[ZEALOT] State of the class

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Re: [ZEALOT] State of the class

Post#11 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 6:17 pm

Agreed - Vanq until BiS is a fine plan.

I think HV until bis is a better plan with Hunters Vale is out. In the absence of that, vanq until bis or pve mix until BiS both seem solid - couldnt tell you which is better with high degree of confidence.

I see all the zealots using the rr45 OH so its what I recommend. You make a good case for fort OH (which starts with subjugator OH)

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Re: [ZEALOT] State of the class

Post#12 » Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:30 pm

Even if not a valid build, I think I'll mess around some with that meme dps/heal/support approach for my zealot when I get there eventually. Since I'm at work with time on my hand, I've been doing some noob-level meta, I would appreciate the input of experienced players.

The build:
https://builder.returnofreckoning.com/c ... 7,585,8600

Imperator (head, shoulder)
Genesis any (full jewelry)
Bloodlord (chest, gloves, feet, cloak, belt)

Skinflayer ???
Focus of The Sentinel

Talisman: 18 WPR/INT = 162

RR optimized for 60; Focused Power III, Futile Strikes III

Flat stat bonuses with HoD* on:
INT 534* (w/ talisman x9)
INI 73 (153 w/ mark)
TGH 58
WND 213
McPWR 48*
McCrit 11%* (26 w/ Chaotic Force; 32 max with Boost II)
CritRed 18%
PenRed 3%
Dodge 5%
Disrupt 3%
DisruptRed 4%
(not taking the skinflayer into account)

Since I can only search in the Armory by name and my memory for ablities, items, etc. are terrible, I couldn't decide on a weapon. Fortress is the long term goal, can't remember the name of the weapon that it upgrades.

Optimized for SC/smol scale rvr. Deploy RoL for heals AND death by a thousand cuts dot (I think these count as direct heal), M1 when safe for much needed debuff, Demon Spittle if in close range, Warp Reality every 15 sec, spam SoR until AP runs low. The obvious drawback (and it's a huge one) is the lack of AP regen, so weapon selection might have to change to amend for this. Otherwise group micro management is needed. Armor alternatively can be changed for 3 Beastlord/ 4 Genesis/ 5 Bloodlord, to stabilise the AP situation, but that takes away a huge chuck of INI and some crucial disrupt denial. That version may be better suited for solo play. HoD should be very easily accessible as Flash of Chaos also damages the off target.

Your thoughts?
Moirran, Zealot RR40+
Albin, Blackguard <40

Ferenz, Witch Hunter RR40+
Gottlob, Warrior Priest <40

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Re: [ZEALOT] State of the class

Post#13 » Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:16 pm

Frankie wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:30 pm stuff
Will go over just some points.

Chaotic Force benefits only Scourge/ Cry- which won't do much dmg since you barely have any points in Alchemy.

Having both puke tactic and Talon which do pretty much the same thing is a waste.

Heal ritual again won't do much with barely any points in tree, and not much will.

As for equipment:

Talismans you really should farm some gold and get the +23 ones- they are pretty cheap.

As for stats on equipment, not entirely even sure what are you trying to go for. It sure isn't max intel. Crit won't do much in dps mode unless you are going for heal debuff- which you don't. You barely have any toughness, so it isn't defensive build. Builds are about maximizing some aspect- however I don't see which are you trying to maximize in yours.
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Re: [ZEALOT] State of the class

Post#14 » Sat Apr 06, 2024 4:57 pm

Zxul wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:16 pm Will go over just some points.

Chaotic Force benefits only Scourge/ Cry- which won't do much dmg since you barely have any points in Alchemy.

Having both puke tactic and Talon which do pretty much the same thing is a waste.

Heal ritual again won't do much with barely any points in tree, and not much will.

As for equipment:

Talismans you really should farm some gold and get the +23 ones- they are pretty cheap.

As for stats on equipment, not entirely even sure what are you trying to go for. It sure isn't max intel. Crit won't do much in dps mode unless you are going for heal debuff- which you don't. You barely have any toughness, so it isn't defensive build. Builds are about maximizing some aspect- however I don't see which are you trying to maximize in yours.
Very fair points, Thank you! Doesn't make much sense to spread points out to all three paths. Would rather try oing 12-12 deep in Alchemy, Witchcraft, taking the AP ritual. Manipulation is unfortunately weak by looking at it a bit closer. 25% chance for a quarter damage might be more suitable for healing builds.

Obviously the more powerful talismans the better, getting the +18 dirt cheap is a bare minimum.

Regarding the equipment: my idea isn't going full dps, instead being in the middle of the two roles as the situation requires it, utilizing the somewhat undervalued strength of DoH. Going on offense they can do some pretty useful cc with SoR, switching to Harbinger of Change can unload considerable heal burst in a pinch. Around RR60 I don't see many options to build for Toughness, those items that boost it doesn't have the extra utility that Blooddlord provides. Bloodlord set gives a chunk of INT/INI/WND and also interchangeable crit chance. I thought that is a reasonable base platform. Imperator and Genesis set bonuses add very strong crit resistance (ending in -8.72 with Futile Strikes). I've been one-shotted by SWs and BWs a bit more than I expected, and as zealots are among the squishiest classes, with smart positioning and basic healing should fend for themselves reliably. In other words, think crits are the biggest threat to Zealots, this setup would eliminate it at this level as good as any other. If there's any aspect that stands out, it's that.

Of course I lack the practical experience, but I will go as far with the basic idea as possible, testing, tweaking (and ultimately getting disappointed), but I'd like to add some twist to the standard heal spam that is the Zealot's greatest (only?) strength.

https://builder.returnofreckoning.com/c ... ,8595,8586
Moirran, Zealot RR40+
Albin, Blackguard <40

Ferenz, Witch Hunter RR40+
Gottlob, Warrior Priest <40

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Re: [ZEALOT] State of the class

Post#15 » Sat Apr 06, 2024 5:25 pm

Since I mentioned the uselessness of Manipulation, I went ahead with a build utilizing exactly that. 6 Vanq and 5 Gen gives 8% crit, which should be further boosted by main and off-hand items at least to 12% without reknown abilites.

https://builder.returnofreckoning.com/c ... ,8595,8586
Moirran, Zealot RR40+
Albin, Blackguard <40

Ferenz, Witch Hunter RR40+
Gottlob, Warrior Priest <40

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Re: [ZEALOT] State of the class

Post#16 » Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:23 pm

reyaloran wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 12:15 am I disagree with the post 40 path. So many Zealots overlook the vanq set despite its healing output being on par with BIS. I would grab the redeye and bl sets for the ward certainly but you can rock vanq all the way till BIS without worry. As for the weapon, you don't need the ap due to resto burst so there is no reason not to run double fort for the full 6% crit.
The thing is that Triumphant is Vanq+. Same bonuses, better stats, more pieces. Vanq is a great set, but if you're able to farm crests quickly then it might be worth skipping it to get the same pieces in Triumphant instead. It also sets you up for BIS when you grind those 10k crests for the ring.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

Posts: 17

Re: [ZEALOT] State of the class

Post#17 » Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:34 am

So question but Im assuming you just purely gear Willpower then just use harbringer?

Posts: 9

Re: [ZEALOT] State of the class

Post#18 » Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:43 am

Laurentz wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 2:31 am Of course 4 years since I last played and this is one of the first posts I see on Zealot since checking a year ago. I guess I will check back in 4 more years to see if DPS Zealot isn't still being crapped on for no reason.
I main a zealot and mainly play dps, It's a Hybrid AP Battery/ST debuff build.


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