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WE/WH escaping tools

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WE/WH escaping tools

Post#1 » Thu Jan 20, 2022 1:53 pm

they have burst that could kill target in 3sec after KD.
it was acceptable because of high risk high reward style.
but high risk part is reduced to zero.

here's escape skills
1. permanent stealth
2. instant stealth
3. stagger back jump
4. m1 100% parry/dodge
combine these skills and it's almost gueranteed escape.
what are they risking?

1, 2 is RoR version.
instant stealth made it possible to play in WB.
they can avoid assist and killing blow.
they're no more weak link by dying too fast.
if it has to stay, others need to change.

option 1.
revert permanent stealth.
stealth is class mechanic. players have to manage it.
consider it as unit coherence.
their operation range should be near main force. else risk to be caught.
if not possible, increase stealth timer but permanent must gone.

option 2.
remove stagger from back jump.
stagger is too much with all those escapes.

i recommend taking both options.
because instant stealth is that much good.
SM8, SW8, AM8, WL7, KoBS5, BW6, WP8, WH7, IB7, Eng5, RP5, SL6
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SC summary - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20415
( last update : 2020.06.09)


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