Patch Notes 13/05/2020

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#11 » Wed May 13, 2020 3:57 pm

FINALLY! Magus and Engineers will be desired for war bands for things other than rifting.

Now make everyone's channeled abilities end when LOS'd or out of range.
[Hemingway Daiquiri(s)]

Posts: 7227

Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#12 » Wed May 13, 2020 3:57 pm

ravezaar wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 3:48 pm Fixed issue which caused scenarios to rotate on server reboot. (They will now correctly rotate 9am Monday server time)

and yet Thunder Valley is gone from rotation why ?
I hope it's gone for good.
Dying is no option.

Posts: 10

Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#13 » Wed May 13, 2020 4:03 pm

And for IB's ability "Shield sweep" bug still nothing uh ?

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Posts: 79

Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#14 » Wed May 13, 2020 4:04 pm

ReturnOfReckoning wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 3:16 pm [Weekend Warfront: Blood Basin]


- Don't give quitter debuff if a player crashes during loading screen.
- Fixed some issues with back capping in Blood of the Black Cairn not always resetting the correct flags.


- Added icons for T2 & T3 KotBS shields that only had generic icons before.

- [13634] Fixed texture of Sentry's heater of Solemnity to have text in correct direction.

- Fixed a bunch of items in loot bags that were wrongly assigned for another class; this issue concerned mainly Obliterator pieces

- Added T1 Shoulders into chap 1 to 3 PQ green and Blue Chest

- Added T2 / T3 belt into chap 4 to 9 Pq white chest

- Added T2 / T3 Helm and shoulders into chap 4 to 9 PQ Green and Blue Chest.

- Fixed an issue causing Bo and choppa Sov Alt Shoulders to be missing from your character and vendors.

- Fixed an issue causing Choppa Beastlord helm being invisible.

- Fixed an issue causing IB Onslaught Helm to not have the right appearance.

[Warrior Priest & Disciple of Khaine shield rework]

Warrior Priests and Disciples of Khaine previously only had lower level shields available from a special merchant and all of them used the same appearance. Now they have many appropriate appearances to choose from, based on modified versions of KotBS, Black Guard & NPC shields.

The shields been spread throughout the game. They will appear in loot tables, PQ rewards, quest rewards, influence rewards and at vendors, just like any other gear. There are also lower level versions of Bucklers & Disciple of Khaine Blood Wards at scenario reward vendors.

The old lvl 36 Blue rarity shields & weapons available from vendors have been added to the T4 Epic Quests
1h Sword "Bloodletter" is rewarded for the quest "The Ebon Flame"
Shield "Sanguinary" is rewarded for the quest "Annihilation"
1h Hammer "Cometstrike" is rewarded for the quest "Faith is Madness"
Shield "Falling Star" is rewarded for the quest "Unmasking the Enemy"
Warrior Priest Appearance guide

Disciple of Khaine Appearance guide

[16698] A great axe for Orc will no longer drop as PQ reward for Slayer
[16726] An axe for Orc will no longer drop as PQ reward for Slayer
[16262] A great axe for Orc will no longer drop as PQ reward for Ironbreaker
[16191] The rewards you can claim after having triggered the unlocks for finishing X PQs as ranked #1 have been corrected

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR ADDING MORE SKINS TO THE GAME, I was dreaming last night that you guys would start doing that and here it is today or atleast a great start in doing so!
Im so happy <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
And Thank you for the no quitter post-crash and for everything you guys do on server and hope to see more skins ( maybe mounts ;P) for more classes soon enough. For some of us, that's all the new content we need for now hehe.

Have an amazing week! xox

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#15 » Wed May 13, 2020 4:07 pm

Grunbag wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 3:51 pm
Wam wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 3:43 pm
Dissolving Mist and Napalm Grenade

- Base damage and Primary Stat Mult have both been increased significantly.

This is to follow up on changes last week that removed the ability for this damage to crit and deal proc damage. Testing with 1100 INT and damage buff from the pet, unmitigiated, Dissolving Mist deals about 700 damage every 2s at the third stage of the damage ramp. This should make this 13pt spec ability less trivial for PvP uses, but will still be monitored over the next patch to see if it is still over/underperforming.
You really do not want successful fort attacks do you? :lol: They never happen in EU prime... and this make it even more less likely

In current state of game this is a very bad change that favours bunkering and defending which is already super favoured... and also will make "why order suck so bad in cities" enhanced because of changes like this... then they will cry to get destro nerfed because they don't have walls to hide behind in city and take full advantage of easy siege choke mechanics. Talk about adding fuel to the fire.

This change will rinse the pug groups even more... ROF & NAPALM / MIST / POS is problem part of the game... why make it worse? I do not understand.

Ain’t what engineer are designed for ?

Just quoting the career description :
class details: “Engineers are defensive ranged fighters who specialize in gadgets and black powder weapons. The engineers many mechanical aids include turrets and traps, which allow them to prepare the battlefield for either an offensive ambush or a strategic defense.”

and a witch elf is suppose to be a Assassin with the best single target damage...

but hello all the other MDPS which are higher and can AOE so perform multiple roles better...

I also understand a engi's strengths... but then you get order's tears when they are fighting in open field.

I also understand the problem area's of the game right now, and forts is number one (BIG TIME) and a change which makes more stalemate is really really bad for your EU primetime player base, people become disillusioned with game because they cannot character progress mate... it has a knock on effect for motivation, why even bother, they do all the grunt work which sets it up for NA primetime... anyone from NA will simply not care or be clueless...

It creates a seperate / two tier system, the haves and have nots... EU prime gets zero opportunities at end game content at realistic times , where NA do get opportunities all the time...

I can go into problem of keeps and forts much greater no problem... its just not all rosy for game's long term health with current status quo.

So you "fixing" these classes, MAKES A PROBLEM GREATER ON THE BIGGER PICTURE... expect more stalemate, expect more NA cities when there are not enough defenders, expect no cities for EU prime... it really sends the wrong message to the player base in my opinion, it feels like we are neglected / after thought and the problem of forts (which i hope you guys are working on because they was designed for old server not as populated as current server so there is massive design flaws)

So for me, wouldn't it be better to fix the problem area's of the game first and foremost?

Hard to cap when high pop vs high pop, to even get to a fort, and no chance of locking a fort with high pop defence and even worse with "dynamic population defense" after a handful more people doesnt count when they are unguarded MDPS who are lucky to have one healer or a group for that matter, they will die to rain of fire/napalm alone, never mind the aoe damage in chokes, or morale bombs... So this change favours defenders , and defending is already favoured... so that is why in my opinion its a bad change because you are stacking the deck more in favour of defenders whilst not addressing the rest of problems with forts/keeps...
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
Wamizzle Guild Leader [The Unlikely Plan]

Posts: 1

Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#16 » Wed May 13, 2020 4:08 pm

New player here. Just installed for the first time.

To those of you getting the socket related error...I was getting it too..

I restarted my PC, right clicked the downloaded folder and went into properties... I deselected read-only (apply to all files & sub-folders if you get a pop-up prompt) and then I reran the launcher..

All seems to work now!

Hope this helps you too. Cheers!

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Posts: 2056

Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#17 » Wed May 13, 2020 4:11 pm

- Fixed an issue causing Bo and choppa Sov Alt Shoulders to be missing from your character and vendors.

Thank you, finaly been able to log my BO in game again after last patch due to missing appearance

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Posts: 27

Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#18 » Wed May 13, 2020 4:13 pm

I don't see anything here about the bugged forts issue. Anyone know if that was addressed?

Posts: 468

Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#19 » Wed May 13, 2020 4:24 pm

WL loner tactic is broken, cannot equip

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Posts: 79

Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#20 » Wed May 13, 2020 4:33 pm

ReturnOfReckoning wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 3:16 pm [Weekend Warfront: Blood Basin]

[Warrior Priest & Disciple of Khaine shield rework]

Warrior Priests and Disciples of Khaine previously only had lower level shields available from a special merchant and all of them used the same appearance. Now they have many appropriate appearances to choose from, based on modified versions of KotBS, Black Guard & NPC shields.

The shields been spread throughout the game. They will appear in loot tables, PQ rewards, quest rewards, influence rewards and at vendors, just like any other gear. There are also lower level versions of Bucklers & Disciple of Khaine Blood Wards at scenario reward vendors.

The old lvl 36 Blue rarity shields & weapons available from vendors have been added to the T4 Epic Quests
1h Sword "Bloodletter" is rewarded for the quest "The Ebon Flame"
Shield "Sanguinary" is rewarded for the quest "Annihilation"
1h Hammer "Cometstrike" is rewarded for the quest "Faith is Madness"
Shield "Falling Star" is rewarded for the quest "Unmasking the Enemy"
Warrior Priest Appearance guide

Disciple of Khaine Appearance guide


[16698] A great axe for Orc will no longer drop as PQ reward for Slayer
[16726] An axe for Orc will no longer drop as PQ reward for Slayer
[16262] A great axe for Orc will no longer drop as PQ reward for Ironbreaker
[16191] The rewards you can claim after having triggered the unlocks for finishing X PQs as ranked #1 have been corrected

QUESTION: Why are the shields so tiny????????
Kinda defeats the purpose of of showing off your kool new skins when its so tiny like a child's toy and barely noticeable =(
If we can please increase their size, even if its a bit more (I understand you dont wanna copy tanks shields), to make them more menacing.
In addition, making them bigger will make them more visible and allow us to clearly see if they carrying a shield or book/chalice.
thanks =)
Last edited by Mythrendir on Wed May 13, 2020 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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