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[RP dps] anyone running?

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Posts: 86

[RP dps] anyone running?

Post#1 » Mon Dec 18, 2023 2:45 pm

Anyone maining or running a dps RP?
How is it going?

Curious about that if you'd like to share you experience

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Posts: 31

Re: [RP dps] anyone running?

Post#2 » Tue Dec 19, 2023 5:48 am

dalinvar wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 2:45 pm Anyone maining or running a dps RP?
How is it going?

Curious about that if you'd like to share you experience
I did level a RP from 1 to 40 a long while ago, with the intent of playing DPS all the way, then delete it (I already had a lvl40RP), to accompany a friend, and for the meme. From my experience, it's very underwhelming in term of raw damage output.

Names was <Sabrulefort>, you can't find it in the killboard however it's been deleted, but you can find my mate I was playing with named <Lefeusabrule>, i'll spare you the pain of browsing the killboard here are some exemples on scenario win :

- ... d0e3f81512
- ... bbf52876a8
- ... d0d639a03f
- ... 714ed01c95
- ... 1af4aeec4b
- ... a6c0609556
- ... d5a96777d5
- ... 360b321cfa

It took everything of me to make it work and grind myself to be the second best damage output and second best killer, doing roughly half of what my friend who was pressing 3 buttons was doing. However, the Dot that trigger a snare tactic is very nice, and with the right spells tactics and stats, you produce a surprising amount of leech heal.

You will min-max your intel and crit to not even do half of what a BW can do (and be squishy AF), and at low ranks there's no really viable specs, you always miss something vital to make it work below RR70.

That being said, it's also very funny to play for the meme, and it could be considered a viable solo option (?)

- If you want to DPS, play a true DPS, less effort for better results.
- Compared to RP, AM is more viable in their DPS form.
- It's for the meme.
Last edited by mielgato on Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [RP dps] anyone running?

Post#3 » Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:12 am

Single-target DPS RP is surprisingly fun and strong in mid-tier, but drops off very rapidly at cr40 because it lacks the burst to overcome the many sources of healing in RoR.

I wouldn't say it's so much an issue of RP being too weak, but the defensive safety net in RoR being so strong that sustained DPS (which is what RP brings) simply doesn't cut it.

For the same reason, the lifetaps that Runepriest brings aren't very strong, since everything in RoR is about burst.
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Re: [RP dps] anyone running?

Post#4 » Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:00 pm

I made an RP primarily to play it as DPS, and put my thoughts here:

But it short;
It's fairly strong support AOE dps, that in terms of damage can be at or above other equally geared DPS.
The main difference as mentioned above, completely lacks burst and kill potential (no 50% heal debuff, etc.).

You do make up for it with raw damage and the armor debuff, but only in groups big enough to support and take advantage of you (usually as a 1 of in wb).

Main problems I came across was you need to go close range for full damage with Rune of Might, so needs guard more than a regular ranged dps, and RoM needs SM with WW to maximize, getting both in a PUG WB is very rare.
And pugs, be it rvr or sc will usually lack healers, so you'll get some push back for going DPS there as well.

If you run with a regular organized slayer/wl melee ball wb, I'm sure you could convince them of a spot once geared, especially now with AoE heal debuff available.
And in this setting you wont be too squishy as you don't need to go full glass cannon.

Mid tier sc as dps is very fun, just going full right tree, it's a real little midget powerhouse.
Didn't try ST DPS, but sounds like that's an option too.

So as long as you are okay with more of a support role in non-competitive modes and switching to heal or hybrid from time to time, it's actuall a good time.
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Posts: 86

Re: [RP dps] anyone running?

Post#5 » Tue Dec 19, 2023 3:52 pm

Apparently it can work - I've heard of people being very successful with it in Warbands, but they are all in Best in Slot gear - and I was told it simply doesn't work AT ALL until you have Bloodlord set and even then you are just okay.

They start to shine in Full Sovereign Set which is pretty much the very end, and explains why the above poster did not have a great time at level 38.

So it can work, if you are willing to heal for most of your leveling and even on 40 somewhat struggle until the very end. Once you are BiS it "can" work but there are so few examples of DPS RP players there ( less than 5 I'd say ) that it's hard to tell how good they are or not.

But if you just want to DPS then you might as well start a DPS instead, unless you are super determined for potential months.

Posts: 268

Re: [RP dps] anyone running?

Post#6 » Wed Dec 20, 2023 8:16 pm

ive seen bis dps rp do well in duo and actually get a lot of killing blows. it will always be an oddity though. if youre dedicated enough to do well with dps rp youd propably excell with an actual dps archetype

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