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Re: Destro

Post#21 » Tue May 21, 2019 9:46 pm

you're just paying for the better looks. pub destro isn't that bad. it's unorganized and completely chaotic but i wouldn't have it any other way

order is more pub friendly, destro more premade rn. snb tank nerfs hit destro wbs hard and it's gonna keep coming with the morales, they do not want us on the field. we have lost the heavy melee edge we once had. destro needs sorcs and choppa like order needs bw and slayer

or magus. i think engi and magus do a lot more work than they're given credit for these days and there are waaayyy more engis than magi. ima roll a magus you guys get started on the sorcs and choppas

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Re: Destro

Post#22 » Tue May 21, 2019 10:48 pm

chazwozza wrote: Tue May 21, 2019 9:06 am Is it even worth being Destro on this one sided server?

Absolutely. It's even more worthwhile to run solo, as you get to see the true nature of some players. Adversity brings out the best and the worst in people, and that's true in games as well as in life.

You get to see how people act when they are alone vs. when they are in groups - some act massively aggressive when they are in a group but run away the instant you find them wandering alone. Some corpse jump their kills, while others /salute after a fight. Some use emotes as a way to communicate while others use them as weapons to try and humiliate their opponents. In the end though, watching how your opponents act when they outnumber you - or you outnumber them - gives some amazing insights into their (and your) true character. It reveals their inner cowardice, their bravery, and in some cases their sense of humor and fair play.

Years ago on live (and also here when I first started playing again) I used to get really mad whenever I'd come across a 6 man group or a warband and they'd just steamroll over me when I'm running solo. I thought, why do that, there's no real competition in it when you outnumber someone that greatly. However after much solo roaming (I solo roam mostly for the challenge of it, groups and warbands just feel too much like easy mode to me) I came realize that for many of those players that's the only way they will ever have of defeating me, and to my eyes it really isn't a defeat when I'm grossly outnumbered. Another thing that I noticed is that for every time a steamroll happens, I usually have 2-3 fun interesting fights in between them. So for me it ends up being more than positive in the long run.

All I can advise is that you develop some sort of code of conduct that you feel is honorable, and then try to hold to it. I tend to try and go easy on newer players as I want the population here to grow. Your own code may differ greatly.

To give some examples -

I try not to attack players that are solo and under level 20, unless they attack me first. Usually, I'll just try to get close and then hit them with a /poke emote and then ride off (kind of like counting coup). I'm not always successful at this tho, and if my bloods up I don't always check peoples level before attacking them. If I notice during a fight that you are low level I'll usually try to back off and let you escape. However if you attack first or try to mock me in some way then all bets are off :P .

For players 21-30 I'll usually try to kill them once or twice just to put the fear of god into them, then let them go after that. Dependent of course on whether or not they attack me, or if they are a Witch Hunter or or Bright Wizard (cuz seriously, screw those guys :lol: ).

Other than that most others are open game.

I do however try to do weird things now and then just to keep the other side off balance and keep things fun. Shadowing a player on the opposing side and emoting to them until they emote back is fun, as is trying to get them to follow you to a hidden world object without either of you attacking each other. Hell, I've actually developed truces with some order players over time without ever having actually talked to them. We just see each other, emote a greeting and then pass each other by.

Things like that are what makes this game so much fun, and looking back on the past few months it may be what has been missing recently. With the influx of new players, some of the weird things that people would do have taken a back seat to the constant need to push for the best gear and the highest renown rank. Having that stuff is nice, but that won't be what I remember most about this game years from now. That memory will probably still be having an entire warband of order ride past me in Praag, not a single one attacking me, and most of them /saluting or /waving. Freaked me the hell out, let me tell you...

Keep Warhammer weird, people! :D :P :D
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Re: Destro

Post#23 » Tue May 21, 2019 11:16 pm

kmark101 wrote: Tue May 21, 2019 6:04 pm Order = casual blob
Destro = super organized premades everywhere

pick what you want
Pretty much that.

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Re: Destro

Post#24 » Wed May 22, 2019 5:16 am

When Bastion Stair will release, i bet that Destro will be the first Faction which will have full set. Just like Invader, Redeye, Sentinel, Dominator and Oppressor.
Is Order that bad to organise runs? My Ekrund Expedition for dungeons is empty for weeks. I tried yesterday to gather 2 tanks and 2 heals for City Dungeons within 1 hour and no one was interested. People are not interested in doing organised things. No SC premades, no RvR premades... Just blobbing. Blobbing, blobbing and blobbing. Nothing organised.

I am a DPS (the only class and character that i am playing and i love it) and it's very hard for me to find people for SCs and Dungeons. Because no one gives a damn about anything.

It's sad when i see destro doing this and order being ignorant....

It's really that hard for Order to organise parties of 2 tanks 2 heals and 2 DPS?

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Re: Destro

Post#25 » Wed May 22, 2019 6:33 am

TiberiusD wrote: Wed May 22, 2019 5:16 am
It's really that hard for Order to organise parties of 2 tanks 2 heals and 2 DPS?
Sad but true
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Re: Destro

Post#26 » Wed May 22, 2019 6:51 am

tazdingo wrote: Tue May 21, 2019 9:46 pm i think engi and magus do a lot more work than they're given credit for these days
I always give my best, often with mixed results of course as I'm just an old and used teabag. :lol:
Nidwinqq used teabag Magus [Hysteria]

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Re: Destro

Post#27 » Wed May 22, 2019 7:18 am

TiberiusD wrote: Wed May 22, 2019 5:16 am Is Order that bad to organise runs? My Ekrund Expedition for dungeons is empty for weeks. I tried yesterday to gather 2 tanks and 2 heals for City Dungeons within 1 hour and no one was interested. People are not interested in doing organised things. No SC premades, no RvR premades... Just blobbing. Blobbing, blobbing and blobbing. Nothing organised.
I would say plenty of runs are being done on Order side, maybe not all of them reach the /5 LFG channel but thats mostly because they get organized internally. It is just a matter of actually getting involved the right places I guess, something this server's playerbase have always strugged with in general (imo)

There was a PQ22 order warband yesterday, Chinesehero was looking for people to run city dungeons the last few days in /5 channel. And Erihon has an organized warband with open spots tonight in EU primetime.

Yes some of these activities have requirements, like having the correct attunements/wards to get inside the city dungeons, or correct class/spec for warband RvR/PQ. But just because a large portion of the (order)players play casually and pug-blob, doesnt mean that organized stuff is not happening, you just need to know where to get involved.

And running in a blue uniform spamming Emotes might not cut it :lol:
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Re: Destro

Post#28 » Wed May 22, 2019 8:50 am

Realmpride died halfway through live and it is not coming back, let it rest in peace. Find a guild, or a group of friends, and experience pride, fun and meaning with them instead. Screw "destro" and "order" both tbh. So what if an order blob steamrolls through the zones when your group are on a murder spree and putting up good fight even when outnumbered?
Nekkma / Hjortron

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Re: Destro

Post#29 » Wed May 22, 2019 9:26 am

Nekkma wrote: Wed May 22, 2019 8:50 am Realmpride died halfway through live and it is not coming back, let it rest in peace. even when outnumbered?
Let's be real, this game never had any realm pride, outside of the few first months of live. There was never anything that inspired realm pride, the game never even tried.

There's 2 MMOs in the history of MMOs that had serious realm pride, Swtor and WoW and simply due to the fact of the massive backstory of the factions.

On topic: Atm, there's no reason to play destro unless you have a group always online for you. Even the sc queues are dead.
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Re: Destro

Post#30 » Wed May 22, 2019 9:36 am

TiberiusD wrote: Wed May 22, 2019 5:16 am I tried yesterday to gather 2 tanks and 2 heals for City Dungeons within 1 hour and no one was interested. People are not interested in doing organised things.
Order Cities are harder and take longer to finish so no wonder people are not doing it like they do on destro.
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