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[Swordmaster]Why are our tactics so bad?

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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[Swordmaster]Why are our tactics so bad?

Post#1 » Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:45 pm

Is there any reason why the SM's tactics are as bad as they are? There aren't really any must slot tactics :( Every class should really have something worthwhile to slot on its tactic bar! Here are a selection of some tactics that other tanks get:

-Dirty tricks
-Slice through
-Banish darkness
-Punishing knock
-Soul killer
-Crippling strikes
-Destined for victory

Go look at what those tactics do, then go look at what the SM can slot. 99% of the SM tactics are pointless or extremely selfish. Where are the group buffs, debuffs or CC?

Do we know if there are any plans in the future to make the SM/BO more useful? Or should I just reroll a KOTBS to be useful and not waste my time investing hours into the SM?
WL Althii
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Re: [Swordmaster]Why are our tactics so bad?

Post#2 » Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:59 pm

Basically no changes till t4. Once there then classes which are lacking will be looked at. I'll be guessing that most of the focus will be on Magus/Engi, and SM/BO(Although they are crazy good atm), and the odd look at useless trees for other classes.

If you have changes to recommend to the devs to implement, get them ready for the new Gameplay and Balance forum which will be unlocked soon.

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Re: [Swordmaster]Why are our tactics so bad?

Post#3 » Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:07 pm

It should be obvious by now mythic didn't care much about balance, let alone making more than 1 or 2 specs/playstyles viable within a class... which are what tactics should be doing... creating opportunities for new builds/roles/playstyles in conjunction with mastery trees.

Post your SM tactic reworks :^)
Forceful Shock: Each proc has a x% chance to interrupt the target, and cause them to lose their main target. moved to 11 pts in khaine tree, GWM made core.
It seems like a lot of tactics that were gutted by the CC immunity patch were never reworked.

Never played around with Blessing of Heaven but I assume that is pretty useless? Maybe could be changed to something useful.
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Re: [Swordmaster]Why are our tactics so bad?

Post#4 » Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:53 pm

mean while everyone ignores the powerful stat steal, the pretty dang nice surviveablity with pretty dam high parry, and ofc WW being 100x better than chop fasta :^)

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Re: [Swordmaster]Why are our tactics so bad?

Post#5 » Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:57 pm

TenTonHammer wrote:mean while everyone ignores the powerful stat steal, the pretty dang nice surviveablity with pretty dam high parry, and ofc WW being 100x better than chop fasta :^)
I don't think anybody is arguing the utility of the SM as a whole, the discussion is only why they have lackluster tactics. This isn't restricted to Swordmasters though, just about every class has more useless tactics than useful ones. This will be something to look at across the board in the future.

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Re: [Swordmaster]Why are our tactics so bad?

Post#6 » Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:58 pm

Genisaurus wrote:
TenTonHammer wrote:mean while everyone ignores the powerful stat steal, the pretty dang nice surviveablity with pretty dam high parry, and ofc WW being 100x better than chop fasta :^)
I don't think anybody is arguing the utility of the SM as a whole, the discussion is only why they have lackluster tactics. This isn't restricted to Swordmasters though, just about every class has more useless tactics than useful ones. This will be something to look at across the board in the future.
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Re: [Swordmaster]Why are our tactics so bad?

Post#7 » Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:06 pm

Genisaurus wrote:
TenTonHammer wrote:mean while everyone ignores the powerful stat steal, the pretty dang nice surviveablity with pretty dam high parry, and ofc WW being 100x better than chop fasta :^)
I don't think anybody is arguing the utility of the SM as a whole, the discussion is only why they have lackluster tactics. This isn't restricted to Swordmasters though, just about every class has more useless tactics than useful ones. This will be something to look at across the board in the future.
I personally think Great Weapon Mastery for Sword Masters should just be incorporated into the Great Weapon. This frees up their options in both specs and tactics, and rewards the SM for going two hander in some defensive specs. (offtopic: something similar done for BGs). They are called Swordmasters yet they have to go 12 points up the Khaine tree to become a "Master" at their iconic weapon. Hope this isn't too radicalizing.
Last edited by Gobtar on Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [Swordmaster]Why are our tactics so bad?

Post#8 » Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:08 pm

Genisaurus wrote:
TenTonHammer wrote:mean while everyone ignores the powerful stat steal, the pretty dang nice surviveablity with pretty dam high parry, and ofc WW being 100x better than chop fasta :^)
I don't think anybody is arguing the utility of the SM as a whole, the discussion is only why they have lackluster tactics. This isn't restricted to Swordmasters though, just about every class has more useless tactics than useful ones. This will be something to look at across the board in the future.
Yes we all agree every class has useless tactics.

My issue is that the SM has no useful tactics :(
WL Althii
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Re: [Swordmaster]Why are our tactics so bad?

Post#9 » Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:25 pm

No-brainer first changes for SM:

- Forceful Shock's name changed to Dragon's Breath and affecting Dragon's Talon instead of Blurring Shock (st knockback tactic)
- Dampening Talon's name changed to Forceful Shock and affecting Blurring Shock instead of Dragon's Talon (block/parry reduction tactic)

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Re: [Swordmaster]Why are our tactics so bad?

Post#10 » Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:30 pm

U are wasting your time as SM if u can't find a single good tact...
To name some: Ensorcelled Agony (only 1 i'd call must have for every build atm); Potent Enchantments (spir dps? or crappy corp?); Calming Winds (wonderful anti-caster tool if u manage to stay in PS as much as possible); Perfect Defenses (same but for parry/block %); Lingering Intimidation (25% less crit chance spammable); Vaul Buffer (perfect synergy with both CW and PD); BA (must have for a offence/tank).
Plus rugged/Isha prot which are shared.
How can't u find 3 good tacts? xD

I like both changes proposed by aza, that 2 tact are almost useless atm, Forceful Shock for sure :)

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