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[Shaman] You Really Got Nothin

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Re: [Shaman]Disrupt Striketrough

Post#21 » Sat May 19, 2018 10:29 am

Foomy44 wrote: Sat May 19, 2018 9:25 am Would still prefer the disrupt to be located in a different place personally.
Where do you see the place for such a tactic than?

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Re: [Shaman]Disrupt Striketrough

Post#22 » Sat May 19, 2018 3:29 pm

dshdf wrote: Sat May 19, 2018 10:29 am
Foomy44 wrote: Sat May 19, 2018 9:25 am Would still prefer the disrupt to be located in a different place personally.
Where do you see the place for such a tactic than?
I don't wanna throw a ton of my own suggestions out because this is supposed to be about your suggestion mainly and honestly I got no perfect fix, it's a complicated issue, but I did kinda answer this in my first reply.

"...isn't it a little obvious that the shammy disrupt strikethru tactic should at least be in the same tree as the AM one? If the fix was going to be something along these lines I'd much rather see disrupt strikethru attached to one of the 2 higher dps tree tactics (though the fix I'm really hoping for is a 15 pt ability that addresses this issue and is good enough to be worth dropping one of the other trees for and lifesteal specs getting a different solution). It's a tough problem to fix because now that lifesteals are basically normal int based magic attacks both dps spec and lifesteal spec are going to want access to the whatever the disrupt solution is, and AM is always gonna have a baseline tactic as a viable option that shammy doesn't."

So yeah, for lifesteals I'd luv to go back to the mechanic-empowered ones giving them disrupt strikethru so lifestealers could have the option of not caring about strikethru too much if they wanna focus on a healy/lifestealy hybridish spec (though that would probably require other lifesteal changes to make viable too), then dps tree getting it's own disrupt option somewhere in it, if a tactic then probably in the same spot as the AM one (though I would still love for shammy to get a 15 pt dps ability that addresses this and AM to get a differing but equally good one so they don't feel like this whole change is destro biased). Just seems to me like if we put disrupt strikethru tactic in a different tree than the AM one it's gonna make balancing these 2 classes a whole lot more complicated in the long run.
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Re: [Shaman]You Really Got Nothin [Close Date June 1]

Post#23 » Sat May 19, 2018 4:05 pm

Question, is there a reason this strikethrough “needs” to replace a current one? Would the fact of having an “extra” tactic break Shams? Is it possible to code? Edit: this is towards future balancing as well. Is the replacement system “required”? For tactics and abilities? Cheers.

Note, there is still the separate and unique argument to deal with between AM and Shams. Still wondering what Sham builds OP foresees using this new tactic look like though. Shams aren’t exactly hurting for tactics to choose from.
Btw, I should point out further, that I consider myself a terrible sham healer. I suck at the class in heal mode. I started with the .ab ex and learned all my habits from that. Now, I blow at the class while healing. DPS I’ve never had an issue with though...
Last edited by Dabbart on Sat May 19, 2018 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Shaman]You Really Got Nothin [Close Date June 1]

Post#24 » Sat May 19, 2018 4:48 pm

If you're gonna fix strikethrough by tactic (bad choice, dps sham need all tactic slots as it is) at least do it by adding +160 int tactic.

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Re: [Shaman]You Really Got Nothin [Close Date June 1]

Post#25 » Sat May 19, 2018 6:45 pm

That's really not going to change anything but nerf a Shaman's utility. Having a single target ranged silence on a 20 second CD is far more useful than fluff strikethrough.
If you're simply looking for a tactic to replace, you should replace "Burst O' Waaagh!" as that is arguably the most useless tactic in Shaman's arsenal. I've never met anyone that uses that tactic and there's no reason why you'd have to lock the disrupt tactic into any given mastery path. Especially since you're claiming it would help hybrid Shamans, which should also include Gork/Mork Shamans.
This belongs in its own proposal - Dan

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Re: [Shaman]You Really Got Nothin [Close Date June 1]

Post#26 » Sun May 20, 2018 4:06 am

Dabbart wrote: Sat May 19, 2018 4:05 pm Question, is there a reason this strikethrough “needs” to replace a current one? Would the fact of having an “extra” tactic break Shams? Is it possible to code? Edit: this is towards future balancing as well. Is the replacement system “required”? For tactics and abilities? Cheers.
With client control I believe this is easier, but as it stands creating new abilities from scratch is time consuming and not likely to be done unless with a 15pt ability
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Re: [Shaman]You Really Got Nothin [Close Date June 1]

Post#27 » Sun May 20, 2018 5:01 am

I feel like this is another response to the current deft defender meta we have currently. Ranged classes have easy to apply respectable damage > people spec to avoid said damage > Rdps move to have those specs mitigated with tactics.

Now don't get me wrong i am all aboard for giving dps sham some love, but is this the direction it really needs to be taken?
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Re: [Shaman]You Really Got Nothin [Close Date June 1]

Post#28 » Sun May 20, 2018 8:30 am

If lifetap is you main concern,I suggest all lifetap spells have 20-25% strike thru formula. If dps is the case, the issue is more complex. I really dont know why disrubt was so buffed. Dotters were always in bad possition on live and here after changes they are nearly non existent. Never had major issue with casters on any of my toons....
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Re: [Shaman]You Really Got Nothin [Close Date June 1]

Post#29 » Sun May 20, 2018 8:55 am

i dont like how this topic was changed from "shaman has disrupt problems more than anyone else" to replacing specific tactic, the one is actually useful in pvp

Posts: 91

Re: [Shaman]You Really Got Nothin [Close Date June 1]

Post#30 » Sun May 20, 2018 1:53 pm

Dammy095 wrote: Sun May 20, 2018 8:55 am i dont like how this topic was changed from "shaman has disrupt problems more than anyone else" to replacing specific tactic, the one is actually useful in pvp
I feel the same

Guys, please pay attention that this topic is about Shaman DISRUPT TROUBLES, not taps mechanic, overall quality of shaman tactics and so on.
Also please pay attention, that original proposal was about UPGRADING(replacing ONLY if it sounds too op) 7pt tactic from the weakest shaman path which now provides ONLY 10 sec less silence cd. The main point is too provide an OPTION for thoose sham, who are by any reason want to run something against disrupt. Original proporsal was not calling for mirroring neither elf racial tactic, nor 11pt AM dd tactic. It was designed in the way to make striketrough ACCESSIBLE, but NOT FREE in the same time.

7pt DA Green tactic forces you to give up 13pt Gork AOE or your main kiting tool - sticky feetz for example. Also it it important that proposed "-10 sec silence CD 10% disrupt striketrough" tactic will provide both bonuses only after investing 11pt in which is fair enough for such a tactic, while for 8 you get only striketrough.

Probably this should be added into the 1st post, if balance mod's decide so.

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