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Concerns About New Nickname Policy

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Re: Concerns About New Nickname Policy

Post#11 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 4:02 pm

MaxHayman wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 12:14 pm
agemennon675 wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 12:00 pm Yeah these new code of conduct rules are either not very well though out or just intentionally made this way so they can ban anyone they want or don't like whenever they want.
Copied from another thread.

Just to clarify the old wording on the forums was far more general.
1.1 Don't Be A Jerk
We are all here to play and enjoy the game. Attacking other players in chat, trolling players in general with toxic attitudes, or finding other creative ways to disrupt other players from enjoying their time here. None of this is appreciated. Consider this a very broad and generalized rule that we will apply liberally when players are in fact being jerks to each other. If only we lived in a world where this was the only rule needed.
Respect is the word, whether you hate someone or simply think they're a bad player, you can be respectful. Keep in mind this is just a game, and there is no reason and no place for real grieves/grudges.
So the new rules are meant to be more specific. Additionally most of the rules were taken from the original Mythic one which was in game and had been from 2008 to before this patch.

In regard to voicing your opinion. If it's a review that is fair criticism then it's fine. Giving people an opinion of whether you thing its worth playing its fine. If someone is uploading a video shouting racist commentary or something in a video while playing the game. Then that wouldn't be allowed.

If you have any specific concerns please let me know and I will address them.
I was mostly referring to name rules I have no problems with the kind of rules like "dont be a jerk" or any other legit rules. I personally mostly get my character names from name generators and if you guys really follow these name rules you will have to ban %90 of the population
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Re: Concerns About New Nickname Policy

Post#12 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:07 pm

Albais wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 3:42 pm You keep saying that these naming rules were part of Mythic's Code of Conduct. That's great, but this alone does not justify their continued existence. Why do we need them today?
The main reason most of these rules exist is not only to protect the server but also to protect you, the users.

As convulated and often confusing Codes of Conduct can be, the main reason for the existance of these points is to protect the Warhammer IP, and GAMES WORKSHOP, as it is often forgotten but we are responsible for maintaining its reputation too. This means some rules might seem oddly detailed, but it is there for legal reasons.

We try to warn our playerbase to avoid certain names in case of us receiving potential takedown requests in which case we have to cooperate - and said players would lose their valued and loved nicknames.

These rules are there as guidelines to help you create a rock-solid nickname that is always going to be safe. Requests to change it might happen, but also might not, their purpose is to help you completely avoid that possibility.

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Re: Concerns About New Nickname Policy

Post#13 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:22 pm

Hazmy wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:07 pm As convulated and often confusing Codes of Conduct can be, the main reason for the existance of these points is to protect the Warhammer IP, and GAMES WORKSHOP, as it is often forgotten but we are responsible for maintaining its reputation too. This means some rules might seem oddly detailed, but it is there for legal reasons.

We try to warn our playerbase to avoid certain names in case of us receiving potential takedown requests in which case we have to cooperate - and said players would lose their valued and loved nicknames.

Just so that I understand that correctly: if a character is for example called 'Legolas' then the Tolkien Estate might issue a takedown request? Is this really a realistic scenario? I'm honestly curious: did something like that (a rights holder of any kind sending a takedown request for a character or guild name) ever happen in the history of this server? Also, do character and guild names in a game even qualify for the protections granted by trademark/IP/copyright law?

Ok, so let's say that this is the reasoning for banning names 'of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials or products.' and 'from popular culture or media.'. What I still don't understand is where
You may not use proper names of areas within the game for character names. Guild names MAY use the proper names of specific areas, to help promote role-playing and realm pride.
You may not use proper names of NPCs within the game.
You may not use names containing titles or ranks within them.
You may not use names that contain a phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence.
comes from? What is the reasoning for these rules?

And similarly about the rule banning names of 'historical or religious significance' where I'll refer to the questions in my previous post:
What does it matter if a name is religiously or historically significant? Peter, Thomas, Joshua - all religiously significant names. Richard Lionheart, Xerxes, Nero, ... what is the issue with any of these names? I understand that there are certain historical figures you wouldn't want to see used as names in game. But then instead of "historically significant" maybe something along the lines of "no names of controversial real-world individuals or organizations or referring to sensitive events, both current and historical" would be better. This is basically the phrasing that you used a few lines earlier in the CoC and I think it fits the intended purpose far better as it is less broad and more specific in what it covers.
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Re: Concerns About New Nickname Policy

Post#14 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:35 pm

Albais wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:22 pm Just so that I understand that correctly: if a character is for example called 'Legolas' then the Tolkien Estate might issue a takedown request? Is this really a realistic scenario? I'm honestly curious: did something like that (a rights holder of any kind sending a takedown request for a character or guild name) ever happen in the history of this server? Also, do character and guild names in a game even qualify for the protections granted by trademark/IP/copyright law?
The purpose of a Code of Conduct is to avoid a situation in the first place, or act as a safety net. Such situations can happen, especially if let's say a player with an infringing name also happens to do some wild stuff that is against the Code of Conduct and then the server would get the attention of certain Businesses, starting a ripple effect. It is actually a very realistic scenario.

I am not a lawyer so I can not answer details on why each line is present - but the same logic applies. Like using a mistyped Karl Franz nickname only to engage in not so friendly behavior that would make Games Workshop dislike using their characters that way etc.

In the case of Titles/Religious names, similar case of unnecessary attention or involvement of topics, but some might be more sensitive than others - and so it is best to avoid them all-together.

As Max also hinted at, you might never get into trouble or be forced to change your name, as these rules have already been in effect since launch. But it is there so you know it can happen with certain names.

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Re: Concerns About New Nickname Policy

Post#15 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:41 pm

I am afraid that You guys have to rename 90% of RoR population….
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Re: Concerns About New Nickname Policy

Post#16 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:52 pm

Thanks for the official replies. I still think that the naming policy the way it is phrased right now is way too broad and allows the reporting of a vast majority of the names which are currently in use.

You may not use names that contain a phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence.
alone can be applied to an incredibly broad set of possible names. Lots of words could be described as 'a fragment of a sentence'.

You may not use names from popular culture or media.
You may not use names that are religiously or historically significant.
into the mix together with
You may not use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules.
and you end up with a whole plethora of names that fit this description of 'alternative spelling of a name that appears in some form of popular culture or media or is in some form historically or religiously significant'.
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Re: Concerns About New Nickname Policy

Post#17 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 6:00 pm

Albais wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:52 pm Thanks for the official replies. I still think that the naming policy the way it is phrased right now is way too broad and allows the reporting of a vast majority of the names which are currently in use.
Feel free to ask any questions and we'll do our best to clarify!

Regarding name changes, we will continue to look at them case-by-case and carefully investigate each report if moderation is necessary or not, or to make sure the reports are not done with malicious intent.

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Re: Concerns About New Nickname Policy

Post#18 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 6:06 pm

Hazmy wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 6:00 pm Regarding name changes, we will continue to look at them case-by-case and carefully investigate each report if moderation is necessary or not, or to make sure the reports are not done with malicious intent.

This is good to hear and echos what Max said earlier in the thread about intent playing a role, but maybe it would make sense to directly state this in the character and guild naming policy section of the CoC. Because at least I interpret the current wording to mean that these naming rules will be followed to the letter in any and all cases, which would frankly be an overkill given their broad reach.
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Re: Concerns About New Nickname Policy

Post#19 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 6:33 pm

Minisynn wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:58 am I say perma ban them all, that'll teach them for having the gall to break the new code of conduct 😤
Don't worry, im about to trademark your name soo you get banned too. Just wait a while.

MaxHayman wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:19 pm
You may not use names of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials or products.
If someone who has a claim on a trademark thinks a character name is infringing, they are welcome to contact us. This rule is common on a lot of video games or MMOs. Additionally trademark claims usually have different classes.
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Re: Concerns About New Nickname Policy

Post#20 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 6:52 pm

What is "You may not use names that contain a phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence." even supposed to mean?

Especially the last part, isn't every word part of a sentence in some way? Apart from maybe like smash your fist to the keyboard word like loikebfgtvhnc.
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