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EOV change

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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EOV change

Post#1 » Sun Dec 10, 2023 10:54 am

Energy of Vaul - Lifetap part is now counted as lifetap and is unaffected by heal crit or buff/debuffs.

What does this mean in regards to EOV, lifetap and heal crit? Just curious how this affects EOV effectiveness and if I am better off just using funnel essence and other heals instead of EOV for warband healing.

I played a little yesterday to try out EOV but have not come to any conclusion yet and just wanted your thoughts, thank you in advance :-)

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Re: EOV change

Post#2 » Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:18 am

I assume it was to clarify already existing lifetap component, wich should not be affected by healing buffs or debuffs.

IIRC, lifetap part was already unable to crit but healing component got to crit with your healing crit value.

I guess this patch only adressed possible bugs or exploits, intended or not, affecting lifetap component where they should not.
So not really a nerf or a buff, simply a reassurement the skill is now working as intended.

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Re: EOV change

Post#3 » Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:54 am

Paxsanarion wrote: Sun Dec 10, 2023 10:54 am What does this mean in regards to EOV, lifetap and heal crit? Just curious how this affects EOV effectiveness and if I am better off just using funnel essence and other heals instead of EOV for warband healing.
Basic EoV and FotG was not considered a lifetap before, it was only lifetap if you used the tactic in the tree. It worked with healcrit and heal debuffs (but still int not wp).

If it's working now as stated in the patch notes, then you will not crit anymore unless you have magic crit i.e. a mixed spec (also considering enemy reduced ctbc but ignoring healdebuffs + considering damage buffs/debuffs), and since it can't be used while running anymore, it's probably pointless as healer except for some basic unlimited aoe fluff in funnels.

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Re: EOV change

Post#4 » Sun Dec 10, 2023 4:36 pm

It just means that the 50% heal you get from damage, now counts as a proper lifetap (same as Balanced Essence), it also means EoV now can magic crit.
The ~1k base heal part still heal crits to trigger tactics etc and get modified up and down by buffs/debuffs.

Overall, this is probably just a slight 1-10% nerf to EoV healing for full heal AMs, as you tend to have a lot more positive modifers and they no longer apply to 10-33% of your EoV heal.
Don't think heal AM playstyle will be any different at all, EoV still BIS in WB.

But it's probably a fairly big buff to hybrid AM though, as you get 20-30% more EoV damage from magic crit (not even considering more dmg from SM 2x spirit debuff stacking now), more than making up for base heal decrease.

And if Zealot/RP AOE heal debuff will become common, EoV lifetap will be a nice counter to that.
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