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New here - Exploring Classes

In this section, you will find some advices and basics to start quietly ingame. Question like " I'm lvl 1, what shall i do?", "What class shall i pick?", will find some answers in this place.
Posts: 208

Re: New here - Exploring Classes

Post#11 » Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:24 am

dok is actually weakest in t1 it only gets better going forward

its extremely easy to gear since one of the best in slot sets (bloodlord) can be obtained once you hit 40 in 1-2 weeks

dok dps is purely single target and quite decent but it really lacks any utility and is the easiest class in the game to kite
while dps spec you have only one decent heal ability that is on a 8s cooldown which can be interrupted and requires you to hit something

tbh its in a rather poor state that requires peak teamwork or vs bad players that let you freely hit them

now for some positives

sword and shield dok can do decent damage and provides some of the highest healing in the game but still suffers from everything dual wield dok does

if you really want to go melee healer i would recommend the warrior priest on order since they have higher survivability a 100% guaranteed range snare and can reach higher damage if your target lets you whack them


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