Wards and Patch

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Re: Wards and Patch

Post#31 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 8:49 am

francomes wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:35 pm You simply picked the wrong game.
This game aint competitve. It will never ever ever ever be.
The reasons are many...ping issue, fps drops,gear gap,realm and class imbalance...but above all its simply not designed for that
What the hell?! Are those in your pov legit reasoning of why RoR not competitive?! Lmao
RoR aint e-sport, true, but its a PvP MMO, arguably the best one out there. PvP is all about competition. One player compite with the other.
Thing is you and many other forum posters cant embrace it for so long is mind boggling. Shoehorning game design to cater for average MyLittlePonyAdventureOnline enjoyer is a bad thing to do with RoR.
So its most likely you did pick the wrong game, if you believe that RoR game design should be catering into casual.
And for the record, no, im not a tryhard sweat lord myself, im a casual lazy daddy. Still tho, even considering this my point still stands - logic of rewarding success in competition has to be followed. And casual players have to adapt and embrace it or leave. Transforming one of the last games in a dying genre of PvP centric MMOs into plenty of alike casual solo friendly adventures is definitely a no go for me.

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Re: Wards and Patch

Post#32 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 9:11 am

The idea that casual means 100 % solo never caring whatsoever about ones performance is just stupid. This server caters to not even caring way to much. You will get your reward regardless of how you, and more importantly, your realm perform.

The weekend warfronts are the perfect example. There are so many solo heroes never bothering improving or grouping up (not even fighting mind you) that a premade of any quality typically just tear **** up. In a mmo like this, grouping up with friends and guildies should be considered bare minimum effort for casual and tryhard alike.
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Re: Wards and Patch

Post#33 » Tue Jan 09, 2024 2:48 pm

Dabbart wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 8:01 pm
Helwer wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:52 am
when carrots don't work it is your idea to punish player harder so they don't even start to play or what is your exact plan? keep players from good gear even longer?
the free loot you are talking of is 5 or more lotd-losses on order to get at least 1 good item for 80 gold scarabs? Or the free loot of 9'999 crests for your bis triumphant ring? Free loot of 100 gold bags for invader-gear? Or spending hours to find groups for annoying pve-grind that got worse or even impossible atm. Yes you are on the right way for sure to increase playerbase, especially with "skilled" once like you. lol
Feel free to read what I write and not alledge things I never said.

I don't care if you think I am "skilled". I don't. I have a lot of experience, that's it. I've never claimed to be a "top player". I just want good fights, it feels like a massive portion of the current playerbase just wants more loot. How many complaints about "sweaty fights" have you seen? It's kinda sad.

But please, offer your opinion. You state the carrots haven't worked, so c'mon. What's your idea? MORE/EZ free loot? That's working so well for the server currently...

I've asked this question before, and shockingly no answer. So let's try again: Would it be preferable to have A, as many people regularly playing the Server as possible, or B, a robust, balanced, and healthy PvP experience for those that do login? Not trying to argue the politics of either, but IMO B is the better option, and it feels like the "team" prefers A. I don't believe you can have both in a PvP game. You have to focus on one. Imo.

Edit: P.S. Yes. I am well aware that I am an asshole. Don't believe that makes me wrong though.
Sorry, vacations - i made lot of propositions before, you can read them if you really want answers. You don't want balanced game with fun for both sides - you want to establish and maintain gear gap. A gap that makes the game no fun for new player. I heard a lot leaving cause of that. They quit before they get equipped. That sounds fun to you? You know how hard i can try to kill an 80+ bis as fresh 40 with no wards? Are you kidding me? You know why i don't play T4 sc longer? Cause it is fun to get steam rolles while i try to get better?
Before currency cahnges it was the exact same thing with gold bags. No change there - you are dreaming of a past that never happenend. And lots of players couldnt join daily city at noon. I was lucky and could farm my first sov so. You know how? Pugging.

Well back to your question cause i think you wont read any old posts of me:
1. Make defenses more rewarding: Add crests to keep defense quests and give more rewarding bags for active playing in a zone even when its lost. That's one way to give fun even while loosing. Not getting stomped and not get any reward. Rushing empty zones is also lame.
2. Buff lower armors to make fresh 40 more competetive to 80+ bis players. Only thing on sub bis i noticed is 10 ft range for that happens in end game and that's only a very small niche.
3. work on match-making in scenarios - no merging of discordant quers to regular sc (maybe only a bug), no matching of premade vs pugs and no pop when there is no heal on one side but several on the other, sounds quite simple to me but seems to be impossible. And you know what? You dont get better, when you get stomped by bis premades and it is no fun. you have simply no chance and that feels kind of meh.
4. buff some stuff like s-loads of useless tactics instead of nerving everyone and narrowing gameplay / counterplay

Want more?

You are still shocked now or surprised there could be simple ways to get fairer fights?

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Re: Wards and Patch

Post#34 » Tue Jan 09, 2024 3:24 pm

@Dabbart and your points ar not new - drops from players in rvr and boe pve-gear-parts were on live servers and didnt save it so we need something new. But i support drops etc. After todays run curious about future. morning was rushing empty zones and forts, afternoon seems to be opposite - nobody trying to become better or defend anything - strange...
and from a sc group - yea it is fun ! great fun! we win 99% with something like 20:1 or more kill to death ratio. Just wondering how others see that and how to find opponents when they dont get any crest.

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Re: Wards and Patch

Post#35 » Mon Jan 15, 2024 5:31 pm

As someone who hit 40 just as the patch dropped, it's frustrating to be stuck in Ruin / Beastlord gear and be behind everyone else in PvP because the dungeons are closed. Paying crests for vanq / invader gear is a huge waste when I'm already close to wearing sov. Until all the dungeons are online I think it would be best if the ward system was removed for the PvP sets and Fortress weapons, they're already gated by RR, let us buy whatever we can use.

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Re: Wards and Patch

Post#36 » Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:31 am

With a server this long in the tooth there are inevitably going to be gear discrepancies between veteran and new players. That's just the nature of an MMO like this. There are decent options for some roles at lower ranks as well. Ruin tank set for example is quite decent with 7% block and an armor set bonus. Tank Conq similarly has a nice +100 wounds proc that makes up for your lack of survivability.

The rewards at 50/60/70 are a good addition, and can offer a carrot solution. Upon hitting 50 give players a conq token, with which they can purchase any piece of conq gear of their choice. Same with 60, Vanq token, and 70, invader token. This way you can complete a set if you're slightly behind, and you save some crests for the next set.

As far as pve wards go, I'd say we need some sort of stop-gap solution here. It's been what now, a month and change? People need these dungeons available for obvious reasons. Gunbad seems like a good fill in option, but I don't know how you implement a reward system for pve gear sets across several dungeons.

I never thought I'd see an argument about whether WaR/RoR is in fact a competitive game. That discussion is above my pay grade.
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Re: Wards and Patch

Post#37 » Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:33 am

Exactly, I have several friends who are 'taking a break' until they fix the PvE because their toons aren't competitive and can't get gear that will make them competitive. I'm hoping they'll come back, but they've become very soured on RoR and there's a considerable chance they'll just move on to another game.

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Re: Wards and Patch

Post#38 » Tue Jan 16, 2024 3:51 am

Just let people share their crest with all of their toons on the same fraction would help out a lot!!!

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Re: Wards and Patch

Post#39 » Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:36 am

Get rid of wards.

Seems to me like wards are a problem for a lot of players. Forgive me if I miss the point, but why even have wards? Just buy the gear if you have the RR and the currency. If you want a decent set like BL while you save crests, run BS. If you want to rock lower gear while saving crests, do that right? Seems simple. People will still run dungeons for sent jewelry and BL weapons when its all worked out. Wards are nothing but a speed bump.

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Re: Wards and Patch

Post#40 » Tue Jan 16, 2024 9:38 am

In original game Age of Reckoning, Ward system was for PvE (dungeons) only. For each piece of ward yo took 10% less damage from mobs and dealt 10% more damage to them.
Here in RoR its implementation is completely different and I dont know why. Maybe devs can explain why they took Wards and apply them to buy RvR gear/weapons. Maybe to artificaly slow gear progression?
It just makes "poor" "Poorer" for longer period of time, while rr80 geared characters can farm them longer.
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