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Scenarios (in)balance

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Re: Scenarios (in)balance

Post#11 » Sat Dec 14, 2019 8:38 pm

oaliaen wrote: Sat Dec 14, 2019 2:43 pm Destro have a very well balanced composition of toons...Tanks, Healers , Dps, Whiners. In other hand order loves to sit on rocks and shoot. So, how you gonna win like this.

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Re: Scenarios (in)balance

Post#12 » Sat Dec 14, 2019 9:25 pm

I didnt say ' Whiners' why you quote me whit a lie? .. Anyway, i agree whit you. Whiners on destro , Xrealmers on Order.

Posts: 2

Re: Scenarios (in)balance

Post#13 » Sun Dec 15, 2019 4:40 am

This problem is exactly what killed the game in retail and despite the comments, you will get, the devs created the game with huge advantages for Destro. I worked on scripts for the OEM game and it was a running joke with the devs. They made certain every single SC had some advantage for Destro and as did each class match up.

It can be overcome but you will find is most gamers do not want a fair fight no matter what they say. No instead most of the "good" gamers will instead realize there is an imbalance builtin and use it to their advantage while pretending it does not exist.

This is why WOW dominated for so many years - the classes were exact mirrors of each other as were the BGs.

I was wondering if the devs would address that problem on the private server. Honestly, I am not even sure it is possible to address it, beyond giving huge buffs in BGs and by having an SC rating system that makes the matchups more close.

The thing about a rating system, like WoW, uses, is that if you join the dominate side you will end up spending a lot of time waiting on SCs. In War, there is absolutely no penalty for joining the dominate side of a server and because of the way renown is awarded there are huge gains for doing it.

The game is fundamentally broken in that way. I love War, but it is hands down the worst implementation I have ever encountered.

Just keep in mind comments like this "We will likely never know as we only have anecdotal evidence." are complete BS. The stats are recorded on the server and to some extent the client as well. On every server, there is always a dominate side and you will see it gets worse the more you level. PUG v Premade does not change that much, your premade will get stomped at higher levels, just the same. As I said, this is exatly what killed the game, and the type of replies you are getting in this thread is how it was allowed to happen. Because people made excuses for what they knew was happening because they wanted to roll stomp on people who had no chance.

Posts: 213

Re: Scenarios (in)balance

Post#14 » Sun Dec 15, 2019 5:44 am

Anyon wrote: Sun Dec 15, 2019 4:40 am They made certain every single SC had some advantage for Destro and as did each class match up.

Posts: 554

Re: Scenarios (in)balance

Post#15 » Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:14 am

when most ppl just wanna roll some easy mode like dps am engi and wl dont complain about a more balanced comp in sc.

Posts: 2524

Re: Scenarios (in)balance

Post#16 » Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:57 am

:roll: this again..
- destro has more aesthetically pleasing tanks, which leads to
- destro has a better pug frontline, which leads to
- destro pugs have a higher ttk

- more order pugs need to be playing tanks, which would lead to
- more pug order being comfortable playing melee dps, which would lead to
- better order frontline

It really is that simple. Or you could just make a group
<Salt Factory>

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Re: Scenarios (in)balance

Post#17 » Sun Dec 15, 2019 7:40 am

Order melee is inexistent. The only thing order has and it's working well is BW DPS bomb.
Destro on the other hand have a lot of powerful melee. Even in SCs they tend to blob from one flag to another chopping everything in their front like a lawn mower. Order cannot stand it because without tanks and solid melee their armor is made of paper.
I am playing from almost 2 years now on RoR and this is what i see
When this will change, you will have balance.
It's not devs fault here. It's people fault because they pick the easiest 1-spamming button class everytime without thinking.

Posts: 6

Re: Scenarios (in)balance

Post#18 » Sun Dec 15, 2019 9:24 am

Anyon => quite interesting what are You writing. From my side I am sure that win/loose data exist and it is not so hard if devs would decide to share it. For example on bigger private Wow servers it is normal to have this kind of information below population along with nice colour chart :).
About chaos side being mechnicaly in advantage - honestly I do not know, I hope it is not working it his way and it is more about better composition and players skill from chaos side, otherwise it would be sad :/.

dansari => I know, you are writing from the sam point as a Acidic, I don have hard data about winning loosing, but have with population , on this time - not peak h (and almost every day about this time) destro dominates 60 to 40 in population rate, sometimes even more. Oders pug scenerio more and more not playing - just surrendering scenario. The result will be lot less fun to everyone - I think that destro players also would like to have same competition not npcs ver them.

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Re: Scenarios (in)balance

Post#19 » Sun Dec 15, 2019 10:24 am

If it means anything, I recently came back to the game after a hiatus. Before leaving this exact post was made but for destro being the weaker side and with a lot less numbers. Things change, either wait out the storm or get a duo/group together and win every sc!
The King.

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Re: Scenarios (in)balance

Post#20 » Sun Dec 15, 2019 11:19 am

Bart85 wrote: Sun Dec 15, 2019 9:24 am dansari => I know, you are writing from the sam point as a Acidic, I don have hard data about winning loosing, but have with population , on this time - not peak h (and almost every day about this time) destro dominates 60 to 40 in population rate, sometimes even more. Oders pug scenerio more and more not playing - just surrendering scenario. The result will be lot less fun to everyone - I think that destro players also would like to have same competition not npcs ver them.
This doesn't fit to my experience last evening-night. 1-2 order premades in every sc, often the same premade and almost only pugs on destro side. We had only some rare wins, when a destro premade joined but most sc were defeats.

I know exactly, why destro lost most sc, so there is no reason to complain about it. Never blame the enemy, when your side has bad (random) setups or just plays bad.
Dying is no option.

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