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[Archmage] Is archmage really that bad option for healer class?

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Re: [Archmage] Is archmage really that bad option for healer class?

Post#11 » Fri Jul 19, 2019 10:57 pm

I mained AM on live and from my experience it is quite an offensive playstyle. Puddle and AP drain should be used on cool down, silence or heal debuff is your third important offensive ability. You'll need to cover scatter the winds with radient gaze or law of conductivity. With so much to do you can easily forget that particularly with Shaman/AM you need to utilize HoT to the utmost.

AM has plenty of survivability with run between worlds. It's fun and effective. Single target heals are good with the magical infusion tactic, a must have now imo. AM might be third tier but there isn't a large gap there.

Use AP drain on the biggest DPS threat, puddle the melee, heal debuff the main target. AM brings plenty.
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