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Patch Notes 09/03/2022

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Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#201 » Tue Mar 15, 2022 11:04 pm

let's do some numbers on new genesis vs old, to compare I'm using 1 G crest = 16 W crests, and 1 bag on new = 32 WC and old 1 bag = 8 vanqs, for old vanq set I'll assume avg vanq spent is 300 (of 901 with 601 from AH/gold bags)..

we have 3 scenarios..

1. somebody who just wants 2 genesis pieces (All dps, RP/ZL) and would use SC and/or bloodlord weapon:
This would cost you 20x16 = 320 WC from 10 bags, which is 19% of new vanq set up from 5% on old (2x8/300), arguably still a very good price for 2 BIS items.
However 10 bags from the old system would have an ~80% chance to give you two specific pieces, meaning for about 20% of players this new system is better, assuming that they only value getting 2 BIS pieces and the content of the other 8 bags were worth nothing to them.

2. Somebody who wants all Subjugator weapons and 4 genesis jewelries (tanks, healers)
With new system that's (40+40+10*4)=120 GC x 16 = 1960 WC from 60 bags or 114% the cost of a full vanq set!!

Pre-patch this could have been done with 6-7 bags containing 48-56 vanqs costings 16-19% of vanq set (note this is % of 300, it would be ~6% against the full 901 vanq cost).
And by the time you'd actually go through 60 bags chances of you not getting exactly what you want is absolutely miniscule.

3. somebody who wants all weapons with 9 jewelries (tanks, completionists)
(40+40+10*9)=170 GC * 16 = 2720 WC from 85 bags, 161% of full vanq set.....
Before 96 vanqs 32% of vanq cost, from 12 bags.

So... for everybody except a subset of the 20% of scenario 1, this is now a 5-10x worse deal (on avg), and that's just comparing vanq, new system actually directly costs you up to 20-30% of a sov set vs the old 0-1% since vanq medals had little value after vanq unlock.
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
ZL - Wildera +70 | BG - Blackcrow +70

Posts: 11

Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#202 » Tue Mar 15, 2022 11:30 pm

13eara wrote: Tue Mar 15, 2022 10:49 am Gear costs are way too high for lower tier sets. Invader and lower gears should be drastically lowered. Keeping people in gear sets that are 2 tiers lower than max ranks means you're keeping them at a disadvantage when they could afford to be on equal footing. Lame.

The gear gatekeeping is whack. I'd rather everyone be in equal gear and let skill sort it out. Giving people the opportunity to play and gear multiple classes and archetypes allows for a more immersive experience for everyone and will encourage better grouping as people will have more to choose from when creating said group.
I agree with this. I tend to reroll a lot, mainly because the gear/gap grind when you hit 40 and having to deal with them in scs, which is another topic.
I mainly do SCs, its great to have a game wide currency. Gear shouldnt be so gated. On one of my chars im getting near rr58 for that equivalent gear set. Ive spent none on dom/conq, now I have to spend crests on gear Im over leveled for.

I think crests should be given out in bigger quantities, who cares if its easy to gear up. Lower the gain rate of RR if thats the case. Id rather be geared and have to grind RR, than grind for gear Im not allowed to use because of lack of resources.
Its also very difficult to experiment with different sets on the same character. You are spending all your crests on either dps or def, or a combination.
We should be able to have enough to buy both sets easily. Like the player said, let skill balance things out.

Posts: 30

Re: Patch Notes 09/03/2022

Post#203 » Thu Oct 06, 2022 10:24 am

its silly locking zones this way it tends to get really boring being stuck in a single one for hours if not days

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