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[Chosen] fresh 40 RR 45 - SnB Warband set up

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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[Chosen] fresh 40 RR 45 - SnB Warband set up

Post#1 » Sat Dec 16, 2023 2:04 pm

Hi all,

I followed the 2-handed guide while leveling up to 40, and while I feel like I know what to do when it comes to the 2handed play style, I am clueless when it comes to the SnB spec and what gear/talis to use.

Could anyone share their expertise what spec and gear I should run as a fresh 40 chosen looking to SnB in WB's?

Thank you for reading!

Posts: 68

Re: [Chosen] fresh 40 RR 45 - SnB Warband set up

Post#2 » Sun Dec 31, 2023 10:28 pm

Would love to know a good SnB starter gear setup.

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Posts: 374

Re: [Chosen] fresh 40 RR 45 - SnB Warband set up

Post#3 » Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:20 pm

A very basic starting tank gear set would be conqueor from rvr as it is or mixed with redeye set from gunbad.Subjugator shield that you can buy with genesis crests and 1h sc weapon that you can buy with war crests.As for the offset wind impervious tome unlocks set and gunbad block jewel.

This is a really early tank setup,dont expect to survive a full blob if you facetank it .
Renown in futile strike as much as u need to have your chance to be crit to 0 / (2 or 3 points is what i usually run) /full block ,full parry and in the end dodge disrupt.At higher renown rank i would also invest in the first rank of the speed proc on damage taken.
As for talisman wounds and toughness mix as much as u feel comfortable.
Once you get there next step would be vanquisher set and replace the wind impervious set with 3 pieces genesis.

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