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[DOK]Dps+heals no lifetaps spec.

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Posts: 22

Re: [DOK]Dps+heals no lifetaps spec.

Post#11 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:38 pm

Why not just using Consume Essence instead of Cleave Soul? You loose some damage but you gain a lot of self/group heal and the procs are still triggered. Or when under pressure you switch completely to healing?

Posts: 1626

Re: [DOK]Dps+heals no lifetaps spec.

Post#12 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 12:09 am

Someone actually reads this old post :)

Testing it over time, eventually (in Torture spec) switched to Cleave Soul when I need more dmg/Consume Essence when I need sustain.

Eventually switched to Sacrifice/Dark Rites though (still with chalice)- what you gain from Torture is Bloodthirst which adds lot of dmg, from other hand Sacrifice gives you ranged aoe/burst/ap drains- overall a better setup.

As for pressure basically atime its a dance between two stances- offense + app drains+ sustain with Rend/CoV procs/hots, or detaunt+full heal while recovering from KD/when getting low on hp.
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

— Azeila, Alluress of Slaanesh

Posts: 22

Re: [DOK]Dps+heals no lifetaps spec.

Post#13 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 8:50 am

Yes, I found your post very interesting. I am also experimenting with similar play style at the moment. However I am only rank 24. I try to make the best use of bolstering by soft capping armor, willpower, wounds and get some str in the process. At the moment I am between sets so the plan is not working at all. However I'll stay with this play style at least until 30. Btw, do you think that toughness is better than armor for this build? The information that I find about armor vs. toughness is really confusing.

It's a fun concept and I feel that all my skills are useful which is really nice. This could be even a problem because I have so many mele skills to use. What I try to do now is: keep the str buff up -> keep the slow up -> parry debuff -> consume essence. I don't use Lacerate and Cleave soul at all. I try to use Rend Soul on CD but it completely breaks the rotation.

Posts: 1626

Re: [DOK]Dps+heals no lifetaps spec.

Post#14 » Tue Mar 31, 2020 8:11 pm

enzoneon wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 8:50 am At the moment I am between sets so the plan is not working at all. However I'll stay with this play style at least until 30. Btw, do you think that toughness is better than armor for this build? The information that I find about armor vs. toughness is really confusing.
Best for this build is mixing half heal/half dps armor/jewelry, selecting individual parts for best mods.

Toughness at least at 40+ is better than armor in general- all order dps classes which you actually worry about either totally ignore armor (am, bw, wh, and slayer practically speaking), or have enough armor penetration+armor debuffs to mostly ignore it as well (wl).
enzoneon wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 8:50 am It's a fun concept and I feel that all my skills are useful which is really nice. This could be even a problem because I have so many mele skills to use. What I try to do now is: keep the str buff up -> keep the slow up -> parry debuff -> consume essence. I don't use Lacerate and Cleave soul at all. I try to use Rend Soul on CD but it completely breaks the rotation.
Lacerate is good- the toughness debuff equals to more str for you. And while I usually start with this rotation as well, rotation matters less than:

1. Hitting Consume Enchantment every time it lights up/hitting it on on CD- whatever buff they got on, you don't want it there. Specially true for stuff like am hots (you can shatter those)/engi armor self buff.
2. Hitting cleanse on CD- things like heal debuffs/wh's BaL hurt.
3. Use Rend on CD- as much as it about sustain, its also about using a different resource for dmg (SE) so you won't run out of ap.
4. Once you got those- hitting ap drains on CD.
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

— Azeila, Alluress of Slaanesh

Posts: 22

Re: [DOK]Dps+heals no lifetaps spec.

Post#15 » Wed Apr 01, 2020 12:21 pm

Thanks, Zxul. A the moment (rank 26) I struggle so much with my survive that I went for full haling gear. Once I get the rank 29 soldier set, I hope I'll get the stat budget to experiment with a str build least for a couple of levels. Btw, I really dislike how "jumpy" the bolstering work. After getting the new tier gear I feel very powerful for 2-3 ranks and then bottom of the food chain until the next tier gear comes...

Posts: 93

Re: [DOK]Dps+heals no lifetaps spec.

Post#16 » Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:36 pm

Hey Zxul , think you can give an updated build you are currently using? and when you mean mix of heal/dps , what stat counts as DPS for this build? Int? or Str?

Posts: 1626

Re: [DOK]Dps+heals no lifetaps spec.

Post#17 » Fri Apr 24, 2020 2:04 am

raistomen wrote: Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:36 pm Hey Zxul , think you can give an updated build you are currently using? and when you mean mix of heal/dps , what stat counts as DPS for this build? Int? or Str?
The best one for this spec is currently probably this one- switch to healing tactics set when joining wb: - Disciple of Khaine

Testing Sacrifice, eventually went back to Torture since with usual armor values around, and with dok having low ws in this spec, Devour Essence does too little dmg. Specifically about Vision of Torment m4, testing it the dmg is nice but being m4 and with melee range/single target effect its takes too long to get to to actually be useful.

Renown max FS, max toughness, 1 last point whatever.

Dps stat is str. Mix of heal/dps is mix of healing and dps sets, such as sentinel+vanq, prioritizing defense (init, anticrit, toughness).
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

— Azeila, Alluress of Slaanesh

Posts: 93

Re: [DOK]Dps+heals no lifetaps spec.

Post#18 » Fri Apr 24, 2020 2:05 pm

thanks man, yeah plus like , you'd need to go str for sacrifice as I understand it , to get the most out of lifetapping?>

I am totally new so still learning the ropes here. Rights/torture allows you to pretty much stay full healer, but here have some free damage

Posts: 1626

Re: [DOK]Dps+heals no lifetaps spec.

Post#19 » Sun Jul 19, 2020 3:39 pm

To update this somewhat- currently the best mix for the spec is 3 sentinel (body/boots/belt)/4 invader. Personally I'm using this mix even when going full heal for city- 80 toughness/73 init which you get from 3 sentinel is worth the will loss. As a nice bonus you get regen from sent chest as well, which doesn't costs GCDs and isn't affected by heal debuffs.

Could potentially got for 4 sentinel/4 invader, personally I prefer for jewelry 1-3 gunbad diamond+2 Undying genesis (24 toughness/24 init and 24 toughness/24 wound ones).
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

— Azeila, Alluress of Slaanesh

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Re: [DOK]Dps+heals no lifetaps spec.

Post#20 » Tue Jan 24, 2023 3:53 pm

I just found this thread and was wondering it is actually working. on paper it looks a bit like WE regen build. however I wonder if the dmg actually is enough to kill someone since your str is pretty low and the only magic dmg comes from your procs. all the dots would need alot of str and armor pen to do dmg which this missing in this build.

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