[SH] Dev Set "Marked" Debuff Duplicates 'Not So Fast'

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Re: [SH] Dev Set "Marked" Debuff Duplicates 'Not So Fast'

Post#21 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:51 pm

Genisaurus wrote:
Tklees wrote:
magter3001 wrote:SH, Engy, and SW need armor penetration more than anything. So WS or an armor debuff is the way to go... magus don't need it :P
It's a set bonus. It was clarity on live for SWs I remember that much. Should be for squiggs as well. It is definitely not supposed to be what it currently is
Sorry Tkless, It was always Marked. You might be thinking of Darkpromise.

That being said, I don't have a problem with replacing Marked for Clarity, if there's enough desire for it. Consider though, that Marked is also a BS buff and Eye Shot has a 20s cooldown. Marked makes sure your enemy's initiative is debuffed more/more often, and the buff could conceivably let you use a different potion (like WS). It's usefulness is reduced by the presence of Eye Shot, but not eliminated.

You won't see corrosion on SW/SH. That the magus has it is a bug, which is getting fixed next patch. The Engineer got nerfed down to Dissolve VII (700 armor debuff, 6s, non-scaling), and the SW/SH already have a core armor debuff that does more.
Ah you are correct. Like I said clarity would be decent for them but your argument for keeping it is definitely valid as well
Tklees Chatoullier

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Re: [SH] Dev Set "Marked" Debuff Duplicates 'Not So Fast'

Post#22 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:17 pm

magter3001 wrote:SH, Engy, and SW need armor penetration more than anything. So WS or an armor debuff is the way to go... magus don't need it :P
Having played both SH and SW yes.... a WS buff is needed. Just playing magus for first time so dont know about that and I have too much pride to play a dwarf :) hehe
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Re: [SH] Dev Set "Marked" Debuff Duplicates 'Not So Fast'

Post#24 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:07 am

We got "domination" (steal 64 toughness), instead awesome "marked".
"domination is useless for the "big shootin" and especialy melee squig, and doing benefit for "run and shoot".
Personaly i wanted "Disolve VII" -700 armor

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Re: [SH] Dev Set "Marked" Debuff Duplicates 'Not So Fast'

Post#25 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:22 pm

Kazekiri wrote:or simply make both init debuff stack, as intended

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