[Squig Herder] Little Question (Herder)

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Re: Little Question (Herder)

Post#11 » Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:39 pm

Garmin, I have always and will always preach WS for the herder. In a perfect world full of soft clothies you can focus on BAL only...but the world is full of armored order-types.

If you are PUGing and are playing against PUGs, you can be successful with almost any build.
If you are PUGing and are playing against premades, you need to spec as much burst as possible in order to catch someone off guard.
If you are in a premade, your spec will depend on your group's build and needs (straight burst, heal debuff with secondary burst, bad gas range build, bad gas melee build).
Stinkyweed SH.86
Prowl WE.85
Blob Chop.82
Babaganoush Sham.7x
Negative Creep Z.5x
Motley Crue WH.5x
Scratch WL.3x

Don't fall asleep...don't fall asleep...


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