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Patch Notes 06/02/2024

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Re: Patch Notes 06/02/2024

Post#121 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:13 am

Bozzax wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 7:10 pm or even worse obsessive focus
On the side note, obsessive focus is actually great ability on solo roaming sorc.
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Re: Patch Notes 06/02/2024

Post#122 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:19 am

CountTalabecland wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 11:31 pm Nerfing Rampage into the ground and giving the choppa a bunch more damage seems like a terrible idea and destro will dominate even more now in ORvR.

Slayer needs more dmg or a pull in return for Rampage nerf.
Maybe some dev's got to much killed by slayers.. or earlier by Shadow Warriors. That would certainly explain the streamlining of slows.

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Re: Patch Notes 06/02/2024

Post#123 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:27 am

Sort of correct even though solo sorc is a meme I’ve played one as well

I was after what can we expect for similar skills and why are they making changes that simplify the classes to a point where using these becomes non situational. Just add it to sequence or mmo mouse to use off cd wo even noticing it

Wb may still want to rampage sync but anyway
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

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Re: Patch Notes 06/02/2024

Post#124 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:53 am

I think a fair compromise is to lower any grudge or hate ability requirement to 90 instead of 100. In my opinion no ability should require an entire career resource bar to peak. Imagine if there were abilities that you can only use if you have a full ap bar. Honestly it should be %85. We should seek to mitigate as much as possible career mechanics punishing the player.

Grudge/Hate improves the inherent ability, but it's much more valuable as a resource for casting abilities that requires it. Lower any ability that requires %100 of any career resource.
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Re: Patch Notes 06/02/2024

Post#125 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 6:10 am

On the side note, everyone is talking about ability changes, and non is talking about Code of Conduct changes. There goes my hope of finally renaming my WE Surprisebuttsex lol.
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

— Azeila, Alluress of Slaanesh

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Re: Patch Notes 06/02/2024

Post#126 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 7:47 am

Zxul wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 6:10 am On the side note, everyone is talking about ability changes, and non is talking about Code of Conduct changes. There goes my hope of finally renaming my WE Surprisebuttsex lol.
Iam scared to login atm or interact with the community in any form from now on.

iam pretty direct in voicing my opinion on stuff the useless Suppression changes on chosen etc...i could be booted at any a GM/Dev who has a bad day or doesnt like me

btw....first post ever since 2014!!!!!

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Re: Patch Notes 06/02/2024

Post#127 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 8:18 am

My god the patches have been crazy for RoR lately!

BG went from the destro tank you get just to fill the ranks to a must-have.

Also i kind of expected more thread pages seeing Rampage finally changed. I mean there's probably 13 pages just of threads on the subject matter, not even counting posts. 😁
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Re: Patch Notes 06/02/2024

Post#128 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 9:26 am

zulnam wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 8:18 am
Also i kind of expected more thread pages seeing Rampage finally changed. I mean there's probably 13 pages just of threads on the subject matter, not even counting posts. 😁
not all go on Forums but the amount of ppl winnerjoining Des is a good indication of balance
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Posts: 308

Re: Patch Notes 06/02/2024

Post#129 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 9:46 am

zumos2 wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 4:02 pmAre you trying to tell me that an IB with 160 damage bonus and 550 ws should deal equal damage to a Slayer with 230 damage bonus and 800 weapon skill? Else I'm not following what argument you're trying to make there.

For the record, we do take class differences into account and what role each ability has. We didn't nerf Heavy Blow to mirror Relentless Strike, it is still way stronger. I simply aimed to give some context to how strong the ability was exactly. I would think anyone unbiased could see it was a bit over the top. IB damage potential is still strong. And in a group context the total damage you bring has only been increased with Blood of Grimnir. Which can also increase your damage a lot, especially if you can proc your own AA haste.
No, that's not what I'm saying at all.

You compared Heavy blow to Relentless strike as to show the potency of Heavy blow, the issue with this comparison as i explained is that you can't compare abilities like that in a vacuum without taking the actual class and more importantly class mechanics they belong to into account, IB's are not Slayers and vice versa.
If you place Heavy blow in a slayer context it would be broken indeed. As it is nobody to my knowledge has ever complained about it since IB's have an archaic resource system FAR worse than the mirror : Black Guard and is the hardest tank class to play in the game.

The actual window of making Heavy blow overperforming to warrant a nerf is none existent in a real context, after playing this class at a decent level for years i know I'B's wont overperform ( now if you are objective about balancing, then please take a look at WITCHBREW, that is a skill in need of a real nerf, not Heavy blow) . If somehow something is off damage-wise it is because you buffed the channel attack and added a weird design ( 10% arp at 100 grudge) that is hard to utilize on class that spends 1/4 resource bar on a simple punt, once again because of how Archaic in the design the IB's resource management is.

Hence i will quote myself and hopefully this message will sink in:

'' The more powerful attacks of the IB were always balanced to their harder to regenerate resources, this is obvious to anyone who does small scale. ''

The second point is that Heavy blow is a vastly more important skill to IB's than Relentless strike is to Slayers, it is an insult ( or Grudge ;) ) to every IB comparing them, no offence. As it is the least you can do is seriously considering to add Rising Anger (tactic) as core effect to the class like the Black Guard mirror already has, you nerf the damage pontential then do something about the obsolete resource management of the class.

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Re: Patch Notes 06/02/2024

Post#130 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 9:55 am

Detangler wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:50 pm
zumos2 wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 4:35 pm
Detangler wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 4:28 pm

Only a 2H IB would care about increasing their own damage, so how exactly do you expect a 2H IB to spec up high in both trees and not sacrifice other key abilities/tactics?

If you were part of this change, I'm sorry that you seem to have taken all your knowledge of the class from looking at tooltips and career builders, cause it doesn't seem like you have actual experience playing the class or you would have seen the fault in your own logic.
The whole idea of Mastery Trees is that you have to make choices and cannot get everything you would want at the same time.

And if you think personal attacks are gonna help, I can assure you they wont.
Making an observation that you don't seem to have a deep understanding of the class is not a personal attack. Its an observation. You said an IB can buff their own auto attack damage, yes? Shield spec wont have much damage to begin with, so count them out. That means you're talking 2H spec. What 70 RR career mastery spec would you think would work with this ability? Grudge-Born Fury is out of the question, unless you want to give up THREE of the FOUR key abilities/tactics that make 2H spec decent- knockdown, 10% damage/5% parry tactic, aoe snare, 10% crit/str buff for self/oath friend. Parry buff is completely out of the question here if you are talking a pure IB damage build.

Making choices, yes, but why on earth would you sacrifice 10% damage and 5% parry, knockdown, and aoe snare for a weak aoe damage skill that costs a significant amount of grudge (something IB has no real way to build quickly unlike the BG) and only gives a small boost to auto attack damage? Heavy Blow was decent damage after full grudges, but now your best damage ability is Grudge-Born Fury. How are you going to have both this new ability and GBF in the same build? Sacrifice a set bonus for +2 masteries from sov gear to dilute possible IB stats to grab a couple of these abilities? I'm sincerely asking here, because it seems myself and the rest of the community see what you all did and have not come up with any reasonable explanation as to why this is an overall benefit to the class.

Maybe I missed the cacophany of cries about Ironbreaker damage being too strong on these forums. Anyone else able to find these threads somewhere?
thank you, here's someone who really knows the IB,

I totally agree with your explanation
My video :
Hogun - IB 80+ Hoguun RP 80+ Hogunn ING 80+ HOG Slayer 80+ Gor IB 2M 50

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