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[SM] Healing capabilities

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Posts: 125

[SM] Healing capabilities

Post#1 » Mon Jun 26, 2023 4:49 pm

1. Identify the issue.

SM has some healing capabilities on the Path of Hoeth mastery tree wich could turn it into a valid option for a mix of support healing / tank in order to fulfill three different roles (DPS/TANK/SUPPORT HEALING)

Current situation ain't optimal and feels broken, these suggestions could improve a bit without much fuss.

2. Explain why it's an issue.

As charts about usage of the different classes exposed not many are playing SM and as a tank its capabilities are lower than Kotbs or IB, adding more healing support abilities could give some more utility to this class creating some more options either 2h or SnB.

Blade enchantments locations on each path seems misplaced.

3. Propose a viable solution to the problem.

-Path of Hoeth should be linked to Phantom's Blade instead of Heaven's Blade Enchantment, in this way you would have all the healing capabilities under the same Path. So I'll make Phantom's blade a Path of Hoeth core ability. Heaven's blade can be easily tied to Path of Vaul as it gives armour or resistances and this path is for "defence and protection", both skills feel natural on the new paths.

-Blessing of heaven tactic (Path of Hoeth, 11pt) is weak, is located pretty high on the mastery path and its not used by many as considered almost useless.

Current situation:
Path of Hoeth abilities will place an effect on your target for 10 seconds. During this time, any allies who strike the target will recover 132 health over 3 seconds.

I'd propose two different solutions:

Option 1, where the tactic affect any skill used but remains the same:
Abilities will place an effect on your target for 10 seconds. During this time, any allies who strike the target will recover 132 health over 3 seconds.

Option 2, where the tactic remains the same but its an insta health.
Path of Hoeth abilities will place an effect on your target for 10 seconds. During this time, any allies who strike the target will recover X health.

-I don't know how viable or difficult can be this but I'd suggest Willpower stat to affect the two healing tactics (Blessing of heaven and Bolstering Enchantment).

Under my opinion this changes would provide more utility to the class, and some other combinations in groups can be done, main tank + offtank healer + main healer in different situations, more could be done but would need much more thinking and calculations which aren't needed atm, the one that I consider most important is the Blade Enchantments relocations.


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