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Structured balance proposals should be posted here. Posts in this section will be taken into account during class balance reviews.
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Posts: 293


Post#1 » Wed Dec 22, 2021 3:57 pm

This proposal will be written in POV for the DOK but is also meant for the WP (at least for second proposal)
Main concern is these are the only MDPS classes without a speed boost/KD/Pull etc. There will be 2 proposals meant for the same problem, one easier than the other.

Proposal 1: The tactic Blood Thirst (7pt Torture) - Now increases the dmg of COC to 225 spirit dmg. I propose for the new description to be "Increases damage of COC to 225 and increases snare to 40%- this will only effect yourself" (will have long ICD)

This tactic is not used much as it is. This will give the DOK an easier time with kiting classes, which is the main threat.

Proposal 2: Remove the 15pt M4 from the torture tree and add an ability (similar to SW)
Ability would be "Relentless Thirst: Increase movement speed from 30-50% based on percent missing health" (More health missing less speed (would make it harder for DOK to use ability just to get a life tap off and make it use more specifically to engage a fight)

DPS DOK has been nerfed recently pretty hard while the shield spec has been buffed, lets make DPS DOK fun again ! (oh and DPS WP lol)
The King.


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