White Lion pet damage

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White Lion pet damage

Post#1 » Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:18 pm

The Issue:

As you can see in the pictures below, the damage of the pet is pretty low. On tanks I would say it is almost non existand.
For speccs which rely on the owner more than the pet it seems after some testing it seems that the White Lion loses about 15-20% of its damage.

Why is it an issue

Well on one hand it is an issue for an White lion to have less damage as he is a melee-dps. But thats something we could work with.
The first main problem is the Guardian Tree. As Korhill, who tested it, mentioned it took a rather serious blow due to this damage loss. It seems nearly unplayable now. The second main problem is, that the sense of a pet class is, at least on the concept that is used in war, that the pet contributes a certain amount of damage and utility. So you have a higher Damage output if you can manage your pet and a way lower if you are incapable of using your pet properly. If the pet doesnt contribute to the damage, as the above screenshots highly indicate, this whole dimension of gameplay is lost.

The solution I propose

The damage of 100 dps before the patch was too high, no doubt about it. But now it is to low. So my solution would be, to link it to the dps of the owners weapon. So if the owners weapon had 12 dps so had the pet. if the owners weapon had 78 dps so has the pet. you also could link its attackspeed to the owners attackspeed. The advantage of it is, that the damage develops with the gear, so you wont get too high damage of the pet in the low levels and it will be appropriate high to be accountable even with better gear on the enemy player.
Andyrion Ulthenair
Arphyrion Soulblade

Posts: 4441

Re: White Lion pet damage

Post#2 » Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:42 pm

This has already been implemented.

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