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My 2022 server feedback

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My 2022 server feedback

Post#1 » Fri Dec 16, 2022 6:37 pm

I would like to give my feedback about the situation and changes of the server in this, almost finished, 2022.
The first thing I would like to do is thank the GMs and the developer team for their effort, patience and dedication to keep the game alive for so long.. You are awesome.
The second thing is that this post is my personal opinion and exclusively mine, and if I mention any player/guild/alliance it does not imply that those players/guilds/alliances share this opinion.
With that said, I'll give my opinion.

RVR. Qualification 2/10
The RVR has become, since the appearance of the programmed cities and the new currency system, in a "Follow the Zerg" where the side with superiority does not bother to siege to win the area, but Zergue and slaughter the opponent without mercy, just to get War Crest. There is no interest in winning the campaign, only in farming War Crest. Of course, low-scale roaming has become impossible and the fact that there are only 2 open zones doesn't leave room for interesting moves like counter-sieges in other zones either.

SCs. Qualification 8/10
There is little to comment on the evolution of the SCs this year. The addition of the “Discordant skirmish” has been an interesting addition to the game, although it makes it difficult for groups of 3-5 players to play SCs when there is no event weekend, but this group size is not normal. The only bad thing that I see is the premade groups (from both sides) that join this SC to appear on the Killboard, it is something that seems very pathetic to me, but apparently it is effective to appear on the top killers. I don't want to say that all the TOP 10 of the Killboard do it, you just have to look at the pug SCs record to see who does it and who doesn't

City. Qualification 1/10
From being one of the most fun and tense contents of the game, it has become one of the worst in the game. I still remember when before the scheduled cities, we were always attentive to the SOR-online/streamers to see the situation in front. The calls by Phone/Discord to notify the guildmates that I was going to leave the city and go (if you could) to the computer to start assembling the group waiting for the rest of the guildmates to show up. Those 40 minutes before the city were tense and fast. The stress of being the only place where the Royal Crest spawned meant that each city was mercilessly played in order to equip you. Now the cities are a stage without a soul, or goal, or meaning.
The only good thing about the City siege this year, has been the portal to be able to go to the gate of the enemy city and avoid Gankers that prevent you from queue to city,

Ranked. Qualification 10/10
The rankeds was a good idea, but the SO TOXIC community that lived in them made a lot of people stop playing them directly, to avoid insults. The fact of having released the jewel and the equipment for the whole world has been a great success.

PVE Qualification 5/10
I don't know what to think about PVE. The fact that people play PVE to unlock sets with the new guard system, makes them reach RR78, with enough War Crests to buy the BiS, and as they reach RR 80, they consider that they have finnish the game and many people stop to play (“Illness” known as the level 80 syndrome). In my opinion, making gear SO EASY to access just makes people look at the simple game: Get War Crest.

LOTD. Qualification 5/10
I've only played 2-3 LOTD this year, as weekends really are the hardest for me to play. Every time I've played it, the destro has easily crushed the order, who could only play defending the respawn gate, and according to the ordermates it's something that happens regularly. Although I greatly welcome the fact that there is new content in the game.

Events. Qualification 10/10
The new events are very cool. The fact that the development team have created these events brings a lot of joy to the game.
That along with the unique items from these events, and the possibility of exclusive mounts (such as bears), make it a 10/10 in this section.
It's also nice that the decay time of the mounts increases with the player's RR, although it would be better if there was the possibility of eternal mounts for players with high RR (90+).

Currency system. Qualification 1/10
The new currency system has completely ruined the game. What at first seemed like a good idea (play what you want), has become a "Follow the Zerg in RVR", and "You don't have to know how to play your character to be BiS RR80". Sadly this has killed RVR turning it into an aimless game, where you just go with an AOE DPS doing areas behind the WB leader, and of course switching sides to be on the winning side most of the time and Get more War Crest by killing people without opposition. Which makes RVR not fun for people who want a balanced game
Not to mention that the new War Crest system has ruined the cities and people avoid entering them because they can get more War Crest in RVR in the same time. It is very sad that

The changes in the RVR and the currency system have affected the population of the server, which is low (I am writing on a Friday at 18:00 and there are only 500 people on the server). The game has become more boring and linear, and people leave because of it. It doesn't matter how easy you make it for characters to equip, if the game is boring and repetitive, people won't play and go to other games. From my own experience, in our guild we have gone from setting up groups of 12-24 people many nights, to having difficulties setting up a group of 6 players, and I know that the same thing is happening in many guilds.
We need a big balance patch for all classes! We've had no major skill changes since 2021

My score for the game in this 2022 is 3/10. The only reason I keep playing is because of how few people in the guild are still active, but every time the game seems more boring and linear.
As I said at the beginning, this post is written in a totally friendly way, to offer a sincere point of view of a semi-casual and semi-hardcore player (does that exist?), because without constructive criticism, no project can get ahead.

Last edited by Kpi on Sat Dec 17, 2022 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Kpihuss -- WP 88
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Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#2 » Fri Dec 16, 2022 6:58 pm

Kpi wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 6:37 pm I would like to give my feedback about the situation and changes of the server in this, almost finished, 2022.
The first thing I would like to do is thank the GMs and the developer team for their effort, patience and dedication to keep the game alive for so long.. You are awesome.
The second thing is that this post is my personal opinion and exclusively mine, and if I mention any player/guild/alliance it does not imply that those players/guilds/alliances share this opinion.
With that said, I'll give my opinion.

RVR. Qualification 2/10
The RVR has become, since the disappearance of the programmed cities and the new currency system, in a "Follow the Zerg" where the side with superiority does not bother to siege to win the area, but Zergue and slaughter the opponent without mercy, just to get War Crest. There is no interest in winning the campaign, only in farming War Crest. Of course, low-scale roaming has become impossible and the fact that there are only 2 open zones doesn't leave room for interesting moves like counter-sieges in other zones either.

SCs. Qualification 8/10
There is little to comment on the evolution of the SCs this year. The addition of the “Discordant skirmish” has been an interesting addition to the game, although it makes it difficult for groups of 3-5 players to play SCs when there is no event weekend, but this group size is not normal. The only bad thing that I see is the premade groups (from both sides) that join this SC to appear on the Killboard, it is something that seems very pathetic to me, but apparently it is effective to appear on the top killers. I don't want to say that all the TOP 10 of the Killboard do it, you just have to look at the pug SCs record to see who does it and who doesn't

City. Qualification 1/10
From being one of the most fun and tense contents of the game, it has become one of the worst in the game. I still remember when before the scheduled cities, we were always attentive to the SOR-online/streamers to see the situation in front. The calls by Phone/Discord to notify the guildmates that I was going to leave the city and go (if you could) to the computer to start assembling the group waiting for the rest of the guildmates to show up. Those 40 minutes before the city were tense and fast. The stress of being the only place where the Royal Crest spawned meant that each city was mercilessly played in order to equip you. Now the cities are a stage without a soul, or goal, or meaning.
The only good thing about the City siege this year, has been the portal to be able to go to the gate of the enemy city and avoid Gankers that prevent you from queue to city,

Ranked. Qualification 10/10
The rankeds was a good idea, but the SO TOXIC community that lived in them made a lot of people stop playing them directly, to avoid insults. The fact of having released the jewel and the equipment for the whole world has been a great success.

PVE Qualification 5/10
I don't know what to think about PVE. The fact that people play PVE to unlock sets with the new guard system, makes them reach RR78, with enough War Crests to buy the BiS, and as they reach RR 80, they consider that they have finnish the game and many people stop to play (“Illness” known as the level 80 syndrome). In my opinion, making gear SO EASY to access just makes people look at the simple game: Get War Crest.

LOTD. Qualification 5/10
I've only played 2-3 LOTD this year, as weekends really are the hardest for me to play. Every time I've played it, the destro has easily crushed the order, who could only play defending the respawn gate, and according to the ordermates it's something that happens regularly. Although I greatly welcome the fact that there is new content in the game.

Events. Qualification 10/10
The new events are very cool. The fact that the development team have created these events brings a lot of joy to the game.
That along with the unique items from these events, and the possibility of exclusive mounts (such as bears), make it a 10/10 in this section.
It's also nice that the decay time of the mounts increases with the player's RR, although it would be better if there was the possibility of eternal mounts for players with high RR (90+).

Currency system. Qualification 1/10
The new currency system has completely ruined the game. What at first seemed like a good idea (play what you want), has become a "Follow the Zerg in RVR", and "You don't have to know how to play your character to be BiS RR80". Sadly this has killed RVR turning it into an aimless game, where you just go with an AOE DPS doing areas behind the WB leader, and of course switching sides to be on the winning side most of the time and Get more War Crest by killing people without opposition. Which makes RVR not fun for people who want a balanced game
Not to mention that the new War Crest system has ruined the cities and people avoid entering them because they can get more War Crest in RVR in the same time. It is very sad that

The changes in the RVR and the currency system have affected the population of the server, which is low (I am writing on a Friday at 18:00 and there are only 500 people on the server). The game has become more boring and linear, and people leave because of it. It doesn't matter how easy you make it for characters to equip, if the game is boring and repetitive, people won't play and go to other games. From my own experience, in our guild we have gone from setting up groups of 12-24 people many nights, to having difficulties setting up a group of 6 players, and I know that the same thing is happening in many guilds.
We need a big balance patch for all classes! We've had no major skill changes since 2021

My score for the game in this 2022 is 3/10. The only reason I keep playing is because of how few people in the guild are still active, but every time the game seems more boring and linear.
As I said at the beginning, this post is written in a totally friendly way, to offer a sincere point of view of a semi-casual and semi-hardcore player (does that exist?), because without constructive criticism, no project can get ahead.


RVR the zergfest is total cluster***k. 4-5 wb blobing all time so when you are out there with group trying to look for fight its either guerilla to kill few parties and run or get facerolled but blob.
Some anti zerg mechanic would be awesome... Like 0 rr, no crest rewards for blobbers... more attention put onto BO control and spread people would help a lot.

City. Cant agree more. Fixed city times is bs if you ask me.

SCs: we gor discordant for pugs, we got other for parties, we got rankeds.... yea i would love to see rankeds more. Need some rewards to encourage people to play it. i dont know... Some astrological prices and 90/100 rr live appearances? Some permanent event items or.... dunno. There's plenty of possibilities. Also fixing que system - getting on sc where there's no single healer or just one vs 4+ on enemy team is making people mad. I'd love to see it fixed - even if it would mean that you gotta wait for SC longer.

Events. Good idea. Not overly attentive - can easy make them during week / weekend if you are ven moderately active.

PVE... Was never fan of it but these days it helps a lot while gearing alts / new players.

LOTD total zergfest [from destro side]. Horrible. As mentioned before - with some anti blob mechanic would be fun.

Same as you - if not for some people and sentinemt for Warhammer i would already look for something else...
SM 82 / IB 82 / KOTBS 82 / WL 82 / WP 72 / SW 75
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Posts: 708

Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#3 » Fri Dec 16, 2022 7:31 pm

Kpi wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 6:37 pm Ranked. Qualification 10/10
The rankeds was a good idea, but the SO TOXIC community that lived in them made a lot of people stop playing them directly, to avoid insults. The fact of having released the jewel and the equipment for the whole world has been a great success.
TOXIC is good, toxic means its alive.
Nicelook | Obey

Posts: 14

Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#4 » Fri Dec 16, 2022 9:34 pm

I dont understand the matchmaking of SC or city, there should be a more complex system, which a minimun of 1-2 heal and 1-2 tank has to be queued in order sc to pop, and for discordand not allowing 3+ members of the same guild on the same sc otherwise you will get delayed on the next SC.

I am pretty sure that it delete many newcomers that dont undertand why they get deleted by premade or lack of tank/heals.
It should be the main focus, just my thinking of course : ))

Otherwise, thanks the dev, love your game and thanks for making it live. War never end

And for the blob, there should have a rule that when 10mores players hitting the same target and 20 feets around him doesn't give any RR and crest
Last edited by miklosch on Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 13

Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#5 » Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:35 am

PVE wards have little to do with the attrition rate of people maxing gear and quitting. It probably reduces that rate if anything since the old burnout of grinding royals is gone. The quitters were going to quit regardless.

There is zero punishment for zerging, crests still flow and bad players can be carried to max rr/gear. Odd thing to encourage in a game with only 2 sides. At least in DAOC the 2 sides being zerged could somewhat team up.

Posts: 2

Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#6 » Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:07 pm

Thanks for post, I would like to add:

On live you could bust zerg fairly easily with an organized WB, and you could get work done with a 6-18 man group vs superior numbers with moral bombing. We used to love the high AAO numbers back then, and keep defenses. You could get so much work done in terms of RR and fun **** around with low numbers and superior organization. Pugs hated this and felt they had no chance, but it also made defending an interesting and fun prospect.

Now since morales are nerfed in oRvR numbers matter more. This promotes blobbing and PvD. For me, the nerf to moral-bombing and morales not scaleing with the consistently more powerful gear progression has greatly diminished the fun of RvR.

I also think it would be nice if they reworked the oRvR weekly to give more genesis but require more kills, make zone PvD contribute less to weekly then what it does now and promote actual kills.

Another issue I see for EU is that discordant are being abused with destro queing at same time to get in a full group. This really skews the numbers there. Furthermore, please reveiw class imbalances... It's a horrible feeling when you know what most of the time, order brings 50% engi, SW and WH to scenarios, and those classes just dont cut it compared to the mirrors.
Last edited by Mordicai33 on Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 33

Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#7 » Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:24 pm

I just want to thank all the people who are keeping this awesome game alive, without getting a dime.

Over time, a lot of issues have been addressed, improvements implemented and more.

For having the chance to play this game, 10/10 for them!

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Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#8 » Sat Dec 17, 2022 1:11 pm

Mordicai33 wrote: Sat Dec 17, 2022 12:07 pm Thanks for post, I would like to add:

On live you could bust zerg fairly easily with an organized WB, and you could get work done with a 6-18 man group vs superior numbers with moral bombing. We used to love the high AAO numbers back then, and keep defenses. You could get so much work done in terms of RR and fun **** around with low numbers and superior organization. Pugs hated this and felt they had no chance, but it also made defending an interesting and fun prospect.

Now since morales are nerfed in oRvR numbers matter more. This promotes blobbing and PvD. For me, the nerf to moral-bombing and morales not scaleing with the consistently more powerful gear progression has greatly diminished the fun of RvR.

I also think it would be nice if they reworked the oRvR weekly to give more genesis but require more kills, make zone PvD contribute less to weekly then what it does now and promote actual kills.

Another issue I see for EU is that discordant are being abused with destro queing at same time to get in a full group. This really skews the numbers there. Furthermore, please reveiw class imbalances... It's a horrible feeling when you know what most of the time, order brings 50% engi, SW and WH to scenarios, and those classes just dont cut it compared to the mirrors.
It was because live gear gap was much bigger than here, organization had little to do with it. And please, don't go into a balance discussion in here, make a new thread instead. Case in point, morale bombing could probably be brought back, though it would be a massive buff for destro.
RoR doesnt deserve being taken seriously.

Posts: 8

Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#9 » Sat Dec 17, 2022 5:06 pm

The scheduled city system made the whole rvr campaign 99% not useful, and that's why main guild and wb just focus on zerging.

There's no actual need to push campaign, all you have to do is blobbing, killing people for war crest and then city log (or even skip it, like major guildies are doing). So the real question is: why city are still ONLY scheduled? I don't remember the real reason for the change, i just remember some streamers pushing this idea which in my opinion ruined open rvr, which was already in a bad state.

You can easily implement one scheduled city per week (at prime time, so that everyone can more easily organize it) and give back a meaning to rvr campaign, so that if a realm push 2 forts you go to enemy city like the old days. I think it will bring back meaning to rvr campaign, besides other necessary but maybe more difficult changes (like giving importance to BOs, etc), and I think almost everyone who played in the last year can agree with me.

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Re: My 2022 server feedback

Post#10 » Sat Dec 17, 2022 6:22 pm

I totally agree with Kpi

For me it´s especially the point of open RvR. It´s messed up cause of blobbing on both sides.
As a small guild it´s almost impossible to go out in the lakes.
If u are glad u find a 6 man. Most of the time u can be happy to face only one warband.
Maybe it is time to change something in this case?


Mortgrimm - IB - guild leader of Thurisaz
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