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[Shaman] BIS DPS Gear Discussion

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Re: [Shaman] BIS DPS Gear Discussion

Post#21 » Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:47 pm

6 sov 3 Vict, no Bloodlord

Nobody on the broken noob class

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Re: [Shaman] BIS DPS Gear Discussion

Post#22 » Thu Sep 29, 2022 9:44 pm

Sulorie wrote: Thu Sep 29, 2022 7:59 pm
BluIzLucky wrote: Thu Sep 29, 2022 7:30 pm It's probably 7p warlord + 2p Victorious (body+ring) + bloodlord staff, and would be buffed up (pot, mechanic, toughness+ele debuff, 7p proc and 15% dmg from NBDWAAAGH), on AM that gives about 10.5k 3s burst
Compared to 5sov+4ranked this would only give you 18 more magic power, while you lose the same amount of intel plus half your crit and a lots of wounds. You gain a crit proc, which doesn't proc on dot application but direct dmg, with terrible uptime.
Ofc when all stars align it gives highest burst, when you don't have to care for defense at all as the target dummy stares at you silently.
That was in response to how gdamn got 11.5k burst, but seems like shammy just have higher burst (or I'm missing a something on my AM).

If you saw my previous post I don't say it's BIS for soloing (also this thread is BIS DPS not solo), but it is in my estimation the highest possible dps and with the proc will do about 7.8% more dmg than 5p off/4vic and have almost 100% uptime if you do AoE in rvr/fort, where let's be honest 630 hp is not gonna make or break you, compared to positioning.

So the guy above could theoretically have roughly a 14% higher burst (+1.6k more) with 7p war/2p vic proc + bloodlord.
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Re: [Shaman] BIS DPS Gear Discussion

Post#23 » Thu Sep 29, 2022 10:47 pm

wtf not bad bro.. i rely on magic power myself that's why i wear warlord and from the 7 set bonus i get 9%crit + 12%damage.. extra out

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