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armor values on "squishies"

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Posts: 56

armor values on "squishies"

Post#1 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:17 pm

Generally in mmos if 95% of the playerbase is doing something it's probably op, and everyone uses an armor pot. Many use armor talisman as well.

A shaman in warlord (base armor value 1337 or 22.78% mitigation) can easily reach 3153 armor or 52.74% mitigation (assuming 8 * 124 armor talisman = 992 armor and a 660 or 824 armor pots is used).

This is about the same level as heavy plate armor in most mmos. That on top of heals/ shields/ and ofcourse the 50% detaunt they have uniquely on RoR (that doesnt reduce healing effectiveness like it reduces damage from DDs).
Its no surprise people say you cant solo kill healers on RoR.

There is weaponskill, but it doesn't counteract armor stacking effectively. At 20% arpen a single point of weaponskill provides around 0.08% armor pen.

Assuming ( 8 * 23 wpnskill talisman ) + (lets say 80wpnskill from a good pot) that equals 264 weaponskill. That equates to around 21% armor penetration.

That shaman from before would now have 665.9 armor removed, taking him to 2487, or 42.39% mitigation. He has gained about 30% straight mitigation from armor. And only lost about 11% mitigation against someone stacking equivalent weaponskill.

To my mind this isn't balanced. And its very obvious! And its very clear that its better to do magic damage than physical in ror right now!


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