[Implementation Feedback] White Lion - Pounce

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Re: White Lion - Pounce

Post#161 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:19 pm


Changes made:

5s CD, applies 30% speed for 2s on land which breaks upon ability usage, does not work in air (or should not; might be bugged)


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Re: White Lion - Pounce

Post#162 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:27 pm

Azarael wrote:Reopened.

Changes made:

5s CD, applies 30% speed for 2s on land which breaks upon ability usage, does not work in air (or should not; might be bugged)

The 5 sec cooldown was and is good from an WL perspective. The speedincrease was good in 90% of the situation. With 30% I would estimate, it would be in 95% of the situations. I wouldnt do it higher than that if I were you.
Andyrion Ulthenair
Arphyrion Soulblade

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Re: White Lion - Pounce

Post#163 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:36 pm

The changes work quiet well. The Speed boost is exacly enough to catch someone moving away. Given the fact that pounce should let you jump directly into their face, another 5% more rs could be still ok als a quality of life improvement. The cooldown feels ok too. Pouncing mid air still works for me.

I already stated that a small AP decrease as a compensation for the cooldown wild be nice.

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Re: White Lion - Pounce

Post#164 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:44 pm

I am not agree with first mensage which said Pounce is a low damage ability, i seen hits going in 700-900 critical hits on characters like Squig herder which tends to be a 5500 wounds character.
Since the combo made in the air, can add coordinated strike 2 hits from pet and class, autoattack, and another ability + the pet autoattacks,etc... i think 700-900 crit a not bad amount of damage for low armored classes with low wounds.

On other part and coming for changes made in pounce, i agree the 5 seconds CD made pounce not spameable and a positive thing, and the buff speed for 2 seconds and breakable once they use an ability is a good trade off for those 5 seconds.

They still kill SH very easy, but at least is not a jumping fest, i hope the jump in air could be fixed, because i think should not be able to do it, like the SH and WH ability which let them selfpunt in the air and which i love it, but can be really depresing for tanks which base almost all theyr fun in CC and punts.

Maybe doing CD 8 seconds would make more sense, because 5 seconds it is like always up and it is a class which already have sprint for run out.

In other part, i think the while lion pet is way much harder than it was on live servers, and white lions use sprint for run out, and leave the pet finishing you, which is really lame for a class with medium armour and all the tools they have... this is very frustrating.

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Re: White Lion - Pounce

Post#165 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:44 pm

Personally I believe that this version of pounce is a buff. Reason being is that 5scd is almost nothing, if you combine this with the move speed increase any competent WL player will always be on the target, and with the current cooldown you should never be off, simply pounce in, burst, repeat. Previous version of pounce was less reliable ( still better than live imo ), however I feel that the cd is still far too low. A 10 sec cd minimum I think is needed for such a skill.

Posts: 78

Re: White Lion - Pounce

Post#166 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:53 pm

adei wrote:Personally I believe that this version of pounce is a buff. Reason being is that 5scd is almost nothing, if you combine this with the move speed increase any competent WL player will always be on the target, and with the current cooldown you should never be off, simply pounce in, burst, repeat. Previous version of pounce was less reliable ( still better than live imo ), however I feel that the cd is still far too low. A 10 sec cd minimum I think is needed for such a skill.
I agree that it is a strong skill but on the other hand the WL is very reliant of Pounce because of missing defensive mechanics. Giving Pounce a slightly longer CD wouldn't make it bad. Up to 8 seconds would be still ok but then it should be necessary to ensure that you reach your target with the pounces you have.

In the end the only question I am interested of is: Does Pounce like it is now open designe space for further class improvements or not. If not, nerf it.

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Re: White Lion - Pounce

Post#167 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:59 pm

Mausini wrote:
adei wrote:Personally I believe that this version of pounce is a buff. Reason being is that 5scd is almost nothing, if you combine this with the move speed increase any competent WL player will always be on the target, and with the current cooldown you should never be off, simply pounce in, burst, repeat. Previous version of pounce was less reliable ( still better than live imo ), however I feel that the cd is still far too low. A 10 sec cd minimum I think is needed for such a skill.
I agree that it is a strong skill but on the other hand the WL is very reliant of Pounce because of missing defensive mechanics. Giving Pounce a slightly longer CD wouldn't make it bad. Up to 8 seconds would be still ok but then it should be necessary to ensure that you reach your target with the pounces you have.

In the end the only question I am interested of is: Does Pounce like it is now open designe space for further class improvements or not. If not, nerf it.
Later on the skill could be enhanced with tactics, for example if it had a base cd of 10 seconds, there could be a tactic that reduced that cd/added a benefit, similar to SWTOR force leap, it was a standard skill for the class, that could be improved from the talent tree. I think either way a 10 second cooldown is mandatory for such a mobile skill, 5 seconds seems to have changed almost nothing except pounce spam for damage.

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Re: White Lion - Pounce

Post#168 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:03 pm

i agree with ade the 5 sec is nothing, a full rotation to a min guard or healed target that at least detaunt take 5 sec, 5 sec are worth only if a tank ista KB him away( but ye still can pounce mid air ), im neither against and pro the speed buff, seems working too good or be useless in different situation but it make pounce arrive at the target, maybe what the thing is lack is really a bigger CD.

you could try with 8-9 sec just to see if it need not 10

Another solution :just wonder if it would be possible made pounce jump work multiple time until it reach the target location with every jump from previously to the next location faster? then when it land apply a snare of 1 sec or something like that

Posts: 456

Re: White Lion - Pounce

Post#169 » Tue Nov 08, 2016 12:31 am

Glad to see the nerf brigade is still around. Chosens and immortal melee doks still not happy with the changes and holding their pitch forks. Mother of god
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Re: White Lion - Pounce

Post#170 » Tue Nov 08, 2016 12:37 am

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