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RR 54-66 Witch Hunter Solo & Small group clips

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Posts: 69

Re: RR 54-66 Witch Hunter Solo & Small group clips

Post#11 » Sat May 04, 2024 9:30 pm

Stinksuit wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 8:47 pm
Faction69 wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 8:25 pm Well I just checked and I've got around 8 1v1 deaths to SH vs 80+ kills. Most of them have gear 3 or 4 tiers above mine as well. It seems like a very easy matchup to me but I'm open to running into an SH who does things better.
According to killboard you have 18 solo deaths to sh but that doesn't really matter. Killboard is just numbers with no full context tbf (atleast thats how I view it) I could say the same thing that I only have 16 solo deaths and 60+ something solo kills against wh on my zeal but that doesn't really mean that its a easy matchup and player matters alot ofcourse. Mdpv would dust the floor with me if I had proper 1v1 against his wh. Dont take it the wrong way I'm just saying that sh is not a easy matchup in most cases. Its really good if you manage to beat them consistently on your wh. :) and as I mentioned earlier I cant wait to meet you in the lakes to hopefully have some good 1v1 fights. :D
Killboard can be misleading - sometimes a "solo kill" involves a healer or two or is part of a larger fight. I remember my deaths a lot more than my kills actually, and every time a ranged SH has beaten me it's been because they got the opener, they had pots off cd and I didn't, or I made a really glaring mistake (like not breaking slow before using gap closer, or breaking the movement speed bonus too early by using an ability). I find the matchup way easier than I did WE vs SW, since SW KD gives them an opportunity to create distance while disarm doesn't. But I definitely don't run into many ranged SHs who use the knockback so maybe that's what all of them are doing wrong.

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Re: RR 54-66 Witch Hunter Solo & Small group clips

Post#12 » Sat May 04, 2024 10:02 pm

Faction69 wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 9:30 pm
Stinksuit wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 8:47 pm
Faction69 wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 8:25 pm Well I just checked and I've got around 8 1v1 deaths to SH vs 80+ kills. Most of them have gear 3 or 4 tiers above mine as well. It seems like a very easy matchup to me but I'm open to running into an SH who does things better.
According to killboard you have 18 solo deaths to sh but that doesn't really matter. Killboard is just numbers with no full context tbf (atleast thats how I view it) I could say the same thing that I only have 16 solo deaths and 60+ something solo kills against wh on my zeal but that doesn't really mean that its a easy matchup and player matters alot ofcourse. Mdpv would dust the floor with me if I had proper 1v1 against his wh. Dont take it the wrong way I'm just saying that sh is not a easy matchup in most cases. Its really good if you manage to beat them consistently on your wh. :) and as I mentioned earlier I cant wait to meet you in the lakes to hopefully have some good 1v1 fights. :D
Killboard can be misleading - sometimes a "solo kill" involves a healer or two or is part of a larger fight. I remember my deaths a lot more than my kills actually, and every time a ranged SH has beaten me it's been because they got the opener, they had pots off cd and I didn't, or I made a really glaring mistake (like not breaking slow before using gap closer, or breaking the movement speed bonus too early by using an ability). I find the matchup way easier than I did WE vs SW, since SW KD gives them an opportunity to create distance while disarm doesn't. But I definitely don't run into many ranged SHs who use the knockback so maybe that's what all of them are doing wrong.
From my we experiences against sw it depends alot on my spec. If im playing on your knees its quite a easy matchup, without the range kd it can be tricky or even hard against certain sw players. But yeah your point about the killboard is pretty much what I said that it doesn't really tell the truth. Playing against sh (mainly from my order friends pov) the disarm into the insane pet dmg is most of the time enough to end the 1v1. I do remember when I was lvling my own sh couple of months ago the dmg was very high even for low rr / geared sh. :)

Posts: 158

Re: RR 54-66 Witch Hunter Solo & Small group clips

Post#13 » Sun May 05, 2024 12:44 am

i think dps parry chosen.wh cant win now,,dot only hit chosen 300-400,parry dps chosen have 30+cirt, can fast kill wh.

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