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Incoming ! (unless someone lied to me)

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Re: Incoming ! (unless someone lied to me)

Post#71 » Wed May 09, 2018 8:58 pm

Darkfusion11 wrote: Wed May 09, 2018 8:35 pm Will the renown gain potions still work after this?


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Re: Incoming ! (unless someone lied to me)

Post#72 » Wed May 09, 2018 9:00 pm

Darks63 wrote: Wed May 09, 2018 7:19 pm Will killing ppl at 80 plus yield more renown than 80 or less or will killing a 255 be the same gain as killing an 80?

Currently it will yield more. No idea if we change this at some point.

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Re: Incoming ! (unless someone lied to me)

Post#73 » Wed May 09, 2018 9:38 pm

Esperflame wrote: Wed May 09, 2018 12:49 pm
Mystriss wrote: Wed May 09, 2018 12:21 pm I, for one, am pleased to hear no more points after 80. I think live made a big mistake when they put in RR100.

I do hope that any RR80+ gear is better balanced as well; invader was bad enough, sovereign was pretty ridiculous.
You do realize Sov gear was the rr80 set right? Sov was pretty strong, but it's Doomflayer and Warpforged that threw all balance out the window.
I had to go back to my game videos to refresh my memory as gear is not really my strong suit. Gear is one of those things I was chronically unhappy with in live, the balancing was so lazy. So, uhm, yeah I was talking about when /I/ hit RR80 on my SW (in 2010) so yeah, uhm, I was being a wee bit self-centered >.< Now that I've got my **** straight let me correct myself here :P

According to my videos Warlord was RR60s, and /that/ is what I was thinking of (rather than Invader as I previously stated.) Warlord is when I started to get inklings of unhappiness with gear starting to go all out of whack balance wise. According to my videos I went from Warlord to complete sets of both defensive and offensive Sov. and I recall being very disheartened by the ability to stand solo in the path of enemy zergs in /either/ Sov set. I felt like a tank in both of em, which is ridiculous.

That is where I stopped getting gear, and in fact I shortly became so displeased with the live dev's ~cough~ "vision" ~cough~ for WAR that I basically quit playing (their lazy "balancing" BS in 2011 irked me, came back a year later hoping they'd fixt, they hadn't so I quit for about another year, then quit again - then the servers shut down.) I never even really got LoTD gear, I don't even want to know how OP Doom and Warp was honestly >.< It would only ruin my opinions of later years WAR live further :P

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Re: Incoming ! (unless someone lied to me)

Post#74 » Wed May 09, 2018 9:46 pm

Torquemadra wrote: Wed May 09, 2018 4:40 pm
Nameless wrote: Wed May 09, 2018 1:00 pm At 100 df and wf sets werent the problem. The problem was that mythic changed their formulas so each lvl past 80 was giving enormous advantage against post 80 chars. New Sets also were pretty good, but not so much better than sov. But the hidden lvls made the godlike feel
Yeah it was monstrously stupid, originally hitting rr80 got you an additional +1 level modifier to all your abilities, nice powerful perk and not gamebreaking.

RR81-100 gave you this "hidden" level at every rr point and made characters essentially rank 60 THEN coupled with the insane power levels of the gear and you would get power grinders soloing warbands with impunity. It was later "nerfed" to 5 hidden levels (plus the one for rr80) so you would be level 46 at rr100 which along with the gear (which was also nerfed) was still incredibly broken which is why people hid at r39 in t3, turned off xp and had to wait till they had rr70 and could buy pity sov for gold.

That this was signed off on is one of lifes great mysteries, it wont happen here.
THAT is why I basically quit after RR80! I always played WAR for the fights and that particular change pretty much ruined everything for me :(

I <3 that ya'll aren't gonna do that kind of stupid "make the whiners happy" stuff. You guys rock! \o/

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Re: Incoming ! (unless someone lied to me)

Post#75 » Wed May 09, 2018 10:03 pm

Torquemadra wrote: Wed May 09, 2018 4:40 pm
That this was signed off on is one of lifes great mysteries, it wont happen here.

Its not a mystery

the "RR expansion pack" was clearly broken and pay 2 win

intentionally made so that people would buy it or be at a clear disadvantage

released in the end days of WAR's life span so that EA could scrounge up last bit of coin from the players

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Re: Incoming ! (unless someone lied to me)

Post#76 » Wed May 09, 2018 10:44 pm

Torquemadra wrote: Wed May 09, 2018 6:17 pm
Sedok wrote: Wed May 09, 2018 5:08 pm
Torquemadra wrote: Wed May 09, 2018 4:40 pm That this was signed off on is one of lifes great mysteries, it wont happen here.

WAR's history seems to be filled with many baffling design decisions.
To be fair, a lot of what seemed stupid makes sense and wasnt that bad in the overall context of things of how its all constructed, at least pre Carrie. Once Gouskos got the reigns stupidity reigned supreme.

I'm excited to meet someone who's as disgusted with her as I am with carrie gouskos, thx to carry they abandoned the idea of vampire count expansion in exchange for the spin off wrath of heroes.
Perche choppa rr100 RIp
Dizparate squid rr100 Rip

Bayoneta vonsodomiten Dok
Froilan Borbon engi nerfed in last 2 patch.

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Re: Incoming ! (unless someone lied to me)

Post#77 » Wed May 09, 2018 10:53 pm

NoRKaLKiLLa wrote: Wed May 09, 2018 6:29 pm
GodlessCrom wrote: Wed May 09, 2018 5:09 pm If cosmetics and titles are linked to higher RR, guaranteed incentive to grind. Valve makes bundles of cash of hat-acquisition-simulators. I imagine even without money, people will no-life away for some Khorne armor, or the Collector's Edition kegbeard.
hatfortress2 stayed relevant and kept them rolling in dough for very very very minimal effort
ye ye i'm one of those people who still play tf2

it's a great idea, more character customization on top of the additional specialization already created via stat and direct class changes. everything i always wanted this server to be

is there any hope of 3D artists being able to add entirely new resources to the game with client control? i haven't been following this topic much

Posts: 572

Re: Incoming ! (unless someone lied to me)

Post#78 » Thu May 10, 2018 12:22 am

Any chance Stabbity SH's will get something to work towards with this cosmetic update? Off the top of my head, I'm thinking:

RR 100 = Top Hat
RR 200 = Monocle
RR 255 = Gentleman's Cane

If that's too hardcore for people, I see it was implied earlier that changing character size is possible, so maybe something like every 10 RR level passed 80 = 1% size increase, then the normal size increase at 255 that everyone gets if that happens. Would be an appropriate way to show the prestige and age of a big squig I think that might not take too much dev work. If not that, maybe new or bigger nose rings? The one I'm wearing now is so last decade. Godzilla skin would work too FTR.
Destro: Chompy, ShroomStew, TrollBlood, DoomBeast, DoomDoctor, DoomDisk, Doomshadow, FunkFoot, Bloodwell
Order: Stormwall, Mistfall, CatNap, BoomRune, Bangman

Posts: 572

Re: Incoming ! (unless someone lied to me)

Post#79 » Thu May 10, 2018 1:10 am

Ah gotcha thx for clarification!
Destro: Chompy, ShroomStew, TrollBlood, DoomBeast, DoomDoctor, DoomDisk, Doomshadow, FunkFoot, Bloodwell
Order: Stormwall, Mistfall, CatNap, BoomRune, Bangman

Posts: 143

Re: Incoming ! (unless someone lied to me)

Post#80 » Thu May 10, 2018 2:52 am

Torquemadra wrote: Thu May 10, 2018 1:06 am
Foomy44 wrote: Thu May 10, 2018 12:22 am Any chance Stabbity SH's will get something to work towards with this cosmetic update? Off the top of my head, I'm thinking:

RR 100 = Top Hat
RR 200 = Monocle
RR 255 = Gentleman's Cane

If that's too hardcore for people, I see it was implied earlier that changing character size is possible, so maybe something like every 10 RR level passed 80 = 1% size increase, then the normal size increase at 255 that everyone gets if that happens. Would be an appropriate way to show the prestige and age of a big squig I think that might not take too much dev work. If not that, maybe new or bigger nose rings? The one I'm wearing now is so last decade. Godzilla skin would work too FTR.
The sizes available doesnt work like that, its currently either slightly bigger (aka choppa/slayer rage) or huge (aka champions in city fights) with nothing inbetween
I would love to see a Giant Champion sized black orc running around

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