WE - Do i keep playing her?

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Posts: 631

Re: WE - Do i keep playing her?

Post#11 » Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:14 pm

I enjoy the full glass cannon spec the most but im only just hit rr60 with conq beastlord and dom gear + proc weapons.

This spec = https://builder.returnofreckoning.com/c ... ,5612,6050

I might switch Flanking with Bleeding Edge, the AA haste tactic works decent with the proc weapons.

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Posts: 56

Re: WE - Do i keep playing her?

Post#12 » Sat Jul 10, 2021 12:01 am

WE's are just in weird place currently - they have low armor for a melee dps, thus being pretty squishy, they are specifically singletarget in a game that's played around aoe pressure, thus making it a "1-2 pick" class in the eyes of any warband leader as they are not a "real" mdps on warband vs warband scale.
They do very fine in ganking as stealth allows you to pick your fights, and maybe they're fine in scenarios.
SS sounds cool in theory, but it's main culprit is that you have to be in AA range at all times to utilize it, and in the end it's dps even in optimal scenario is not much higher than RA build.

Posts: 551

Re: WE - Do i keep playing her?

Post#13 » Sat Jul 10, 2021 1:15 am

I think you need to give it a bit more patience - you need to say goodbye to Vanq set to begin having fun. I just got my Inv set and the difference is quite noticeable. Can't explain why, my stats grew by a small margin but... Also, we have HV gear now - go for it, it is Inv lite version stat-wise.

Speaking of build take my words with a grain of salt, WHs unfortunately do not have analogue of WB build so I cannot be strongly relied upon. Our BAL is very much ahead of other finishers in terms of single target damage so this is a must have for WHs you WEs do not have. But I think both WEs and WHs should utilize heavily their arsenal of armor ignoring tools - when you pop your armor ignoring elixir you effectively double your physical damage (yeah, the formula is different and complex I know) and you have tactic that allows to use Feinted Positioning every 20 sec meaning that the gap time for AWs not ignoring armor is mere 10 seconds (for WHs it is always 50 sec). Look for your build in that area - you should be able to maximize STR by now so AW damage should become very sexy. And you can still use WB as a filler while Feinted Positioning is on cooldown. Something like this:

https://builder.returnofreckoning.com/c ... mt=5637&t=

or perhaps this - a bit more arpen and some AOE potential but no WB:
https://builder.returnofreckoning.com/c ... 37,2991&t=

Good luck and do not give up. This is probably one of the most hard to master Destro classes and you are a hair away to start enjoying it big time. See you on battlefields.
KingSchultz WH, Valknutt WP, Glendhu ENG, Lochdhu IB, Tamdhu SL

My WH guide: viewtopic.php?t=46354

Posts: 631

Re: WE - Do i keep playing her?

Post#14 » Sun Jul 11, 2021 8:22 pm

Witch Hunters and Witch Elfs basically hide and try and kill targets moving by themselves in orvr. They are absurdly good at that. If that's what you are looking for in RoR, then keep going. By 35 you can kill most players less than rr50 very close to instantaneously. If they attack more than one or two players, they will die unless they have gear that will keep them alive for 30 seconds until they can cast invisibility again.

You spam invisibility, spam cc, do damage, spam invisibility. Repeat.

In SCs, you are trying to max your DBs with ST damage, so you pick targets with low health and spam your rotation. Otherwise try and hit anything in low armour. Id just ride the RvR train to get to 35-40. Some people manage to do well with WEs/WHs in SCs, but you get very big diminishing returns in most SCs with WEs/WHs. They are good at 6v6, but more than 1-2 WEs/WHs in anything bigger than 6v6 and I find they can't replace the damage output of nearly every other dps.

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