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Patch Notes 01/04/2022

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Re: Patch Notes 01/04/2022

Post#41 » Sun Apr 03, 2022 4:26 am

Evilspinnre wrote: Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:49 am
Evilest wrote: Fri Apr 01, 2022 8:39 pm Positive changes I think.

Where's the ninja obligatory WL buff tho?
WL is in a good place rn.
When has WL not been in a good place?

Also loving the recent changes - thanks Team!
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Re: Patch Notes 01/04/2022

Post#42 » Sun Apr 03, 2022 5:44 am

wonshot wrote: Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:53 pm Based on the last two LOTD events with this new Anti-zerg debuff.
Do we still think this is the right approach?

Order has been trying to ball several warbands up on the same discord channels, all the more power to them. And been winning in kills for those concentrated spots where this super deathball goes, but destro have managed to backcap and break supply lines to force the deathball to spread out.

I might be Biased here, but isnt that exactly proof that this debuff is not working and its a player issue we are trying to adress with this mechanic debuff.
If the blob is winning in kills whith their death ball still (locally but not everall), but is also loosing the match/objectives. Wouldnt it be time to let go of the debuff approach and just let players spread out the action themselves? or will we see 75% debuff cap next week and same thing happening again.

Fantastic QoL changes, fun scenario, amazing cloak skin! Not sure i like the approach of aao doing the Malus thing (hidden or not hidden) i much rather AAO and underdog play is more appealing instead of punishing the one-realm only players who might happen to be on the momentum realm.
The enemy getting a debuff due to mindless blobbing (like you do along with all those freebootas, nugos, lutz and art of war zerglings) DOES make it more appealing to play the AAO side.

Since you stay on destro you may not realize it but there have been multiple evenings where the zerg was so much out of proportion that few kills were to be had in the first place on order --> making the AAO pointless.

At least with a hard debuff you have a fighting chance to actually score some kills.

Its a shame really, 1-2 years ago at least you were also playing the underdog side actively. Now its just NM and NGE that perform positive x-realming (and whilst good players, they account for like only 30 people max).

The debuff is a good thing and I am glad it is implemented the way it is.
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Re: Patch Notes 01/04/2022

Post#43 » Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:04 am

Emissary wrote: Sat Apr 02, 2022 9:02 am
devilx2022 wrote: Fri Apr 01, 2022 8:49 pm lol nice, and whats about healer or supporter they maybe make a kill possible? no dmg means no loot or what? do i miss something here? so we need nomore healer right now?
I'll agree with this. Being a tank or healer in a game that has already pushed a lot of my friends I play with away from the game. I have to run around solo until someone feels sorry for me. So my punting the maurader into the masses or my hold the line or my guard means absolutely zero if I get stuck in a group that isn't balanced with dps. I'm the one tank that does the least damage but supports my group the best.

Is there not a way to calculate protection and heals into these numbers?

If you're soloing on a tank in RvR you should use regen build and try to put out some damage.

If in a WB ask organizers to balance out groups in 2 2 2. That way you stand a good chance to get loot but if you're stuck with bad DPS no one can help you.

But, I believe the change now makes it so that even if you did 1% of dmg to an enemy you stand a 1% chance to get loot. Earlier 100% loot went to the highest dmg dealer and their group. In other words, even if you or any of your group did some dmg, you stand a chance to get loot. Higher the damage done higher the % chance.

The whole system is devised to promote grouping up. Before this new system, a solo support tank would not get any rewards or contribution as there was no way to be the highest damage dealer. IIRC there was a time when solo healing was also nerfed when they couldnt get contribution from heals done to people outside groups (Thats why you see selfish healers only rezzing people outside their group rather than healing them).

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Re: Patch Notes 01/04/2022

Post#44 » Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:34 am

Pretty cool changes!

very fun SC, do wish it gave some crests since it's still PvEvP :)

And BIG THANKS for making the ranked ring available, I think the price is pretty spot on too, would be nice with a version costing between 5-10k Triumphants, but great regardless!

Am I reading the charts right?
+100% AAO = +10% drop rate (now 85%)
-100% AAO = -10% drop rate (now 65%)

While obviously better (at least before -200% AAO), it still feels like a very gentle nudge when already at +40% AAO you are very unlikely to hold/win anything, but maybe that's a good thing.
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Re: Patch Notes 01/04/2022

Post#45 » Sun Apr 03, 2022 9:48 am

Ye i had to agree 8 war crest at the end would had not being bad since it tend to last 10+ mins always.

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Re: Patch Notes 01/04/2022

Post#46 » Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:32 pm

Evilspinnre wrote: Sat Apr 02, 2022 10:42 pm
wonshot wrote: Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:53 pm Fantastic QoL changes, fun scenario, amazing cloak skin! Not sure i like the approach of aao doing the Malus thing (hidden or not hidden) i much rather AAO and underdog play is more appealing instead of punishing the one-realm only players who might happen to be on the momentum realm.
How many times have you X-realmed to Order when they have had major aao/nothing organised in the past few weeks? :)
Well being guildleader of a oneside only realm i kinda stick to that realm. That doesnt mean i dont acknowledge taht there are bouth-realm-avilable guilds on the server who will crossrealm and look for the challange depends on population and help even out the imballance.
I very much believe the both-realm-available guilds are a blessing to this server, and not having us end up with a one-sided World of Warcraft alike horror level where everyone on a server plays 90% population on one realm, and instead we are closer to a 60/40 split in extreme cases of complaint on RoR. But at the same time, i think the system should promote it even more for players who CAN take on the challenge of going against the higher pop, should be rewarded and incentiviced for doing so. Just my input.
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Re: Patch Notes 01/04/2022

Post#47 » Sun Apr 03, 2022 7:34 pm


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Re: Patch Notes 01/04/2022

Post#48 » Fri Apr 08, 2022 1:47 am

wonshot wrote: Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:32 pm Well being guildleader of a oneside only realm i kinda stick to that realm. That doesnt mean i dont acknowledge taht there are bouth-realm-avilable guilds on the server who will crossrealm and look for the challange depends on population and help even out the imballance.
I very much believe the both-realm-available guilds are a blessing to this server, and not having us end up with a one-sided World of Warcraft alike horror level where everyone on a server plays 90% population on one realm, and instead we are closer to a 60/40 split in extreme cases of complaint on RoR. But at the same time, i think the system should promote it even more for players who CAN take on the challenge of going against the higher pop, should be rewarded and incentiviced for doing so. Just my input.
Or the other approach is that blobbing should be penalised and punished. I remember years ago when it was just 24 v 24 and you'd maybe have a warband reinforcing another, that made for some great memories where you're one warband holding off a constant stream of reinforcements. Now it's just endless blobs of 2-3 WB's running around together winning through numbers. And organised WB's, the one's you'd think would try to take a stance against this sort of behaviour. Have joined in. If I wanted to I could list an Alliance that groups up 2-3 WB's on a regular basis and zergs during primetime. It really sucks that this is what RvR has turned into. The reason the 60-40 split has become an issue. Is because of zerging. If Warbands played as warbands and didn't zerg. Numbers wouldn't be as much of an issue. But when everyone blobs together numbers start counting far more than skill or gear.

And unfortunately, AAO only goes so far. In fact I don't even look at AAO and think "Ooo I can get 80% reward from this zone because I'm outnumbered". I think "We're heavily outnumbered in that zone, meaning we're probably going to get destroyed and should try to divide their forces into another region". Which is now harder to do thanks to only 2 zones being open (and sometimes only 1 zone). Reward players all you like for fighting against the odds, that's fine. But at a certain point if people don't stop zerging by taking the carrot on the stick. You need to beat them with the stick until they stop.
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Re: Patch Notes 01/04/2022

Post#49 » Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:10 am

Scottx125 wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 1:47 am
wonshot wrote: Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:32 pm Well being guildleader of a oneside only realm i kinda stick to that realm. That doesnt mean i dont acknowledge taht there are bouth-realm-avilable guilds on the server who will crossrealm and look for the challange depends on population and help even out the imballance.
I very much believe the both-realm-available guilds are a blessing to this server, and not having us end up with a one-sided World of Warcraft alike horror level where everyone on a server plays 90% population on one realm, and instead we are closer to a 60/40 split in extreme cases of complaint on RoR. But at the same time, i think the system should promote it even more for players who CAN take on the challenge of going against the higher pop, should be rewarded and incentiviced for doing so. Just my input.
Or the other approach is that blobbing should be penalised and punished. I remember years ago when it was just 24 v 24 and you'd maybe have a warband reinforcing another, that made for some great memories where you're one warband holding off a constant stream of reinforcements. Now it's just endless blobs of 2-3 WB's running around together winning through numbers. And organised WB's, the one's you'd think would try to take a stance against this sort of behaviour. Have joined in. If I wanted to I could list an Alliance that groups up 2-3 WB's on a regular basis and zergs during primetime. It really sucks that this is what RvR has turned into. The reason the 60-40 split has become an issue. Is because of zerging. If Warbands played as warbands and didn't zerg. Numbers wouldn't be as much of an issue. But when everyone blobs together numbers start counting far more than skill or gear.

And unfortunately, AAO only goes so far. In fact I don't even look at AAO and think "Ooo I can get 80% reward from this zone because I'm outnumbered". I think "We're heavily outnumbered in that zone, meaning we're probably going to get destroyed and should try to divide their forces into another region". Which is now harder to do thanks to only 2 zones being open (and sometimes only 1 zone). Reward players all you like for fighting against the odds, that's fine. But at a certain point if people don't stop zerging by taking the carrot on the stick. You need to beat them with the stick until they stop.
24 aoe cap instead of 9 is the biggest of the reasons zerg is impossible to stop and player skill after certain numbers doesnt really matter. When attacks hit max 6-9 people you used to need 2 parties (4 dps) to do dmg as many as 24 people at same time. Now when you only need 1 dps to dmg 24 this is what promotes zerging and brainless aoe spamming becaues there is nothing you can do after enemy has enough numbers.

RoR really needs 6-9 aoe cap back with some of the very good, some would even say OP CC abilities like 9 sec stagger (which when you coordinated it u had enough time to kill alot with your 6-12 man against HUGE number of enemies) and you had chance to kill big numbers with 6-12. There are so much nerfs to "OP" or not even OP skills/mechanics/everything and average player skill in RoR is soul shatteringly bad, because you dont need to be good when you can spam few abilities to kill insane numbers=)
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Re: Patch Notes 01/04/2022

Post#50 » Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:12 pm

@Sinisterror I completely forgot about that change, but yeah those changes would make it more possible for smaller numbers to hold off large zergs. Or at least make large zergs less potent.
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