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Shaman Skill Priority

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Shaman Skill Priority

Post#1 » Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:53 pm

I'm leveling up a Shaman and want to make sure I am prioritizing the right skills. There are a lot of options that seem to fit different situations. I know to prioritize healing over other skills, but how impactful / useful are these:

1. 'Ere We Go!
2. Yer a Weaklin
3. Get'n Smarter (to help damage on FotG I guess?)
4. Greener 'N Cleaner (no group tactic yet since I went FotG first)

Thanks for helping a new player out!

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Posts: 95

Re: Shaman Skill Priority

Post#2 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 7:00 am

Ere We Go!
Very good with the tactics to make it cast twice and give morale on hit.
Mediocre without it.

Yer a Weaklin.
Fairly strong as its a ranged aoe debuff. Not a bad cast but there are other stat drains everywhere that do a similar thing.

Get'n Smarter
Nice strong dot, if you're on the offensive it'll give you a little more damage and strikethrough for the duration. You still keep the buff if it gets dispelled.

Greener 'N Cleaner
Only worth casting with the HoT tactic or if you really need to get rid of a certain debuff -now-. Aoe Cleanse is arguably better now that Slayers Inevitable Doom can be cleansed.

Posts: 23

Re: Shaman Skill Priority

Post#3 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 8:52 am

Hi !

1. 'Ere We Go! => very situational and good only when hybrid in 6 man (cause of the other 2 tactics, mainly morale boost anyway)
2. Yer a Weaklin => useful in WB all the time but it's really a side thing; you use it to help your mates, fodg, etc.
3. Get'n Smarter (to help damage on FotG I guess?) => if DPS or hybrid, it's a must. for FoDG it's precious and useful. thing is that now pots and get'n smarter do stack (unlike before) so you're more versatile. also it's in FoDG tree so easy boost. use it before doing a FoDG/CF series
4. Greener 'N Cleaner (no group tactic yet since I went FotG first) => meh. only with tactics so it "costs" a lot. use it to cleanse every time you can but it ain't a focus

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