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Knight of the blazing sun - On your guard

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Re: Knight of the blazing sun - On your guard

Post#11 » Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:58 pm

AOE don't break anything except stagger.
OYG don't break stagger as well .
Unless you have some tactic that takes advantages of it like Encourage Aim, there is zero reason to have Str aura.
It don't buff healer and rdps. It don't stack with pots or RP buff.
Northside-KOTBS ,Southside-SW Westsides-WP Eastside-WH,Rightside-WL
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Re: Knight of the blazing sun - On your guard

Post#12 » Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:12 pm

kok wrote:AOE don't break anything except stagger.
OYG don't break stagger as well .
Unless you have some tactic that takes advantages of it like Encourage Aim, there is zero reason to have Str aura.
It don't buff healer and rdps. It don't stack with pots or RP buff.

you mean besides 10% more crit for group?
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Re: Knight of the blazing sun - On your guard

Post#13 » Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:37 pm

kok wrote:AOE don't break anything except stagger.
OYG don't break stagger as well .
Unless you have some tactic that takes advantages of it like Encourage Aim, there is zero reason to have Str aura.
It don't buff healer and rdps. It don't stack with pots or RP buff.
Like Dirty Tricks and Encouraged Aim stacked together? No other aura that you could run would buff RDPS or heals (specifically since you know you specified those class archetypes) oh but wait...resist decreases enemies resistances...which will then make casters and RDPS hit harder as well...hmmmm...and so you run all of those with Encouraged aim and now your BW's and engi's and SW's are gonna be able to melt through people. OYG is the only aura I would make an exception for and even then I think it is a useless in ORvR over STR, TGH, and RST.

DMG aura does nothing but fluff your DMG numbers if you are feeling insecure as a DPS tank, which you shouldn't. If you are rotating guard, attacking smart targets, protecting healers, and utilizing your classes abilities on the battlefield properly then you are doing what you are suppose to be doing.
CHSN Wafulz | KBOB Wafuls | IB Waffulz | BG Waffelz | BO Waaaghfulz | SM Waffels

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Re: Knight of the blazing sun - On your guard

Post#14 » Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:55 pm

Just putting it out there, the reason why chosen are a must take in a comp is because of auras, same for knights, knights come out better because of access to passive crit "enhancing" abilities. Toughness Aura is a no brainer. Damage auras can tag people you have staggered (if you don't time it right, making the skill harder to use than it needs to be) it also releases Roots, and staggers dropped by others (Engi, RP, Morale Stagger)

You want to be a joke, slot AoA. On your guard is only really good if you are soloing, or farming, or PvEing. The damage it puts out is completely irrelevant otherwise. In the corner case situation where you already have a knight. Resistance, Stay Focused (with Focus Mending), Healdebuff is better, doubling up on resistances adds insurance that you will have that aura unless both knights go down. An argument can be made for switching Resistance for AP Drain.

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Re: Knight of the blazing sun - On your guard

Post#15 » Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:00 pm

Last time i checked this aura works but i would question your reason for using it, its a terrible aura as it does tiny damage, has a cd and breaks detaunts ( i think ?), you are much better off using any of the other 8 auras available.

Also ppl questioning the use of str aura without any mdps it still reduces your enemies str so it also becomes a damage debuff even if you are not running EA tactic.
Morfee - Shaman / Mynnos - Kotbs / Grubod - Black Orc / Snubz - Squig Herder

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Re: Knight of the blazing sun - On your guard

Post#16 » Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:25 am

Morf wrote:Last time i checked this aura works but i would question your reason for using it, its a terrible aura as it does tiny damage, has a cd and breaks detaunts ( i think ?), you are much better off using any of the other 8 auras available.
OYG can't break detaunt.
The dmg buff and debuff you get from str aura is ONLY 12dps.
Even a class like slayer which has "buff" dmg , it is only like 36(+75% and tactic with crt all the time).
That what I call tiny. OYG do 65dps which is more than that.
Northside-KOTBS ,Southside-SW Westsides-WP Eastside-WH,Rightside-WL
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Re: Knight of the blazing sun - On your guard

Post#17 » Thu Mar 10, 2016 1:19 pm

kok wrote:
Morf wrote:Last time i checked this aura works but i would question your reason for using it, its a terrible aura as it does tiny damage, has a cd and breaks detaunts ( i think ?), you are much better off using any of the other 8 auras available.
OYG can't break detaunt.
The dmg buff and debuff you get from str aura is ONLY 12dps.
Even a class like slayer which has "buff" dmg , it is only like 36(+75% and tactic with crt all the time).
That what I call tiny. OYG do 65dps which is more than that.
Nearly certain OYG does break detaunt, detaunt is broken if you damage your target. Could be wrong though I will test that theory later today with my wife.

I don't even know what point you are trying to make with your second statement. If you are trying to say that the DMG OYG does to enemies that hit your party members under the aura of OYG gets counted as a KBOB hit and DMG you are 100% incorrect just pay attention at all to the combat log, SC DMG chart, your own screen and you will see that to be false; assuming that is what you meant.

Also OYG is not 65 DPS (DMG Per Second).

It is 65 DMG at a MAXIMUM of every 2 seconds against MELEE ATTACKS ONLY so all those casters and RDPS attacking you or your group mates don't suffer any DMG from attacking you guys.

Let's do some math

So at level 35 and renown rank 40 with 0 points spent into the tree that boosts the effects of the STR aura the base value for the STR aura is 66.

With the STR aura turned off my base DMG stats are
- Ability DMG: 129.4
- Auto Attack DMG: 64.7

With the minimum value the STR aura can give you my DMG stats become:
- Ability DMG: 142.6
- Auto Attack DMG: 71.3

With nearly all of my abilities getting an added 20 extra points of DMG added to their base value; which adversely means many of my opponents abilities will hit for 20 points less DMG

This means that when running STR aura on its minimum setting I hit for 13.2 points harder and my opponent will hit for 13.2 points weaker.

Let's throw Toughness aura into the mix

You can't deny that toughness aura reduces the DMG you and your party receives and at the same time increases the DMG your enemy receives. If you don't believe me just read the tool tip.

Running my toughness aura for 93 toughness

- Reduces the DMG RECEIVED by 18.6
- Increases the DMG my opponent receives by 18.6

This means that the base of my DMG before going through the rest of DMG calculations I am hitting my opponent for 31.8 more DMG than I would were I not running my STR aura. Why do you ask?

18.6 (Toughness debuff) + 13.2 (STR buff) = 31.8

Without STR aura I will go back to hitting them for only 13.2 (This number of course is not based off of whole STR but rather STR you are missing out on by not running STR aura.)

Now lets say you actually have points into the STR aura tree. Let's say you put as many points in the STR aura tree as I did in the Toughness tree and your STR aura gets amplified to 93 STR. This is a 27 STR increase from the STR aura's base value which becomes an 18.6 DMG increase and a further 18.6 DMG reduction by your opponent (assuming they are melee).

This means that your DMG is increased by 31.8 and now your opponents DMG (once again assuming they are melee) is reduced by 31.8 DMG

Now lets go back to that Toughness reduction of 93, which we specified early increased the DMG I would do to my opponents (because the Toughness aura reduces my enemies toughness as well) by 18.6

This means that by running a STR and Toughness aura both, at a rough value of 93, I am hitting my opponent for an additional 50.4 DMG than I would have otherwise.

That is essentially a 50 DMG boost you do with every attack. Why do you ask?

18.6 (Toughness Debuff) + 31.8 (STR Buff) = 50.4

(Because as their toughness is reducing your STR is increasing)

Now let's address your issue of not buffing ranged DPS and casters.

So we already decided that by decreasing a melee opponents STR you are debuffing their DMG and making them hit your squishies for less and by debuffing their toughness you are making them easier to kill, even if you want to deny my math you cant deny that simple fact.

So how about we help them even further kill that guy hurting our healers and RDPS by running the resistance aura. I wont bother to calculate the resistance stuff I will just through facts at you.

BW - Elemental DMG
SW - Corporeal and Elemental DMG (come on festering arrow is pure Corporeal DMG)
Engi - Corporeal DMG

So by running your Toughness aura and Resist aura you are making your entire group more survivable and your enemies squisher for your ranged DPS and melee DPS to kill and by running your STR aura you are making your melee DPS hit harder and your enemies hit weaker.

By running your STR, Toughness, and Resist aura you are increasing the overall DMG of your entire group by far more than you ever could running OYG or AOA. If you are running OYG or AOA it is safe to say you either do not know better or you simply just want to have fluffy DMG numbers to make yourself seem like you are pumping out more DMG than you actually are.

Plain and simple

(If some of my math is wrong forgive me, I haven't had my coffee yet lol)
CHSN Wafulz | KBOB Wafuls | IB Waffulz | BG Waffelz | BO Waaaghfulz | SM Waffels

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Re: Knight of the blazing sun - On your guard

Post#18 » Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:44 pm

Are you comparing THREE Aura and claim that TOGETHER they are better than ONE ?

For your info, OYG is considered Knight attacks so it won't break detaunt.
Last edited by kok on Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Northside-KOTBS ,Southside-SW Westsides-WP Eastside-WH,Rightside-WL
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Re: Knight of the blazing sun - On your guard

Post#19 » Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:51 pm

those 3 are together are better for both you and your grp

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Re: Knight of the blazing sun - On your guard

Post#20 » Fri Mar 11, 2016 9:01 pm

The only time I don't run strength aura is when the enemy are really BW heavy in sc or when I'm part of a bomb group with another chosen.

The reduction in damage and increase in DPS those core 3 auras provide is just great especially when you come under a ton of focus like the groups I'm in. This is why knight/chosen are essential they just debuff damage so effectively and I can't imagine any group without one being anywhere near as tough to kill.
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