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[SW] whats the point of SW?

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Re: [SW] whats the point of SW?

Post#51 » Thu Aug 26, 2021 5:25 am

Skirmish seems really weak single target atleast scout do some kind of damage, I wish the heal debuff returns to 100ft, squig herder same spec does so much damage yeah he pays with 65ft but still. And Assault spec seems you need end game gear to be decent.

Posts: 36

Re: [SW] whats the point of SW?

Post#52 » Thu Aug 26, 2021 11:02 am

They scattered both physical ranged classes. Both RSH and RSW are not what they used to be. At least SW still has a chance to fight from 100ft by simply not slotting aoe tactic.. When it comes to all the complaining about dmg output I dont think SW has such an issue.

Posts: 135

Re: [SW] whats the point of SW?

Post#53 » Wed Sep 08, 2021 8:09 pm

I was playing a tiny Chosen in the Nordland lake. Up by Harvest I see a Mara getting beat up by a SW. So I ride up on them to engage. The SW sees me coming and give me a nice knock-back. For a moment I think “rats, guess I’m going to lose”

But then I remember how laughable the SW’s kit is and I just walk the fellow down. He gets a little too close just once and I land my snare and its over.

Sure he is way out of range when the snare actually lands but that’s the way it goes isn’t it. He was close enough for just an instant and then 20 feet later, BOOM hes done kiting.

I just walk him down and beat him to death.

He never had a chance. I don’t think I even took 25% damage. He thought he could kite me. He didn’t realize that just doesn’t work. If you are close enough to hit the chosen, you are close enough to get snared and killed.

The numbers on paper say it shouldn’t be that way. But the practical application of events on the server say that if you spend the time to take a shot, you are dead.

See, if effects checked to see if you were out of range when they landed, it would be a different story.

If my snare, upon landing, checked and saw that he was 20 feet away and instantly broke, then yeah, he could have kited me to death. But that’s not the way it works. Because I can effectively throw snares out way past their range limits, kiting just means you die tired.

It was nice to be on the giving side of it for once.

Posts: 111

Re: [SW] whats the point of SW?

Post#54 » Thu Sep 09, 2021 12:38 am

Nice story bro but you can't compare tier 1 with endgame. It's A LOT different.

Some things might not change but others do.

Yeah, SW is a bit weak atm. I think they should switch the position of fester arrow and fell the weak like it is for SHs and make the finisher useable in skirmish stance. Broadhead should be useable in assault again and split arrow should have 75 or 80ft range. 65ft is just not enough. Every melee train will eat you alive. You are getting pulled and killed by melee aoe spam because you can't stay ranged. They don't even have to target you. You just die to random hits.

That would be a start.

Posts: 3

Re: [SW] whats the point of SW?

Post#55 » Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:04 am

SW is really bad

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Re: [SW] whats the point of SW?

Post#56 » Tue Nov 02, 2021 4:50 am

Try a BW or Rifle engie for ranged youll be much happier.
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Re: [SW] whats the point of SW?

Post#57 » Tue Nov 02, 2021 10:25 am

This topic is one giant collection of L2P issues.
<Countered By Skill> & <RUN AWAY>

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Posts: 306

Re: [SW] whats the point of SW?

Post#58 » Tue Nov 02, 2021 11:13 am

SW takes a bit of everything to be great.

1st thing don't judge t1 anything. No one has the full kit of abilities at that point and some classes need more skills to really shine later in the game. SW is one of those classes that only gets better when you start getting more utilities to use. You have 3 snares to use one at level 5 (takedown), level 12 (whirling pin aoe around you), level 32 (m2 Ambush aoe) you also can tactic for takedown to have 15sec duration. You also can get a ranged Knockdown and melee knock down and a disarm. You get a lot of utility just not right away so it takes some time for SW to shine.

SW is great because you can play a bunch of different ways, you can play full range glass cannon, you can play aoe mid range, you can play melee, you can play a hybrid mid range/melee build. They all take time to learn though, they all play different and you need to put in the hours to learn what to do. You can also just zerg surf spamming broadhead arrow and just make sure you stay max range.

Kiting isn't enough in this game. You have to always be prekiting or always be moving. If you are standing still trying to shoot any casted skill while a melee is barreling down on you and you have no support you are doing it wrong. If you have no one targeting you or don't see anyone coming at you feel free to throw out some hard hitting arrows but you need to be always paying attention to the fight and if you need to move. Witchelves will be a bit of a tough fight depending on the spec they are playing, but no one spec is the answer to all classes.

SW also suffers from the armor meta. You have some skills that do magic damage but most are physical so you need not only good ballistics but you need good weapon skill for armor pen along with decent survival stats. If you are playing in orvr and you have gear that is decent for your level the bolster will almost always take care of maxing out your ballistics and wounds. Wearing gear during those levels that increases your weapon skill or defenses will go a long way with helping out your damage/survival. This is something that all physical ranged or melee have to deal with and that magic users don't. Everyone having access to armor pots at end game just makes playing a physical dps a challenging balancing act to find the fine line of enough damage but enough survival that you don't explode the moment someone touches you.

Posts: 631

Re: [SW] whats the point of SW?

Post#59 » Tue Nov 02, 2021 2:06 pm

SW are fragile but seem to have no problem killing some of my toons on destro when they really want to.

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Re: [SW] whats the point of SW?

Post#60 » Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:30 pm

BHA hits 1.5 / 2k on tanks ..

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