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[Archmage] Is it a viable healer?

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Re: [Archmage] Is it a viable healer?

Post#21 » Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:27 pm


(+40% below 25% is neat tho imo helps most for aoe pressure)
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

Posts: 336

Re: [Archmage] Is it a viable healer?

Post#22 » Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:47 pm

So what is the penis pump spec that gets AM into warbands? :( And who am I pumping? Or whats the idea around the build.

I finally switched to heal for a bit for some t4 roaming and it was pretty stressful trying to keep 2-3 ppl alive fighting outnumbered most of the time. If funnel essence was on CD, and i didnt already blow a morale or shield then i was stuck standing still which is pretty YIKES a lot of time. Say a single tank or melee on me when i was playing RP i could just detaunt and not care but because a lot of my healing has cast time those pushbacks are really nasty. Not to mention the disgusting procs I have on RP with just a hot and spamming flash heal can have. And as far as well ok I don't have all this stuff but hey at least i got uhhhh puddle and ap drain? Feels like a really bad tradeoff. The only group buffs I have also just get invalidated by a knight existing in my vicinity.

DPS is fun, but now its extremely hard to fit puddle into the build and that was a huge draw we had. You really need to bring a lot of extra utility if you are going to be doing almost no AoE damage in this servers current meta and lackluster cleanse susceptible single target. The extra healing output debuff on the channel tactic brining us to a harsh -40% constant outgoing healdebuff takes away really any small utility that might of been there. Now all DPS AM really has for a peel is a bubble, cleanse, morale. Lifetaps aren't even worth casting in my experience and the drip feed of hp given by the dot might as well not even be there.

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Re: [Archmage] Is it a viable healer?

Post#23 » Tue Feb 18, 2020 2:10 am

Whoa necro thread.

You're never going to reach the healing potential of an RP. What the AM lacks in heals you're trying to mitigate with utility. Always AP drain on CD the biggest dps threat, for example DPS DoK. Dps DoK is incredibly AP hungry so you can neuter their dps pretty good. The downside is you should cover it. Radient Gaze or Transfer Force are good cover hexes. If it's a sorc you likely won't have to cover it at all because Sorcs don't have cauterize.

Puddle is obvious, ranged aoe KB is nothing to sneeze at, 100% up-time heal debuff is also great if your second specced in Asuryan. Vaul is less desirable IMO, but 5 second silence is pretty beefy compared to 6 second stagger.

IMO desperation is almost, almost a must because low health spike heals is your niche. Also Magical Infusion is borderline useless without the tactic, decent with the tactic.

If you're having difficulties with melee dps and melee trains go with, Run Between Worlds. On live I was borderline un-killable with that tactic slotted. Frankly its a bonkers tactic, comparable with, Run Away. Also if you need some extra mastery points don't bother with, Wild Healing. Resto Burst is a decent AP management tactic that you don't need to spec for.

More heal AM, less DPS AM. Healers of RoR, unite!
Fley - Zealot Domoarigobbo - Shaman
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Re: [Archmage] Is it a viable healer?

Post#24 » Tue Feb 18, 2020 2:27 pm

Starx wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:47 pm pump spec that gets AM into warbands? :( And who am I pumping? Or whats the idea around the build.

Try this one, at rr60 you can move the point in Storm to Funnel.

You pump KotBSs with Solar Flare to counter destro massive Mara drains, SMs to use Wings of Heaven in masse to disrupt a flee or push, or BWs. The pump is the only working solution to Mara mindless morale drain. It's extremely difficult to perform, requires an AM, and has a full minute cooldown coming from the morales that you pump. Yeah, you need a full party working to counter a single freaking tactic of the Mara...

The idea is the lack of alternatives. There are no other working morale pumps or drains in order, and the ones that can, are morale skills, meaning that are easily counter by Mara own drain.

I finally switched to heal for a bit for some t4 roaming and it was pretty stressful trying to keep 2-3 ppl alive fighting outnumbered most of the time. If funnel essence was on CD, and i didnt already blow a morale or shield then i was stuck standing still which is pretty YIKES a lot of time. Say a single tank or melee on me when i was playing RP i could just detaunt and not care but because a lot of my healing has cast time those pushbacks are really nasty. Not to mention the disgusting procs I have on RP with just a hot and spamming flash heal can have. And as far as well ok I don't have all this stuff but hey at least i got uhhhh puddle and ap drain? Feels like a really bad tradeoff. The only group buffs I have also just get invalidated by a knight existing in my vicinity.

Lack of experience only.

DPS is fun, but now its extremely hard to fit puddle into the build and that was a huge draw we had. You really need to bring a lot of extra utility if you are going to be doing almost no AoE damage in this servers current meta and lackluster cleanse susceptible single target. The extra healing output debuff on the channel tactic brining us to a harsh -40% constant outgoing healdebuff takes away really any small utility that might of been there. Now all DPS AM really has for a peel is a bubble, cleanse, morale. Lifetaps aren't even worth casting in my experience and the drip feed of hp given by the dot might as well not even be there.

Every point of healing counts. That's my experience. I don't give up in an ally just cause is low on health. Ofc I'm not going to sacrifice the entire group, but you can't say that a healing is not worthy. Lack of experience again.

I don't see the trouble to fit the puddle in the normal DPS build. It's just not free, which is normal. Every balanced spec of the game has to trade off things in exchange for utility. The ones that doesn't, are simply cheese specs like meleSH in example.

Lifetaps deal very little damage cause you have not invested points in their tree. If you are into trying a more utility dd build, I'm working on this one. Still far from efficient, and very hard to use, but I see potential. The main point being that you don't need line of sight with your defensive target to heal with Vaul skills as long as you can see an enemy, and that heals don't go to waste but instead back to yourself if they aren't required. I'm having fun with it, but still developing the associated play style. I DON'T RECOMMEND THIS BUILD AND WILL ANSWER TO NOBODY ABOUT IT. Just a work in progress that I have.

Posts: 336

Re: [Archmage] Is it a viable healer?

Post#25 » Wed Feb 19, 2020 12:01 am

Thanks that sounds good I was able to pump some knights in city siege today. Managed to win 4 gold bags in 2 cities and that got me full conq on a 5 day old character haha.

About the healing in DPS i just mean unless we blow a morale, all we have to save someone from burst damage is really just bubble and cleanse, maybe a ranged punt. Ya you can help keep unhealed pugs alive with some hots etc... but with a proper group thats not needed. Seeing your buddy have a mara on them and a sorc queing up on them you just dont really have any oh **** buttons for them which is the only time i think a hybrid would ever need to heal.

again thanks for the detailed response it really does help, I didnt even know they changed the desperation tactic for instance till I read your post.

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Re: [Archmage] Is it a viable healer?

Post#26 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:35 pm

Those who say AMs are bad healers really don't know to play with this class.

Posts: 336

Re: [Archmage] Is it a viable healer?

Post#27 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:43 pm

satanicomoderno wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:35 pm Those who say AMs are bad healers really don't know to play with this class.
No one is saying they are bad healers, they are saying that if a group has access to WP's/RP's why would they take the AM? I do fine healing on AM but my group feels that lack of WP buffs, general stability provided by extra group shield hots etc... playing without a RP isnt even an option tbh if you are playing seriously.

Posts: 118

Re: [Archmage] Is it a viable healer?

Post#28 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:51 pm

AM is a win more healer. It can pump more potential heals than other two classes but brings nothing special to the table except ap drain (disrupted all the time because you have low int) and puddle.

RP brings heal more tactic and armor tactic (+anti armor penetration buff) and on the move heal

WP has aoe detaunt, durable, aoe cleanse

AM is too squishy (lack armor proc so armor debuffed you are completely naked), on the move heal is a weak hot vs RP's instant heal with high crit rate

Yes you can bring AM but why would you if you have a "choice"


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