[SH] Bad Gas

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Re: [SH] Bad Gas

Post#91 » Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:19 am

So I know this is crazy and probably will get dismissed but I use to run premade warbands of single race back on live. I ran 6 mans to 18 mans. I personally think this was its intention and original design but the players didn't catch on. designers fault to not convey this message imo. I played mainly dwarves and high elfs.

Lookin at BG why not run 2 SH that hang around stationary healers that coordinate BG off each other. Timing it off of each other so that it is always up. Obviously this requires at least 2 groups premade and a lot of coordination. In the racial groups usually it was desired to have a rock hard dps to be near tank defenses so he didn't require a full time guard. They would get a floating guard when needed. I assume that SA allowed for this to happen for greenskinz.

Its been awhile since I have been in the meta of this game.

Melee trains could be potentially shut down by this? I forgot BG's original design as it wasn't my primary focus.

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Re: [SH] Bad Gas

Post#92 » Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:24 pm

why you concern about Sqh survability? as bw>/sorc bombing take less damage than a 3 sec melee squig that need to apply bad gas.
There is a 50% guard damage reduction for that, the problem is slayer opness that outshine it not squig aoe viability.

the user above me have probably right about the racial wb, sm,wl,am spiritual combo seems point in that direction, then maybe was too hard to do and dindn't get incetived.

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Re: [SH] Bad Gas

Post#93 » Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:47 pm

Classic premade even multi racial is 2 tanks 2 healers 2 dps. That gives you 4 tough players due to guard and 2 squishy. When premade vs premade you have to figure out which are the ones not guarded. You can mitigate this if your tanks are good at floating their guard and working with the other tank in the group.

You can make a 5th tough character thats not a tank. Lots of spec's have access to this. Marauder aoe spec. Magus rift, Runepriest (forget the spec but you can get up there in defenses) <--- the oathfriend of the IB would buff the tank runepriests willpower since the tank runepriest didn't stack heaps of willpower since he knew he was getting a large willpower buff from his IB. SH SA spec. SW have a tank build. These spec's can give you near tank level defenses.

This gives your group 5 tough players and 1 squishy. Usually 1 of the tanks is floating thier guard. while the other is providing a dedicated guard.

Now granted you can go for a glass cannon premade for more dps. This is just different options to have.

Bomb groups can be tricky but you can pick it apart in premades.

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