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rampage vs tanks on scale

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rampage vs tanks on scale

Post#1 » Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:54 am

Imagine a scale with rampage on one side.
On the other side, you place things that are affected by rampage.

RR skills.
20pt parry, 20pt block.

11% block from defensive Sovereign

14pt Oppression : requires Block or Parry - 14pt Knight Vigilance
12pt Mixed Defenses : Parry buff after Block - 4pt Knight Coordination
12pt Daemonclaw : after Parry
Corrupting Retribution : Aura, heal after avoidance
Destined For Victory : morale after Block, tactic

Black Orc
6pt Can't Hit Me! : Block +50% - SM WoDS
4pt Less Stabbin' Me : buff Block and Parry - 4pt SM Perfect Defenses
12pt Guud at Big Choppin! : Parry tactic - 12pt SM Great Weapon Mastery, 12pt IB Greataxe Mastery
Good Wif Shield : Block tactic
Youz see me blok' dat?! : morale after Block, tactic

Black Guard
12pt Shielded by Hate : Block tactic - 12pt IB Shield Mastery
8pt Anger Drives Me : Parry tactic
6pt None Shall Pass : Block +50%
10pt Elite Training : gueranteed Parry - 6pt IB Oathbound

When creating a build as destro tank, the thought that comes to mind is that
investing in defense becomes pointless against a skill worth six points. Should I even bother?
Furthermore, guard is very important.
Destro tanks are at a disadvantage since they cannot block or parry guard damage against rampage.

There must be a reason why this has been left untouched for years.
My guess is that it's considered fine because there are counters.
let me explain another PoV.

The initiative always lies with the slayer.
Destro can't save dispel and CC solely to counter rampage.

Countering dispel also give the slayer to have the initiative since the dispel will target the buffs applied earlier.
Slayer just need to apply one buff first.
Breaking through all of that and dispelling rampage takes time, and during that time, the slayer's team can do whatever they want.
Destro spends all their time countering and can't take any other actions during that time.
Ignoring rampage means suffering the consequences equal to what's on the above scale.

CC also falls under the slayer's initiative.
While destro saves it for countering rampage, the Order can use it whenever they need.
should destro just ignore the crucial CC moment while only focusing on countering rampage?
If it's necessary, they should use it when needed.
In that case, rampage counters become useless due to immunity, resulting in losses equivalent to what's on the above scale.

Implementing these counters in large-scale battles is more challenging than in smaller encounters.
In other words, it's easier for the slayer.

Let's assume that counters work in top-tier battles.
Compare the effort of pressing a single button to the effort of executing various high-level performances to counter it.
How many rounds do you think they can last?

Good destro tanks have already disappeared, leaving only useless tanks on the frontline, causing it to crumble.
In the absence of a frontline, healers become targets on the backline, and everything collapses.

Anyway, it's just regrettable that such a severe imbalance issue is being neglected.
I don't know on what grounds they're protecting it, but I hope they come to their senses.
It seems like it's already too late, though.

The suggestions have already been mentioned before, many times :

1. Add a condition for activation: After the slayer's attack get defended.
Choppa, BW/Sorc have this method.

2. Downgrade the skill: Not 100% strikethrough. 20% is enough.
Sorcerers with strikethrough builds have around 14% from endgame gears.

3. Dispel: Dispel the latest buff first.
SM8, SW8, AM8, WL7, KoBS5, BW6, WP8, WH7, IB7, Eng5, RP5, SL6
BG8, Sorc8, DoK8, WE7, Chs8, Mg8, Ze7, Mara8, BO6, SH7, Shm6, Chop4
SC summary - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20415
( last update : 2020.06.09)


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