The Immortal Tank

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The Immortal Tank

Post#1 » Sun Jan 29, 2023 3:06 pm

Oi lads, I've been playing BO for a good while now (and I had a blast doing so) but now I'm wondering about the class that will let me roleplay as a raid boss. As in, which tank is the hardest to kill? I don't care about damage at all, all I want is to be unkillable and able to spearhead any push/be the wall between enemy and my wb. Ah yes, it also might be worth mentioning that I mainly play in wbs and rarely do anything else.

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Re: The Immortal Tank

Post#2 » Sun Jan 29, 2023 3:54 pm

roll a kotbs it seems. Although a lot of it truly depends on the resources a wb is willing to spend on keeping the tank alive. Most "unkillable" tanks have 2 guards and at least 2 dedicated healers and everyone in voice coms.
-= Agony =-

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Re: The Immortal Tank

Post#3 » Sun Jan 29, 2023 4:30 pm

To my knowledge, if tankiness is the only thing that you want, IB is the tankiest tank.

- IB has more base toughness than other tanks (except than kotbs/chosen/BO, which have the same)
- In BiS you easily cap toughness and wounds, and around 5.8k armor (with tactic and buff).
- Similar block/parry than other tanks.

Now, two things make the difference in regard to other tanks:

(1) Stacking damage reduction: shield mastery (only receive 95% of damage) + Seasoned Veteran (when block, aka always, only take 85% of damage for 5s) + Hardy Concession (damage reduced by 15%). All this stack, making you constantly be receiving around 70% of damage (not taking into account challenge / DB). Seen it all before also stacks, reducing another 15% of crits.

(2) Autoheal: every 60s you can autoheal for 30s. It's around 420 base heal every 3s. However, you have a nice 450 willpower autobuff which increases the healing to around 600 (plus some minor healing from equipment you may have).

"Main weakness" is magical damage. For this you have a shield every 10s and an autobuff of 370 of corporeal. This makes you only vulnerable to spiritual /elemental damage. For spiritual I usually take a spiritual resistance pot (you already get 940 armor from buff). So at the end of the day you are only "vulnerable" to elemental damage (but you have all the tanky properties mentioned before to deal with it + is the least played damage). 

Posts: 493

Re: The Immortal Tank

Post#4 » Sun Jan 29, 2023 4:35 pm

BG is best turtle tank. IB is arguably either on par with BG or very slightly lower for this matter (possibility to stack enormeous amounts of crit value reduction (SiaB+lini) along with damage reduction (both tactics stack with each other on top of stacking with renown) is just crazy).
This i'd go as BG: ... 9,2745,503
For renown points take a look into Hardy Concession.

However i dont share your romantic feeling of "unkillable spearhead & the wall between enemy and WB" as its absolutely suboptimal way of playing a tank. Your main task is group utility first and to become "unkillable" (which is in its own a s**t concept as everything is killable) you would need to kinda abandon it.

Edit: back in a day that was kinda obligatory to have shield BG in a serious city warband in champ group due to FoF and KF M4, there are still some funny videos of full champ group back to full hp after that M4 in a matter of few seconds. not gonna even start how absolutely insanely broken FoF was.

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Re: The Immortal Tank

Post#5 » Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:17 pm

it depends...

as a target dummy:
IB stacking flat dmg reduction and block technically has the highest effective HP of any class. this gets repeated a lot, but in practice it is not the fully story

active defences:
BG stacking tough and regen. the point here is that when using all of their abilities to actively fight and defend themselves BG is the most unkillable tank in the game. combination of their great CC, m1, bubble, massive tough buff and debuffs that target the opponents dmg output means that they are the only 3 WH tank in the game - that is, they can survive a gank attempt by 3 bis WH/WE. all other tanks struggle with 2

BO stacking block. you can reach 50%~ natural block without too much trouble, then the idea is to combo stop hitting da runts + da greenest in order to have 100% up time on cant hit me for 100% block. keep in mind strikethrough and rampage, but you're still the toughest thing from the front

wb guard duty:
kotbs or ib. both are basically unkillable if receiving proper heals in a wb. SM is notably squishier, bubbles don't really scale well in wb play and as des you are always gonna get ripped to pieces by rampage so large scale guarding always sucks for you
Last edited by tazdingo on Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Immortal Tank

Post#6 » Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:20 pm

it really depend on what you are facing, order tank have generally less avoidance counters, so just stuck avoidance make em on paper better than des tanks, KOBS and IB usually can add a dmg reduction which make em tankier, ch dmg reduction is a joke to proc. tough chosen is likely the more durable with no avoidance tank to kill with right tactics and build, while bork the longer with healt bar.
Still i'd argue IB with buffed res is harder to kill in WB generally speaking.

No point play s+b bg in wb so...i'd still argue, due shattering rampage on a def bg still be hard as hell, it still suffer the same problems of the other 2 des tank while also not having anything good to dmg reduction or in avoidance department as the other two for s+b. Yes m1 is a life saver but it work once every 60 sec. It really work differently but it more usefull for 2h bg than s+b.

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Re: The Immortal Tank

Post#7 » Mon Jan 30, 2023 1:47 am

No no no! They are all wrong! You wanna be a Warboss?? BO is the only choice!

You spec into the 2H line for You Wot!!!??!! Which increases your size and Armor by 30% and your defenses across the board by 15% for 20 seconds. Make sure you get Cant Hit Me and Rock 'Ard as well.

You build Pure tank and make SURE you have a Choppah with you to reduce the cool down from 30 to 25 seconds(nearly 100% uptime) also reduces the CD on your aoe punt.

Then you run into combat as a massive unkillable Ork smashing an aoe swathe knocking enemies all over the place like pin balls.

Thats how its done!

You wont be very popular amongst destro who cry like babies when you use aoe punt. Meanwhile Order uses their AOE punt to MASSIVE effect and advantage and we pass out free immunities with GTDC instead of rupting a morale drop or a channel.

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Re: The Immortal Tank

Post#8 » Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:38 am

Yes well i forgot you wot is plenty broken atm, even compared to vigilance...

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Re: The Immortal Tank

Post#9 » Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:56 am

Duukar wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 1:47 am You wanna be a Warboss?? BO is the only choice!
Actually BO is indeed pretty tough. You can grab you wot as SnB, you have block channel and 2 tactics (block and block&parry), also wounds&toughness tactics. BO has a very huge pro vs. BG&IB - you wot gives alot of resists as well, which they both lack and have no source to get.
There are no strict calculations for EHP around however i strongly believe that BG's avoidance and -crit, m1, ET and IB's dmg reduction + reduced crit value, m2 outweight pure stats advantage of BO.

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Re: The Immortal Tank

Post#10 » Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:00 am

Expectations : I'll never die and will allow my allies to do whateverthey want while the enemies focus me mwahahahahaha

Reality : Enemies will kill everybody but you, then proceed to kill you when you are the last one standing.
You'll die, only 2 min later than everybody else, while they are waiting for you to finally die so you can regroup and resume playing.

Tldr : it's a bad idea, but if you still want to do it, then IB is likely what you are looking for.

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