolonged confession burn heretic is used to stack dot damage on ur target along with fervor and bal.
Renown build --> crit4 fs3 parry2 1 point left (wound-str) (excom) crit3 fs4 parry2 wound1 if you feel insecure about holding ur moral.
R70 - EW/PW Spec

Builds WH with 6p sov:
R70 - BaL Spec
BaL will provide a lot of sustain, it's generally the one we use when paired with SL/Engi/AM, building damage by stacking dot (fervor-bal-burn heretic).

R70+2 - EW Spec
EW will provide a good burst and the best toughness debuff, it work when paired with high burst class like WL-ASW-BW.

R70+2 - Excom
Excom build, first before using this build look if other team have snb dok or choppa+sham (lifetap bypass excom). Be carefull if you are using Seal of Destruction, you can't afford using ur m1. Few tips --> Ask for champion challenge to not let them run away. On WE be sure to force vanish before pop excom otherwise WE will run away easily It's better to use excom after forcing heal pot, generally the less hp they have and higher is the chance to kill.

R70+20 - Anti 2xSnB DoK
This build only work against double snb DoK, it will provide you another defensive tool and make u close to 100% armor pen.

Black Orc - Incomplete
R70 - 15-0-10 - Dual Wield Choppa

Iam da biggest (wounds between 10-11k)
Brute force
Dont wanne live forever
Stab u godder or flanking

Weapons: bloodlord/anathema

Or for more survivability:
5 def sov /3 dd sov for Max armor and wounds
Weapons: 2x deff-anathema
(Def set seems to win more matches)

Renown - 4 Parry, 4 FS, 2 Crit

Choppa need high renown for ranked, don't queue under 70 or better 80.

Choppa's best skill to kill in ranked is the m4 from the left tree. So he needs to survive till its up.
If the you are too weak you will be main target and die very fast even with guard.

Best way to secure kills is using the M4 which must be well coordinated, and have all team members use their burst.
Burst Rotation: Yer all bleedin now --> heal debuff --> throat slasha --> Furious choppin/bring it on

R70+2 - 13-0-13 - 6p Sov DSU+FoDG
R70 - 13-0-13 - DSU+FoDG

Gear: Full Vanquisher/Triumphant until you have at least 6 pc sovereign. After that its full sovereign until the end.
Weapon: purple SC staff or fortress staff.

Renown: Futile Strikes 4,Deft Defender 4,Crit heal 2

Shaman is the worst healer for ranked until you get full sovereign. Be prepared for that. With full sovereign you will have a slight edge against burst oriented setups due to having more panic buttons (crit shield, shrug it off).

Some tips for people who know the basics (most of them apply to Archmage as well):
  • Watch your hots. Shaman is the only destro healer that uses enchantments as hots. Meaning that a typical order setup with SM & KOTBS can remove your hots fast. In that case you need to adapt to a direct heal centric heal style.
  • Your AP drain is an important tool for AP management as well as crowd control. Test at the start of a fight if the opposing healers cleanse regularly. Just throw some debuff on them and see what happens. If they cleanse you need to cover your AP drain with said debuffs.
  • In general, you want to AP drain a DPS to reduce incoming damage. However, some DPS classes have larger AP problems than others. You want to amplify the AP problems of AP intensive classes for example Slayers and single target WL. WE/WH/Sorc/BW in general have fewer AP problems.
  • Maintain your basic hot on all tanks and DPS but don’t do the same with “Do Sumfing Useful”. Use the toughness hot only on the targeted or about to be targeted player.
  • Figure out who the next target will be before HP start to drop. Good indicators for an about to be focused player are heal debuff, armor debuff and other strong defense debuffs like Drop da Basha/Numbing Strike.
  • At the upper end you will also need to watch the punt immunities of the tanks. For equally matched groups nothing dies through guard. Typically.
  • Run away from Rune Priests. If a RP starts to run in your direction, he probably wants to stagger you. Just run away. He will probably still stagger you in the end but it will either delay any coordinated action or it won’t be in sync with it. Meaning that you can still throw out your panic buttons before you’re useless for 6 sec.
For people interested: Cimba has uploaded quite a lot of 6on6 (solo and group ranked) for shaman and archmage perspective both in vanquisher and full sovereign gear on Youtube, these are great for understanding positioning, healing and surviving pressure.

R70 - 0-13-9 - DD Shaman

Squig Herder
R70 - 9-0-13 - Ranged SH

BIS - 5p WL + 4p Triumphant, weapons: Bloodlord + fort
Pre-bis: 5p WL + 2 Vanq + 2 Sent or 5p WL + 3p Vanq

Last tactic and mastery point optional.

Black Guard
R70 - 13-9-0 - CD+WoS Standard 2H
Last tactic on your choice (recommended: Unstoppable Juggernaut or Rugged)

1) BIS: 5 off Sov + 4 Victorious (Helm,Back,Boots with Jewelry) and 2x genesis warrior (Fragment + Remnant or Aspect)

No-Ranked gear suggestions:
2) 5 off Sov, 2 sentinel (Jewelry, Helm or gloves), 2 Warlord (Back,Boots) for high strength
3) 5 off Sov, +3 (other set , for example Bloodlord or Sentinel or maybe Warlord but low survive) for 2x strenght and 2x wounds bonus
4) 3 off Sov (body, back, ring) - 3 Sent (boots, gloves, ring), 3 Bloodlord (belt, shoulder, helm) for 3x strenght and 3x wounds bonus
5) 5-6p Bloodlord, 3-2p Sent/Warlord/Victorious (high parry, str and crit, low toughness, wounds).

Weapon: Memory of Kalgalanos, otherwise some builds use Fortress or SC weapon if defensive proc is not needed.

Gear for New Player:
6) 4 Vanquisher, 3 Redeye (Back, Helm, Bots) - harder survive, but good defensive proc (which lasts until you can farm Memory of Kalgalanos, note 4p Vanq and MoK procs does not stack) + Jewelry: Rough Gunbad Ruby, Rough Gunbad Amber, 2xGenesis
7) full bloodlord (glass build , not recomend , but farm easy than 5 off.Sov pc,s)
8) any mix of low/mid tier sets: Invader, bloodlord,sentinel,oppressor
Weapon: Subjugator

R70 - 13-0-9 - CD+Heal Debuff
Last point "AP drain" or "Parry/Disrupt buff" (AP drain preferred)
Last tactic on your choice (recommended: Unstoppable Juggernaut or Rugged)

Squishy (without parry tactic), but with outgoing Heal Debuff and potentially two AP drains.

With 6 off sov/warlord (FoF Build) not as good since FoF nerf (no armor stacking and 15% reduced crit instead of 45%), but still a decent option:
R70+2 - 13-13-0 - CD+FOF
Last point on your choice (parry tactic, AoE snare, crit tactic, wound debuff tactic)

Renown, depends on gear but good setups:
3 FS, 4 Parry, 4 Dodge/Disrupt
OR 3 FS, 4 Parry, 3 Melee Crit
OR 3 FS, 3 Parry, 3 Melee Crit, 3 Dodge/Disrupt

M1: CC or Demo
M2: Away Cretins!
M3: Distracting Bellow
M4: Immaculate Defense

Disciple of Khaine
Spoiler: ... ,5016,4985
or ... ,4985,4980
and vs AM/SM ... ,4985,4996
Gear: vs try hard teams use 4wl+4sov + def anathema + -2% anticrit in my head
vs normal - 5wl + 3sov
in victorious or sentinel jewelry use -6% armor penetration ... ,4977,4974
Gear: it's for max dps - 5 victorious + 4 wl
really fun, max heal + dps, buuuut, if you have bad team - you will die fast!

Spoiler: ... ,5415,5399
Gear: setup for Sorc will be 5 sov,4 ranked I think. Sov helm, shoulders, gloves, cloak, ring, rest offensive ranked. Minmax talis so you have 1050 int

Renown: full magic crit, 3 FS, rest in Int (if not close to 1050) and wounds if at 1050

Rotation varies depending on targets hp, you wont use the full rotation on every single target, for instance word of pain is highly telegraphed against good healers with a proper UI setup
But the doombolt, into gloomburst, impending doom, hand of ruin barrage is not.
Ranked on sorc is all about playing off the rotation of the sorc in the party, its more on the tanks and their ability to punt your target/guarding tank on the WoP and keep the melee train snared more so they are not on the bw itself.

Most of the games will be against a ranged dps, so keeping then detaunted when they push up to pressure is a priority assuming your not dpsing them,your tanks should have the enemy melee blob snared and CCed (hopefully).
Practice kiting and dpsing on the move, while this is a staple to perform well on all ranged dps, its essential in ranked, you will be pressured in most games and you must be able to fire off rotations on the move with a tail of enemies following close by. The reason at least from my experience playing against a lot of ranged dps is their inability to kite well even when they have good tanks to help them.
Test everybody with a rotation (this actually goes for all dps at least against unknown players) and make their tanks work don't load up the same target for 10 mins! even try the tanks! Some people are ill equipped against your damage either low wounds/toughness/no FS or little to no disrupt, gear check them with a full burst and see how they react.

Witch Elf
R70 – 0-15-9 - Crit + witchbrew
Gear: usually 5sov+2senti+2conq
Weapons: Fortress + bloodlord
Talisman: Most talis put weapon skill

Main skill is AW + witchbrew. Requires perfect positioning.

R70 – 15-9-0 - Carnage
Gear: BIS 5 sov (helmet it’s a must for 4% armor pen) + 3 vanquisher/4 triumph
Weapons: Fortress + bloodlord
Talisman: Strength / Wounds

Armor pen build / morale pump OYK to M3 ASAP.

Rotation: Stack x3 eblades + WP, buff yourself with PA and unload RA at 5

Chosen - Incomplete
R70 - 13-9-0 - Standard 2H Chosen
Note: the builder is not updated so Mixed Defenses is actually Corruptive Power

By default, auras are Dreadful Terror, Discordant Instability.
If against heavy melee team (sDoK/sWP, double mDPS), Dreadful Fear can be the last choice. Otherwise, Corruptive Wrath.

R70 - 15-0-9 - ST Ranged Magus
Gear: 7x Sov, 2x Sentinel, Oppressor Staff
Talis: get int to +1k, then rest in wounds

Combo: Baleful Transmogrification -> Withered Soul -> Bolt of Change -> Mutating Blue Fire -> Surging Violet Fire -> Indigo Fire of Change

Marauder - Incomplete
R60 - 13-0-11 - Zealot

5sov 2sentinel 2triumphant/vanquisher
5sov 3warlord
Full Vanq (Minimum required)
or if you want to play without restorative burst you can go 7sov 2sent/triumphant (but you'll need the jewel)
Talisman: armor or wounds
Renown: 3 FS, 3 heal crit, 4 DD, adjust as your gear allows.

Tactics: Restorative burst - Discipline - Blessing of Chaos - Tzeench's Gift, switch out as gear allows and if there's another Zealot BoC won't stack.

1) If there are two Zealots on the team, consider having one switch out the "Blessings of Chaos" tactic as they do not stack. The Zealot using the tactic should use the heal ritual to try and make that tactic proc on group members, the other Zealot can switch to the AP ritual.

2) The "Endless Gifts" tactic that removes the cooldown on your cleanse does wonders against DoT/Debuff classes. If facing a team that wants to apply a lot of curses/hexes (for example, BWs and Sorcs in ST build) then strongly consider this tactic.

3) The armor and reduced armor penetration from Warping the Spirit counts as an ability buff, so don't spec it expecting everyone to have an extra 1050 armor. Potions are also ability buffs, so if everyone is using the good blue potions then you're only adding 200-ish extra armor on top of that. The reduced armor pen can be nice though as there are very few other buffs that provide it. Also, Warping the Spirit is currently bugged and can also proc when you cast Tzeentch's Cordial (it should just be when the HoT actually heals) which can help you get the procs going.

4) Rune Priests are typically running the tactic that reduces stuns, and this also affects your stagger which will reduce it to 3 seconds. If your aim is to just shut down their healing rather than try to prevent the Rune Priest from running then consider silencing them instead as that will last for 4 seconds. Silences do risk being countered by Focused Mind though. You should still test Rune Priest with a stagger to see if they have the tactic on.

5) A big strength of the Zealot is having a stagger and a silence to make the lives of enemy healers annoying. To ensure you don't waste it, make sure you have the relevant immunities showing up on BuffHead along with Focused Mind. Turn off the feature of BuffHead that fades out effects close to them ending as this can make you think the target is not immune when actually they had another second of immunity left.

6) Don't forget that you can hand out other buffs besides Willpower/Init. While that's usually the go-to buff, if your team is lacking a resistance buff then consider using Mark of the Vortex instead, especially if facing a team that can output non-physical damage. If there are two Zealots in your group then work out between you who will do what buffs (i.e. one does will/init, the other resistances or damage stats). You typically have a minute before the ranked match starts so make use of that time to coordinate.

7) Ironbreakers and Blackguards have an outgoing heal debuff. You can cleanse this. Don't be bad like me and forget to clense it. The buff is pretty much spammable so sometimes BGs/IBs like to attach themselves to you to keep you perma heal debuffed. You will probably need to call out for help from team mates to get the tank off you.

8) If there is an RDPS putting a load of pressure on your team, consider using your stagger (any) or silence (magic only) on them to turn off their damage so you can heal up. Keep in mind that this will give them CC immunity which can make it harder to catch/kill them in the future. This should be used as a last resort/panic option to keep your team alive.

9) Harbinger of Doom has a 20s cooldown which is also the same as your stagger. To get a bit of extra disrupt strikethrough, turn on HoD, use stagger, then turn off HoD. HoD is not affected by the global cooldown so this won't cost you 2 "empty" global cooldowns. However, HoD does have a bit of a delay before triggering, so switch over 1-2 secs before casting, this will gain you 23-15% Disrupt Ignore.

10) Use M1 Tzeetch's Talon MA target when they are about to burst, using it too early will give it away and the armor debuff does not stack with tank's M1 Demolishing Strike so don't waste it.

This is a work in progress (17 of 24 classes completed), if you are interested in helping complete it for your class(es) of expertise and have landed in top 5 of your class in a completed season or feel confident in your knowledge of the class in ranked, please post it below, in my PM or discord Shaheena#1673.

Please provide the following if missing:
1) link to build with morales, tactics and specs from
You can leave points/tactics/morales blank if there are multiple builds with only small or situational differences, then describe the options and when to take instead of giving multiple builds (but do as you prefer if you rather link many builds).
2) link to or description of renown spec and multiple ones if specific to the build/gear
3) Gear (1 or more sets for example: BIS, Pre-BIS and minimum required)
4) Tips and tricks specific to your class, burst rotations if application

Some incomplete classes will have links to builds which are my best guess for a common build or taken from RoR Ranked discord.

And a BIG THANKS to those who have already contributed!
Last edited by BluIzLucky on Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:25 am, edited 33 times in total.
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
ZL - Wildera +70 | BG - Blackcrow +70

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Re: Complete Ranked Guide

Post#2 » Mon Nov 15, 2021 1:20 pm

Omegus wrote: Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:40 pm
BluIzLucky wrote: Mon Nov 15, 2021 11:44 amand have landed in top 5 of your class in a completed season[/b]
Not even close, however here's some extra useful information for newer Zealot players.

1) If there are two Zealots on the team, consider having one switch out the "Blessings of Chaos" tactic as they do not stack. The Zealot using the tactic should use the heal ritual to try and make that tactic proc on group members, the other Zealot can switch to the AP ritual.

2) The "Endless Gifts" tactic that removes the cooldown on your cleanse does wonders against DoT/Debuff classes. If facing a team that wants to apply a lot of curses/hexes (for example, BWs and Sorcs in ST build) then strongly consider this tactic.

3) The armour and reduced armour penetration from Warping the Spirit counts as an ability buff, so don't spec it expecting everyone to have an extra 1050 armour. Potions are also ability buffs, so if everyone is using the good blue potions then you're only adding 200-ish extra armour on top of that. The reduced armour pen can be nice though as there are very few other buffs that provide it. Also, Warping the Spirit is currently bugged and can also proc when you cast Tzeentch's Cordial (it should just be when the HoT actually heals) which can help you get the procs going.

4) Rune Priests are typically running the tactic that reduces stuns, and this also affects your stagger which will reduce it to 3 seconds. If your aim is to just shut down their healing rather than try to prevent the Rune Priest from running then consider silencing them instead as that will last for 4 seconds. Silences do risk being countered by Focused Mind though.

5) A big strength of the Zealot is having a stagger and a silence to make the lives of enemy healers annoying. To ensure you don't waste it, make sure you have the relevant immunities showing up on BuffHead along with Focused Mind. Turn off the feature of BuffHead that fades out effects close to them ending as this can make you think the target is not immune when actually they had another second of immunity left.

6) Don't forget that you can hand out other buffs besides Willpower/Init. While that's usually the go-to buff, if your team is lacking a resistance buff then consider using Mark of the Vortex instead, especially if facing a team that can output non-physical damage. If there are two Zealots in your group then work out between you who will do what buffs (i.e. one does will/init, the other resistances or damage stats). You typically have a minute before the ranked match starts so make use of that time to coordinate.

7) Ironbreakers and Blackguards have an outgoing heal debuff. You can cleanse this. Don't be bad like me and forget to cleanse it. Their debuff is pretty much spammable so sometimes BGs/IBs like to attach themselves to you to keep you perma heal debuffed. You will probably need to call out for help from team mates to get the tank off you.

8) If there is an RDPS putting a load of pressure on your team, consider using your stagger (any) or silence (magic only) on them to turn off their damage so you can heal up. Keep in mind that this will give them CC immunity which can make it harder to catch/kill them in the future. This should be used as a last resort/panic option to keep your team alive.

9) Harbinger of Doom has a 20s cooldown which is also the same as your stagger. To get a bit of extra disrupt strikethrough, turn on HoD, use stagger, then turn off HoD. HoD is not affected by the global cooldown so this won't cost you 2 "empty" global cooldowns. However, HoD does have a bit of a delay before triggering which I am investigating as it should be instant.

Thank you Zomega, the top 5 is more of an idea of the level of experience, I'm open to anyone with valuable info!
And your contribution has gratefully been added :)

Also updated the further instructions for more details
Please provide the following if missing:
1) link to build with morales, tactics and specs from
You can leave points/tactics/morales if there are multiple builds with only small or situational differences, then describe the options instead of giving multiple builds as preferred.
2) link to or description of renown spec and multiple ones if specific to the build/gear
3) Gear (BIS and Pre-BIS/minimum required)
4) Tips and tricks specific to your class
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
ZL - Wildera +70 | BG - Blackcrow +70

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Re: Complete Ranked Guide

Post#3 » Mon Nov 15, 2021 2:21 pm

Nice guide. Moved and stickied.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

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Re: Complete Ranked Guide

Post#4 » Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:22 pm

Blackguard and Zealot marked as completed.
Engi and Witch Elf are being worked on.

Thank you all!

And some other smaller additions and changes made through out.

Also, added a section for Buffhead Ids, if somebody has a good list for buffs/debuffs id great to "Always Show" (or Hide) for ranked, please share with the community <3
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
ZL - Wildera +70 | BG - Blackcrow +70

Posts: 370

Re: Complete Ranked Guide

Post#5 » Thu Nov 18, 2021 2:49 pm

there is a great old thread with a list of all the important IDs for Buffhead
viewtopic.php?f=66&t=17466&sid=442e84e2 ... 4c357adc47

also i wouldnt open with armor debuff on WL at least snare for cover is a good thing in my mind except you fight 2 DoKs ...
Warhammer Return of Reckoning
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Re: Complete Ranked Guide

Post#6 » Thu Nov 18, 2021 9:03 pm

Thanks for that Ash, will just use link and made small update to WL!

Also completed WE section, thanks Krima :)
And expanded on BG gear, thanks Tardi :)

Added more consumable/preparation details.
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
ZL - Wildera +70 | BG - Blackcrow +70

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Posts: 254

Re: Complete Ranked Guide

Post#7 » Fri Nov 19, 2021 2:53 am

Thats a single target magus build, not aoe build

Posts: 24

Re: Complete Ranked Guide

Post#8 » Fri Nov 19, 2021 8:52 am

yo cosider putting renown specs in this also, lots of people running around with wild rr specs

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Posts: 725

Re: Complete Ranked Guide

Post#9 » Fri Nov 19, 2021 10:19 am

vanbuinen77 wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 2:53 am Thats a single target magus build, not aoe build
Good job, have a star! There's 9 other errors see if you can find them all :roll:

hellc95 wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 8:52 am yo cosider putting renown specs in this also, lots of people running around with wild rr specs
it's there for most of the completed ones, but I take what I can get and often it will be specific to the spec, gear and renown rank so could be quite long-winded to write up.
Could maybe add some generic advice like don't put renown points into Willpower, HP regen and always have 2-4 in FS, but will have to think about that :)
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
ZL - Wildera +70 | BG - Blackcrow +70

Posts: 171

Re: Complete Ranked Guide

Post#10 » Fri Nov 19, 2021 11:57 am

Best in slot shield disciple of khaine (dok) build for ranked/scenarios version 0.0.1

this build is fully optimised using our most qualified discipline of khaine technologies and scientists. it will not guarantee you wins but it will guarantee the greatest chance to win. it is likely by far the best build for ranked/scenarios because you will never die if played right, and your team will receive both cleanses and heals.

this build explanation is long and therefore consists of many of the following;
The Basics:
~------------------- The Basics -------------------~

1) RR70+ - 7-15-0 - Shield Disciple of Khaine spec
~---------------- start of new section ----------------~ ... 5002,4985
or take Divine Protection. potentially Focus Mind if really preferred.

~-------------------- end of section -------------------~

2) RR80 Renown spec
~---------------- start of new section ----------------~

1 Strength/Wounds/Initiative/Toughness
3 Parry
4 Block
2 Deft Defender
4 Futile Strikes

Or if vsing zero ranged dps and enemy healers are not runepriests, or archmage to an extent:

1 Strength/Wounds/Initiative/Toughness + 2 Strength/Wounds/Initiative/Toughness, or 1 Melee crit
4 Parry
3 Block
0 Deft Defender
4 Futile Strikes

Max wounds build (10.5k) hp. Max health is best defence against morale drops. To reach 10.5k you need atleast one wounds talisman and also a 60 wounds liniment. Boundless Sight is best for bonus initiative in additino to wounds.
4 Wounds
3 Parry
2 Block
1 Deft Defender
4 Futile Strikes

Experimental builds (potentially harder playstyle):
3 Parry
4 Block
1 Deft Defender
5 Hardy Concessions
2 Futile Strikes

4 Parry
4 Block
1 Deft Defender
5 Hardy Concessions
1 Futile Strikes

3 Parry
4 Block
1 Deft Defender
5 Hardy Concessions
2 Futile Strikes

1 Strength/Wounds/Initiative/Toughness
4 Parry
4 Block
2 Deft Defender
4 Hardy Concessions
2 Futile Strikes
If for some reason vsing double ranged comp, reverse parry and deft defender if you wish.

~-------------------- end of section -------------------~

3) Gear (BIS and Pre-BIS/minimum required)

Pre-BIS Gear:
~---------------- start of new section ----------------~

farm rvr and city, beastlord questline, BB/BE and regular scenarios until you are BIS. however, use the remainder of this guide to learn shield dok in the meantime if you so please.

a pre-BIS build consists of the same elements as the BIS build. it is impossible for me to tell you what YOUR bis build is, if you do not have all the items I have, based on your personally available items and renown rank.

however, if you are still struggling you can ask on ranked discord in destro builds channel.

~-------------------- end of section -------------------~
BIS Gear:
~---------------- start of new section ----------------~

event item:
defensive (-2% crit)
undying fragment+aspect OR warrior fragment+aspect (3% parry)
(swap aspect to remnant if zealot buffs you for initiative, you don't need over 300 initiative. also if you are using initiative liniment then use remnant too.)
sentinel jewel with 6% block talisman
sovereign jewel
armor sets:
5 pc sov (str+wounds+reduced_armorpen+6% block)
4 pc sent (str+initiative+wounds)
sentinel helmet (2% block)
sovereign shoulders (2% block)
sovereign cape (2% crit)
sovereign chest (4% block)
sentinel gloves
sentinel belt
sovereign boots (2% parry)
i use strength +23/24
wounds/armor/toughness probably work too
scenario weapon (offensive)
scenario shield (3% block 3% parry)
spicy troll mushroom (+80 hp/4 sec) regeneration pocket item found in orc city. check destro builds channel in ranked discord for how to get it.

Other gear option may be Full Sovereign for +2 to tree, AP on block, and group heal sovereign ability.

~-------------------- end of section -------------------~

4) Tips and tricks specific to your class

Step 1. You will put the following abilities on your hotbar
~---------------- start of new section ----------------~

Core Abilities:
Blood offering
Soul Infusion
Terrifying Vision
Stand, Coward!
Patch Wounds
Consume Enchantment
Uncaring Dismissal
Path of Sacrifice:
Soul Ward
Devour Essence
Pillage Essence
Transfer Essence
Blood of my Blood
Consume Essence
Consume Strength
Covenant of Vitality
Warding Strike
Rend Soul
Consume Thought
Path of Dark Rites:
Soul Shielding
Fist of Khaine
Optional (only used in extreme, and rare, emergency situations only):
Restore Essence
Khaine's Invigoration
Khaine's Embrace
Patch of Torture:
Cleave Soul
Essence Lash
Covenant of Celerity
Potent Draught of Restoration
Vanquisher's Elixir of Rejuvenation
Rejuvenating Draught
Officer's Alacritious Elixir
Swift Assist:
Beastlord Hunting Guide:
Beastlord Hunting Guide
~-------------------- end of section -------------------~
Step 2. Liniment choices
~---------------- start of new section ----------------~

Liniment choice depends on what buffs your group will passively provide to you. Particularly zealot buffs and chosen buffs typically.

Wounds, initiative and reduced chance to be crit are typically good choices. Think also of what your group comp lacks and what the enemy comp consists of. Ensure your team has some form of resists if vsing a bright wizard. The 180 resist liniment is not always better than other liniments even if vsing a bright wizard, but it is certainly much cheaper.

You can also use a toughness potion but they are not always available on auction house.

Liniment names and stats:
Decent Liniments
Liniment of Boundless Sight +60 wounds/+60 initiative
Liniment of War: Hunger +60 wounds/+60 strength
Liniment of Savage Vigor +60 toughness/+5% melee crit
Liniment of Swift Tergiversation +60 weaponskill/-5% chance to be crit
Liniment of Quickened Blades +60 weaponskill/-5% armor pentration
Liniment of Immutable Defiance +20 health regen/-10% incoming crit damage
Liniment of Peerless Defense +60 toughness/-5% chance to be crit
Liniment of the Inevitable Tempest +60 strength/+50 melee power
Liniment of the Inexorable Aegis +180 all resists

Suboptimal Liniments:
Liniment of War: Mercy +60 wounds
Liniment of War: Fervor +60 wounds
Liniment of War: Genius +60 wounds
~-------------------- end of section -------------------~
Step 3. Use 825 or 660 armor potions

Step 4. Use health potions pre-emptively to avoid tanks or healers from guard swapping or focus healing you. One main cause of dps death is tanks or healers targeting you instead of the 2 dps players, assuming you are playing well.

Step 5. Discipline of Khaine gold making techniques
~---------------- start of new section ----------------~

For butchering: use dps spec with high parry, close to 0 crit chance and high strength for maximum aoe dmg and sustain.

You can also use the armor potions and absorb potions you make for yourself.

1. [Highest gold per hour] Farm cheap absorbs at 12.2k 59.2k in Kadrin Valley, approx 200-400+ absorb potions per hour in dps (dual sword) spec, and crafted using minimum ingredients for maximum output (i forgot what those are, goldweed maybe some resin and cheap base potions - just experiment and u will figure it out). Make sure you are using gobswort to get 5 potions at once instead of 1.

2. [2nd best for butchering] PQ at black crag approx 57k 51k, or cave at 54k 52k (pathway leading) for armor potions - wyverns. Optimised route is too complicated to explain in text, cave is good enough if it is empty.

For talisman making [very easy to do if you just play alot of RVR]

1. Buy tons of officer boots of various classes. Put salvage key to your hotbar and repeatedly salvage hundreds of officer boots to receive lvl 200 talisman primary ingredients. Use lvl 150 Fabricated Artisan's Relic Box (requires being in a guild), and lvl 200 dust and lvl 200 essence, and then buy Forgotten Soldier's Insignia from AH, to craft hundreds of +19 and +23 talismans of various types then list them on auction house.

~-------------------- end of section -------------------~
Step 6. Addons
~---------------- start of new section ----------------~

Must Have:


Solidsnake (removes ability key press sounds) ...
WoH-Reticle (Wrath of heroes reticle)

~-------------------- end of section -------------------~
Step 7. Tactics and tactic choices
~---------------- start of new section ----------------~

Typical set:
Divine fury - more damage, slightly more heals. only in extreme experimental builds this can be replaced, not suggested. typically always used.
Efficient patching - cleanses entire group, very nice
Empowered transfer - makes your heals stronger, nice
Horrifying offering - ap drain, chop fasta lets you use consume strength constantly, nice

Other tactics:
Transferred focus - doesn't work for your own heals, therefore only has a use if 2nd healer is chalice, shaman or zealot
Murderous intent - good but requires loss of sacrifice or dark rites trees
Dark blessings - doesn't work for your own heals, therefore only has a use if 2nd healer is chalice, shaman or zealot. you shouldn't need more healing.
Khaine's blessing - shield dok auto-attacks are weak, bad tactic
Alignment of Naggaroth - stacks with chosen/zealot resist buff, useful but only against particular enemy comps (dps AM, dps SM, dps/shield WP, etc)
Khaine's imbuement - doesn't do much damage
Potent covenants - hard to say if it does much, would only ever consider for Covenant of Vitality
Fueled actions - can help alternative builds which spams consume essence
Curse of khaine - most destro dps have reliable heal debuffs, requires crits to activate. not suggested.

~-------------------- end of section -------------------~

~---------------- end of The Basics ---------------~
More info:
~------------------ Part 2 ---------------------~

Rotation and abilities commentary:
~---------------- start of new section ----------------~

Consume Enchantment to remove Rampage buff from slayers. Note archmages provide enchantments so they can make this harder to do.

Consume Strength and Pillage Essence to drain action points from primarily enemy dps, runepriests and archmages. Note warrior priests do not rely much on AP, unless they are under alot of pressure. Ap draining a tank is probably not super useful. Pillage essence also provides a good amount of soul essence. Consume strength also provides strength buff and debuff, but typically a chosen will handle this for your entire group.

Warding Strike to increase your block and decrease the enemy's parry chance. Must be used every 10 seconds to sustain block buff. Not always essential to always have up, primarily helps when you are under heavy focus but shouldn't be used if it means you die because you didn't press a heal attack or use a potion.

Terrifying Vision may be used to detaunt enemy dps, however you will likely break the detaunt yourself if they are melee. Can be useful against ranged dps since the detaunt won't break. Note that this ability also provides 5 second detaunt around you to additional enemies. You can consider detaunting enemy shield warrior priests to reduce their lifetaps against you.

Essence lash may be used to gain soul essence (shouldn't be necessary to rely on), deal damage at range and also deals AOE damage meaning it can be used to break enemy tank's challenge debuffs placed upon you (challenge is an aoe debuff reduces your overall damage).

Devour essence does AOE dmg at a close range, also enabling you to break enemy tank's challenge debuffs. Can be placed on allies to heal them a small amount, and also to break challenges for yourself.

Consume essence, this heal is not always better than transfer essence or rend soul but it can be sometimes. It will depend what you are hitting. Note if you target a distant ally they will also be healed in addition to all allies near you. This ability can consume soul essence quickly if spammed, especially if you are also using devour essence at the same time. Be careful not to waste all your essence at once. Note this hits 3 enemies total so therefore can also break challenges to a lesser degree than Essence Lash/Devour Essence.

Flay may be used to snare enemy dps, tanks or healers. But you must use consume strength or essence lash before doing so.

Lacerate's toughness debuff can provide much needed bonus damage to your ally dps, but note it will not stack with similar toughness debuffs such as from a chosen's toughness aura debuff.

Rend soul can provide much needed single target burst healing, note that you can switch friendly target during the animation and it will change who it heals.

Note for rend soul, transfer essence, consume essence and lifetaps in general, the damage component of these lifetaps provides zero healing if your damage is absorbed. Therefore it is highly recommend to avoid lifetapping an enemy who has a absorb shield active. If you must use one of these heals in particular then use transfer essence because it has a large component of healing that is not affected by damage dealt.

Blood of my Blood can be used to sacrifice your own health and give more to your entire group as a lifetap heal. Note this ability makes you stand still. Be careful the tanks/2nd healer do not think you are actually being attacked, because then they will switch guard and focus heal you thinking that you are in urgent need thus resulting in dps losing guard/focus heals and potentially dying. Top yourself up with hp potions or be vocal in discord to say you do not need help, try not to confuse them either by making them aware of this heal before the match starts if need be. This heal is essential to use when you run out of options or are out of melee range. Therefore you should always keep a decent supply of soul essence in anticipation of needing to use Blood of my Blood in emergency situations.

Transfer essence is an easily spammable heal. Be wary you are not wasting your ap by mindlessly spamming it however, or else you will go through ap potions quickly. Consider mixing up your lifetap rotation, by using rend soul or consume essence based on which one you think will be more effective.

Consume thought can be used to silence healers for 4 seconds. Note that tank or dps knockdowns are generally better than a silence, and note that your own morale 3 stagger is even better if its not going to be broken.

Uncaring dismissal is a frontal aoe punt of medium distance. It should be used only if it will not inconvenience your own tanks, as chosen and blackguard have better punts than this and may even wish to root enemies. It may be used to punt dps away if your team is under extreme pressure, particularly if your team is lacking chosens/blackguards, but realise that your tanks should have better CC (punts/roots) and should be the ones to use CC. Therefore do not use it randomly. However; consider that it can be used on enemy healers more frequently, especially if you see them casting a long cast-time ability or if they are ressing someone who is dead. This can majorly inconvenience a healer at times. Note some tanks do this themselves, particularly against healers who stand too close to the fight. But since your aoe punt doesn't require you to be very close to the enemy, you can do it more easily than your own tanks may wish to depending on where the enemy healer is.

Soul ward is used because it remove snares from you and provides some buffs to your team in the meantime. You can use it to quickly re-enter the fight when slowed after you have been punted or something similar happened. Generally no point using it solely for defensive properties unless vsing ranged.

Soul infusion is a weak hot that can be applied if you really have nothing else to press. All the other "optional" heals are very unlikely to be used since you have many other options before resorting to them.

Soul shielding is a group absorb shield which should be used frequently but shouldn't really be used if your entire group is full health. As it is an absorb, it prevents initial enemy hits from critting entirely.

Cleave soul does more damage than your other abilities if used to backstab, otherwise it has no purpose other than to provide as much DPS as possible. Only used when team requires zero cleansing and zero healing. Note you should provide toughness debuff, and snares before resorting to cleave soul because your additional dmg is very low.

Covenant of vitality should be used by you if there is a DPS or chalice dok in the party. This is because your vitality covenant will be stronger than theirs. They should use covenant of celerity.

Covenant of celerity should typically be used if you are the only dok. It is arguable that its not needed and vitality is more useful for the heals. Do as you prefer. Note that this covenant can be cleansed, but that is actually a good thing because that means it can waste the enemy healer's time cleansing it instead of cleansing more powerful debuffs which come from your tanks or dps.

Patch wounds should be used frequently as much as possible. It will remove debuffs which are harming your entire team, including heal debuffs which affect your 2nd healer and things like snares which affect your tanks and dps. It should be utilised alot. it doesn't matter who you target in the group.

Note if you have a 2nd healer or ranged dps in your group, if they move too far away then they won't receive group heals and won't receive group cleanses. Make sure you position yourself so they do, or tell them they are doing something wrong.

Stand, Coward! is your res, it can be impossible to use if you are under attack so therefore it can be better to simply retreat. Focus mind will enable you to use it more quickly and without interruption. However that is basically the only use for focus mind apart from removing snares so that you can run towards or away from the enemy easier.

Divine favor morale 1 is a burst heal to one person, it should be used fairly frequently but keep in mind that rampaging syphon is even stronger if you can hit 3+ enemies and it also heals the entire group.

Rampaging syphon and also Universal confusion can provide burst morale dmg to help secure kills.

Universal confusion can be used to stagger dps, tanks or healers for offensive or defensive purposes. But make sure your team doesn't break the staggers.

Divine Protection provides an absorb shield which can counter enemies with high crit chance, and also counters shield warrior priest lifetaps. It can also be used if you happen to be too far away to use rampaging syphon, but also don't want to use divine favor.

Fist of khaine is just a ranged damage ability.

Flee is actually used more often to chase enemies than it is to run away from them. This is because flee removes all your soul essence, which is no good for doks, as well as all action points. Action points can be recovered by drinking both AP potions. Then use pillage essence to quickly restore some soul essence. Note you will not have enough AP to spam AP abilities (even if you drink both potions) because flee removes AP regeneration for 10 seconds. So use flee carefully. Typically you are using flee so you can either quickly re-enter melee range to provide heals, or to catch up to an enemy after your team is apparently winning so you can quickly snare them and your team can secure more kills. Note that you should primarily rely on Blood of my Blood (and/or Soul Ward if you are snared) when you are too far away to melee lifetap, as this will be less detrimental to your resources than using flee. Divine favor morale 1 is also typically used when you are too far away.

You can consider using your mount to catch up to the fight if you happen to be really far away.

Beastlord hunting guide can be used to provide alot of AP to the group. Use this if they are saying they lack AP. Can be used offensively (for tanks/dps) or defensively (for healers).

You should be pressing your swift assist macro frequently to know what the current enemy target is. Generally you are not providing massive damage, but rather you provide constant AP drain and maybe some debuffs or snares. Note your lifetaps will do more healing if you hit an unguarded target, sometimes this can include tanks themselves if they are not very tanky. And of course it includes healers who are away from their tanks, but note they can just detaunt you to remove most your damage. Note you can use this to your advantage, if a healer is seen to waste a detaunt on you then perhaps that is an ideal time for the DPS to attack that healer. However, this can be hard to coordinate because DPS likely will have zero clue what you are referencing/talking about.

Blood offering can be used to gain soul essence by draining your own AP for up to 10 seconds. It is not used super often but can be used to gain soul essence before using Blood of my Blood for example. Its not ideal to be using often or at all because it doesn't provide any healing by itself. It can also be casted while running to give you the first tick of soul essence, without having to stand still.

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Positioning commentary:
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As you are high block high parry and some dodge/disrupt, and you are a melee, you must be aware of what positioning can mean.

Versus tanks, position yourself to avoid being punted, snared, or debuffed. In some cases such as IB or SM, you need to position to not receive damage as they do considerable damage in certain specs.

Versus dps, position yourself to avoid the same, but primarily damage. You may even consider not engaging in the fight at times, even going so far as to lifetap from enemy healers, to avoid dps and their associated debuffs. When straying from melee range, be aware that a runepriest will be highly tempted to stagger you. And a tank may decide it is an optimal time to punt you even further away. Note that even a warrior priest can stagger you with their morale 3, and also aoe punt you away even further. Positioning yourself behind 1 dps, even 2 if feasible, will avoid being hit by "cleave" attacks which means any dps attack that hits things infront of them. However, it is very hard to avoid being hit by 360 degree enemy aoe attacks.

Versus ranged dps, position yourself so you face them if they are focusing you, while also facing the melee dps too. This means you prevent most their damage. Generally just detaunting them is enough to ignore most their damage.

Versus healers, basically just runepriests, you can face the runepriest so if they attempt to stagger you then it will likely be blocked or disrupted. Warrior priest stagger cannot always be avoided because it is aoe and it is morale, meaning it will hit you and you can't block/parry it. It will only not hit if you have immunity to staggers and similar CC.

Try to stand in melee blob range, but not too close and not giving up your back to backstabs, to prevent CC being used on you particularly AOE CC like roots because the enemy will not try to root you if it means rooting both of your tanks. Since then they will be unable to punt your tanks. Note that you don't want to needlessly be hit by enemy AOE dps, or debuffs from tanks/dps.

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~-------------- end of part 2 ----------------~
Part 3: under construction?

ask any questions about ranked or discipline of khaine in the replies or ask in the ranked discord. this build is not encompassing every single thing about dok, it is just a general overview. any and all questions about this build, similar builds or different builds for dok can be asked.

copyright nasimesabz 2021
Last edited by pvprangergod on Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:16 am, edited 3 times in total.

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